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Created September 3, 2010 20:20
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assign(Partition, ToNode) ->
F = fun(Ring, _) ->
{new_ring, riak_core_ring:transfer_node(Partition, ToNode, Ring)}
{ok, _} = riak_core_ring_manager:ring_trans(F, undefined),
check_ring() ->
{ok, R} = riak_core_ring_manager:get_my_ring(),
check_ring(Ring) ->
{ok, Props} = application:get_env(riak_core, default_bucket_props),
{n_val, Nval} = lists:keyfind(n_val, 1, Props),
Preflists = riak_core_ring:all_preflists(Ring, Nval),
lists:foldl(fun(PL,Acc) ->
PLNodes = lists:usort([Node || {_,Node} <- PL]),
case length(PLNodes) of
Nval ->
_ ->
ordsets:add_element(PL, Acc)
end, [], Preflists).
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