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Created October 6, 2023 10:43
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Unit testing an endpoint that executes a command
sealed class MyRequest
public int Id { get; set; }
public sealed class MyCommand : ICommand<int>
public string Identity { get; set; }
sealed class MyCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<MyCommand, int>
public Task<int> ExecuteAsync(MyCommand command, CancellationToken ct)
=> Task.FromResult(int.Parse(command.Identity));
sealed class MyEndpoint : Endpoint<MyRequest, int>
public override void Configure()
public override async Task HandleAsync(MyRequest r, CancellationToken c)
var command = new MyCommand { Identity = r.Id.ToString() };
var result = await command.ExecuteAsync();
await SendAsync(result);
public async Task Endpoint_With_Command_Inside()
var ep = Factory.Create<MyEndpoint>();
var req = new MyRequest { Id = 123 };
var fakeHandler = A.Fake<ICommandHandler<MyCommand, int>>();
A.CallTo(() => fakeHandler.ExecuteAsync(A<MyCommand>.Ignored, A<CancellationToken>.Ignored))
fakeHandler.RegisterForTesting(); // this is the important bit
await ep.HandleAsync(req, default);
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