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Created January 21, 2024 05:40
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Results pattern with a Post-Processor doing the response sending.
var bld = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = bld.Build();
sealed class Request
public bool IsHappyPath { get; set; }
sealed class Response
public string Message { get; set; }
sealed class TestEndpoint : Endpoint<Request, Result<Response>> //set response type to ardalis Result<T>
public override void Configure()
DontAutoSendResponse(); //disable auto send to allow post-processor to handle sending
PostProcessor<ResponseSender>(); //register post processor
x => x.Produces<Response>(200) //override swagger response type for 200 ok
public override Task<Result<Response>> ExecuteAsync(Request r, CancellationToken ct)
=> Task.FromResult(HelloService.SayHello(r.IsHappyPath)); //return a Result<T>
sealed class ResponseSender : IPostProcessor<Request, Result<Response>>
public async Task PostProcessAsync(IPostProcessorContext<Request, Result<Response>> ctx, CancellationToken ct)
if (!ctx.HttpContext.ResponseStarted())
var result = ctx.Response!;
switch (result.Status)
case ResultStatus.Ok:
await ctx.HttpContext.Response.SendAsync(result.GetValue());
case ResultStatus.Invalid:
var failures = result.ValidationErrors.Select(e => new ValidationFailure(e.Identifier, e.ErrorMessage)).ToList();
await ctx.HttpContext.Response.SendErrorsAsync(failures);
sealed class HelloService
public static Result<Response> SayHello(bool isHappyPath)
if (!isHappyPath)
return Result<Response>.Invalid(
new List<ValidationError>
Identifier = nameof(Request.IsHappyPath),
ErrorMessage = "I am unhappy!"
return Result<Response>.Success(new() { Message = "hello world..." });
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How do I register my PostProcessor which needs to be generic to handle TRequest and TResponse from different flows?

following is my code:

sealed class AquaResponseSender<TRequest, TResponse> : IPostProcessor<TRequest, Result<TResponse>>
    public async Task PostProcessAsync(IPostProcessorContext<TRequest, Result<TResponse>> context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (!context.HttpContext.ResponseStarted())
            var result = context.Response!;

            switch (result.Status)
             // removed it for brevity

and I am registering it like this:

PostProcessor<AquaResponseSender<TRequest, TResponse>>();

but it never gets called. what am I missing?

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@pradeepgururani just tried the following by making the post-processor generic, and it works.


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Thank you for quick response. Actually I am trying to extend Endpoint to handle some work in my own implementation. Here is my code that is extending Endpoint.

public class AquaEndpoint<TRequest, TResponse>: Endpoint<TRequest, Result<TResponse>> where TRequest : class
    public override void Configure()
        PostProcessor<AquaResponseSender<TRequest, TResponse>>(); // this is brute force because it is not working with following signature:
The type 'Aqua.Api.AquaResponseSender<TRequest,Ardalis.Result.Result<TResponse>>' must be convertible to
 'FastEndpoints.IPostProcessor<TRequest,Ardalis.Result.Result<TResponse>>' in order to use it as 
parameter 'TPostProcessor' in the generic method 
'void FastEndpoints.Endpoint<TRequest,TResponse>.PostProcessor<TPostProcessor>()'

then my endpoint looks like this:

public class Update(IMediator mediator) : AquaEndpoint<UpdateAgeWiseMasterRequest, Result<AgeWiseMasterRecord>>
    public override void Configure()
        //PostProcessor<AquaResponseSender<UpdateAgeWiseMasterRequest, Result<AgeWiseMasterRecord>>>();

    public override async Task HandleAsync(UpdateAgeWiseMasterRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Here is PostProcessor:

sealed class AquaResponseSender<TRequest, TResponse> : IPostProcessor<TRequest, Result<TResponse>>
    public async Task PostProcessAsync(IPostProcessorContext<TRequest, Result<TResponse>> context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

However with these things together AquaResponseSender is not triggering. If I comment PostProcessor<AquaResponseSender<TRequest, TResponse>>(); in base class and have it on actual Endpoint with specific type like this PostProcessor<AquaResponseSender<UpdateAgeWiseMasterRequest, Result<AgeWiseMasterRecord>>>(); then it is working. Working only for unhandled exceptions and all handled business scenarios are not executed because of context.HttpContext.ResponseStarted() check.

Am I on right track with the idea of extending EndPoint? Reason to go on that path is to avoid putting DontSend... and PostProcessor on each endpoint though I anyway will have to make them inherit from new base class.

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Reason to go on that path is to avoid putting DontSend... and PostProcessor on each endpoint

in that case, i think the cleanest solution would be to use a global post processor and avoid subclassing the endpoint class.

sealed class GlobalResponseSender : IGlobalPostProcessor
    public async Task PostProcessAsync(IPostProcessorContext ctx, CancellationToken ct)
        if (!ctx.HttpContext.ResponseStarted())
            var result = (IResult)ctx.Response!; //cast is necessary since we don't know what the actual response dto type is

            switch (result.Status)
                case ResultStatus.Ok:
                    await ctx.HttpContext.Response.SendAsync(result.GetValue());


                case ResultStatus.Invalid:
                    var failures = result.ValidationErrors.Select(e => new ValidationFailure(e.Identifier, e.ErrorMessage)).ToList();
                    await ctx.HttpContext.Response.SendErrorsAsync(failures);


register it like so:

       c => c.Endpoints.Configurator =
                ep =>

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