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Created August 25, 2022 05:59
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C# GPS Doppler Graphic Pgm
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO;
namespace ITP_LPS_rev011
public partial class Form1 : Form
int rN;
int rowN;//dgv rowCount
String fname;
public double[] f;
public double[] fout;
public double [] fkekka;
//bitmap definition
const int bw=180000 ;
Bitmap sourceBitmap = new Bitmap(bw, 500);//X軸bw個 data(10msec周期で300秒) Y軸
Bitmap trimmedBitmap = new Bitmap(1000, 500);//PictuerBox1に貼りこむBitmap
private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox[] CBarry;
//CheckBox Arry
private System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox[] CKarry;
//Struct GraphLine
public Color []samples= new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Blue, Color.Green ,Color.Yellow,Color.Aqua,Color.DeepPink};
struct lines
public string name;//LIne名 選択されたデータ名
public bool available;//Lineが有効:true 無効:false
public int colN;//Column番号
public Color clr;
public int sa;//data 間隔
public int rN_avail;
public int period;
public int x;
public int x_1;
public int y;
public int y_1;
public int max;
public int min;
public int baseL;//Graph base Line 1/2 1/1
public int uscale;//headMot=100000
lines[] gline;//gline global
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
serialPort1.BaudRate = 115200;
serialPort1.Parity = Parity.None;
serialPort1.DataBits = 8;
serialPort1.StopBits = StopBits.One;
serialPort1.Handshake = Handshake.None;
serialPort1.PortName = portComboBox.Text;
//file name timestanmp
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
fname = dt.ToString($"{dt:MMddHHmm}");
string fpath = "C:/RTK_LOG/";
fname = fpath + fname + ".csv";
textBox2.Text = fname;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Text = "ITP_LPS_rev011";
string[] ports = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
foreach (string port in ports)
if (portComboBox.Items.Count > 0)
portComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
rN = 0;
// this.MouseWheel += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.Form1_MouseWheel);
//comboBox7 MovingAverage 初期値0
comboBox7.SelectedIndex = 0;
this.CBarry = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox[6];
this.CKarry = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox[6];
this.CBarry[0] = this.comboBox1;
this.CBarry[1] = this.comboBox2;
this.CBarry[2] = this.comboBox3;
this.CBarry[3] = this.comboBox4;
this.CBarry[4] = this.comboBox5;
this.CBarry[5] = this.comboBox6;
this.CKarry[0] = this.checkBox2;
this.CKarry[1] = this.checkBox3;
this.CKarry[2] = this.checkBox4;
this.CKarry[3] = this.checkBox5;
this.CKarry[4] = this.checkBox6;
this.CKarry[5] = this.checkBox7;
//combobox color
// comboBox1.BackColor = Color.Red;
int ia;
for (ia = 0; ia <6; ia++)
CBarry[ia].SelectedIndex = 0;
private void name2gline(int comN)
string name= CBarry[comN].Text;
gline[comN].name = name;
gline[comN].clr = samples[comN];
gline[comN].available = true;
gline[comN].max = 10000;
gline[comN].min = -10000;
gline[comN].baseL = 2;
gline[comN].uscale = 1;
int coln= 0;
if (name == "無し") { gline[comN].colN = -1;gline[comN].available = false; }
if (name == "No") { gline[comN].colN = 0; }
if (name == "itow") { gline[comN].colN = 1; }
if (name == "f9p_gSpeed(10Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 2; gline[comN].sa = 5;gline[comN].period = 100; }
if (name == "f9p_gSpeed(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 2; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "f9p_headMot(10Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 3; gline[comN].sa = 5; gline[comN].period = 100;gline[comN].max = 36000000; gline[comN].min = 0;gline[comN].baseL = 1; gline[comN].uscale = 100000; }
if (name == "f9p_headMot(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 3; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20;gline[comN].max = 36000000; gline[comN].min = 0; gline[comN].baseL = 1; gline[comN].uscale = 100000; }
if (name == "lon(10Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 4; gline[comN].sa = 5; gline[comN].period = 100; }
if (name == "lon(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 4; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "lat(10Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 5; gline[comN].sa = 5; gline[comN].period = 100; }
if (name == "lat(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 5; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "f9p_velN(10Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 6; gline[comN].sa = 5; gline[comN].period = 100; }
if (name == "f9p_velN(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 6; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "f9p_velE(10Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 7; gline[comN].sa = 5; gline[comN].period = 100; }
if (name == "f9p_velE(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 7; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "f9p_velD(10Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 8; gline[comN].sa = 5; gline[comN].period = 100; }
if (name == "f9p_velD(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 8; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "flags") { gline[comN].colN = 9;}
if (name == "hacc") { gline[comN].colN = 10; }
if (name == "m9n_gSpeed(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 11; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period =40; }
if (name == "m9n_gSpeed(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 11; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "m9n_headMot(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 12; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; gline[comN].max = 36000000; gline[comN].min = 0; gline[comN].baseL = 1; gline[comN].uscale = 100000; }
if (name == "m9n_headMot(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 12; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; gline[comN].max = 36000000; gline[comN].min = 0; gline[comN].baseL = 1; gline[comN].uscale = 100000; }
if (name == "m9n_velN(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 13; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; }
if (name == "m9n_velN(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 13; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "m9n_velE(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 14; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; }
if (name == "m9n_velE(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 14; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "m9n_velD(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 15; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; }
if (name == "m9n_velD(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 15; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "m9n_gSpeed_MA(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 16; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; }
if (name == "m9n_gSpeed_MA(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 16; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "m9n_headMot_MA(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 17; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; gline[comN].max = 36000000; gline[comN].min = 0; gline[comN].baseL = 1; gline[comN].uscale = 100000; }
if (name == "m9n_headMot_MA(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 17; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; gline[comN].max = 36000000; gline[comN].min = 0; gline[comN].baseL = 1; gline[comN].uscale = 100000; }
if (name == "m9n_velN_MA(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 18; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; }
if (name == "m9n_velN_MA(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 18; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "m9n_velE_MA(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 19; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; }
if (name == "m9n_velE_MA(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 19; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
if (name == "m9n_velD_MA(25Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 20; gline[comN].sa = 2; gline[comN].period = 40; }
if (name == "m9n_velD_MA(50Hz)") { gline[comN].colN = 20; gline[comN].sa = 1; gline[comN].period = 20; }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// BryantFilter2(double[] f,double []fout, int rowmin, int rowmax, int colmin, int colmax, double fc, double fs)
//Input Array making 11:M9N_gSpeed,12:M9N_headMot,13:M9N_velN,14:M9N_velE,15:M9N_velD
int i,j,k, n;
int l = 0;
int m = 0;
int roN = dgv1.RowCount;
f = new double[roN];//Globalで定義
fout= new double[roN];//Globalで定義
fkekka = new double[rowN];//Globalで定義
int fc = Convert.ToInt32(textBox12.Text);// 2;//CUt off Hz
int fs = Convert.ToInt32(textBox11.Text);//25;//Sampling Hz
for (i = 11; i < 16; i++)//列カウンタ//M9N 11=gSpeed,12=headMot,13=velN,14=velE,15=velD
m = 0;
for (j = 0; j < roN - 1; j++)//f配列作成
int itow = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value);
if (itow % 40 == 0)//25Hzデータ抽出
f[m] = Convert.ToDouble(dgv1.Rows[j].Cells[i].Value);
double dummy = f[m];
// Debug.Print("Make:f[" + m.ToString() + ",0]=" + f[m, 0].ToString());
//BryantFilter2(double[] f,double []fout, int rowmin, int rowmax, int colmin, int colmax, double fc, double fs)
BryantFilter2(f, fout, 1, m - 1, 0, 1, fc, fs);
Debug.Print("Filter Finished m-1=" + (m - 1).ToString());
int mi = 0;
dgv1.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True;
dgv1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
dgv1.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
for (l = 0; l < roN; l++)
int itow = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[l].Cells[1].Value);
if (itow % 40 == 0)
dgv1.Rows[l].Cells[i + 5].Value = fout[mi].ToString();
//Debug.Print("Kekka:fout[" + l.ToString() + "]=" + fout[mi].ToString() + "fkekka=" + fkekka[mi].ToString());
}//button5 filter
// BryantFilter();
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
// DataGridView初期化(データクリア)
// dgv1 set
dgv1.ColumnCount = 21;
dgv1.RowCount = 2;
dgv1.RowHeadersWidth = 80;
dgv1.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True;
dgv1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
dgv1.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
rowN = 0;
textBox2.Text = ofd.FileName;
using (var parser = new TextFieldParser(ofd.FileName))////@"C:\Test\car1.csv"))
parser.Delimiters = new string[] { "," };
while (!parser.EndOfData)
// richTextBox1.AppendText("\n");
var fields = parser.ReadFields();
//int ifi;
dgv1.Rows[rowN].HeaderCell.Value = rowN.ToString();
// for (ifi = 0; ifi < fields.Length; ifi++)
// {
// Debug.Print(fields[ifi]);
// richTextBox1.AppendText(fields[ifi]);
// }
//foreach (string s in fields)
// richTextBox1.AppendText(s+"," );
// MA計算 列作成
int MA = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox7.SelectedItem);
int ir, im, ic;
int sum0 = 0;
int sumN = 0;
int srccol = 11;//元列開始
int dcol = 5;//書き込み列開始増分
int rowN = dgv1.RowCount;
// auto size off
dgv1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
dgv1.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
//dgv1.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.DisableResizing;
// Debug.Print("MA=" + MA.ToString());
if (MA > 0)
for (ic = 11; ic < 16; ic++)//ソース列
// Debug.Print("ic=" + ic.ToString());
for (ir = MA; ir < rowN - MA - 1; ir++)//行ループ MAから行移動平均結果を入力
sum0 = 0;
for (im = 0; im < MA; im++)//MAループ回す
sum0 = sum0 + Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[ir - im].Cells[ic].Value);
int ave = (int)((double)sum0 / MA);
// Debug.Print("ic=" + ic.ToString() + "ir=" + ir.ToString() + "ave=" + ave.ToString());
dgv1.Rows[ir].Cells[ic + dcol].Value = ave.ToString();
// }
//=======================Low Pass Filter=================================================
//private void BryantFilter2(double[,] f,double [,]fout, int rowmin, int rowmax, int colmin, int colmax, double fc, double fs)
private void BryantFilter2(double[] f, double []fout, int rowmin, int rowmax, int colmin, int colmax, double fc, double fs)
int i, j;
double[] temp = new double[rowmax];
for (j = colmin; j <= colmax; j++)
temp[i] = f[i];
fout[i] = f[i];
// Debug.Print("temp[" + i.ToString() + ",0]=" + temp[i, 0].ToString());
//Bryant のバターワースフィルタ,臨床歩行分析入門より
double FF,W,B,c,D;
FF = fc / fs;
W = Math.Tan(3.14159 * FF);
B = 1 + Math.Sqrt(2) * W + W * W;
c = 2 * (1 - W * W) / B;
D = -(1 - Math.Sqrt(2) * W + W * W) / B;
j =0;
for (i = rowmin + 2; i < rowmax-1; i ++)
fout[i] = (temp[i] + 2 * temp[i - 1] + temp[i - 2]) * W *W / B + c * fout[i - 1] + D * fout[i - 2];
// Debug.Print("InFilter:temp["+i.ToString()+","+j.ToString()+"]=" + temp[i].ToString() + ",fout["+i.ToString()+"]=" + fout[i].ToString());
for (i = rowmin; i < rowmax; i++)
j = 0;
temp[i] = fout[i];
for( i = rowmax -3;i> rowmin;i--)
fout[i] = (temp[i] + 2 * temp[i + 1] + temp[i + 2]) * W * W / B + c * fout[i + 1] + D * fout[i + 2];
fkekka[i] = fout[i];
// Debug.Print("GyakunFilter:temp[" + i.ToString()+ "]=" + temp[i].ToString() + ",fout[]=" + fout[i].ToString(), "fkekka=" + fkekka[i].ToString());
}// BryantFileter END=================================================================
//private void countCombo(int[] LiN, int[] sa)
private void countCombo()
this.gline = new lines[6];
int icom;//combobox No
for (icom = 0; icom < 6; icom++)
if (CBarry[icom].SelectedIndex > 0)
gline[icom].available = true;
// richTextBox1.AppendText(gline[icom].name + ","+gline[icom].colN+","+gline[icom].sa+","+gline[icom].period+","+"\r");
gline[icom].available = false;
// button 2で、グラフ
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pictureBox1.Visible = false;
delegate void SetTextCallback(string text);
private void Response(string text)
if (textBox1.InvokeRequired)
SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(Response);
BeginInvoke(d, new object[] { text });
// textBox1.AppendText(text + "\n");
//===============データグリッドビュー dgv1へ記録===================
// string[] data =( text+",\n").Split(',');//カンマ区切りにばらす
string[] data = text.Split(',');//カンマ区切りにばらす
int cN = 21;// data.Length16+5;
//data[] to string
int iN;
string datas = "";
for (iN = 0; iN < cN; iN++)
datas = datas + "," + data[iN];
// Debug.Print("data[" + iN.ToString() + "]=" + data[iN]);
datas = datas + "\r\n";
// Debug.Print("rN=" + rN.ToString()+"text=" + datas);
// 自動csv保存 書き込むファイルが既に存在している場合は、Appendする
System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@fname, true, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("shift_jis"));
if (rN == 0)//行カウントrN==0のときdgv1定義
//dgv1.DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10);
//dgv1.RowHeadersWidthSizeMode = DataGridViewRowHeadersWidthSizeMode.AutoSizeToAllHeaders;
dgv1.ColumnCount = cN;
dgv1.RowCount = 2;
dgv1.RowHeadersWidth = 100;
dgv1.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True;
// dgv1.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment =DataGridViewContentAlignment.TopLeft;
dgv1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = rN;
dgv1.Rows[rN].HeaderCell.Value = rN.ToString();
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
serialPort1.NewLine = "\r\n";
string str = serialPort1.ReadLine();
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//==================Open File Dialog==============================
private void ReadDialog()
int irn = 0;
int icn = 0;
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
// DataGridView初期化(データクリア)
// dgv1 set
dgv1.ColumnCount = 21;
dgv1.RowCount = 2;
dgv1.RowHeadersWidth = 80;
dgv1.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True;
dgv1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
dgv1.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
rowN = 0;
textBox2.Text = ofd.FileName;
using (var parser = new TextFieldParser(ofd.FileName))////@"C:\Test\car1.csv"))
parser.Delimiters = new string[] { "," };
while (!parser.EndOfData)
var fields = parser.ReadFields();
dgv1.Rows[rowN].HeaderCell.Value = rowN.ToString();
label1.Text = "dgvRows=" + rowN.ToString();
System.IO.Stream stream;
stream = ofd.OpenFile();
if (stream != null)
System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream);
while (sr.Peek() >-1)
// ReadLineメソッドで1行の文字列データを読み込む
string txt = sr.ReadLine();
string[] datasr = txt.Split(',');//カンマ区切りにばらす
// dgv1.Rows[rowN].HeaderCell.Value = rowN.ToString();
label1.Text = "dgvRows=" + rowN.ToString();
int[] max = new int[16];
int[] maxrow = new int[16];
int[] min = new int[16];
int[] minrow = new int[16];
for (icn = 0; icn < 16; icn++)//列スキャン
min[icn] = 10000000;
for (irn = 0; irn < rowN; irn++)//行スキャン
int celval = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[irn].Cells[icn].Value);
// Debug.Print("icn="+icn.ToString()+"celval=" + celval.ToString() + "," + "max=" + max[icn].ToString() + "min=" + min[icn].ToString());
if (max[icn] < celval) { max[icn] = celval; maxrow[icn] = irn; }
if (min[icn] > celval) { min[icn] = celval; minrow[icn] = irn; }
//richTextBox1.AppendText(dgv1.Columns[icn].HeaderText +"max[" + icn + "]=" + max[icn].ToString() + ",maxrow=" + maxrow[icn].ToString() + "\n");
//richTextBox1.AppendText(dgv1.Columns[icn].HeaderText+"min[" + icn + "]=" + min[icn].ToString() + ",minrow=" + minrow[icn].ToString() + "\n");
dgv1.Rows[rowN + 1].Cells[0].Value = "max[]";
dgv1.Rows[rowN + 2].Cells[0].Value = "maxrow[]";
dgv1.Rows[rowN + 3].Cells[0].Value = "min[]";
dgv1.Rows[rowN + 4].Cells[0].Value = "minrow[]";
for (icn = 1; icn < 16; icn++)
dgv1.Rows[rowN + 1].Cells[icn].Value = max[icn].ToString();
dgv1.Rows[rowN + 2].Cells[icn].Value = maxrow[icn].ToString();
dgv1.Rows[rowN + 3].Cells[icn].Value = min[icn].ToString();
dgv1.Rows[rowN + 4].Cells[icn].Value = minrow[icn].ToString();
//M9N MovingAverage processing
//-------------sourceBitmap にプロット-------------------------
for (irn = 1; irn < rowN; irn++)
plotVel(irn, 0);
hScrollBar1.Minimum = 0;
hScrollBar1.Maximum = rowN;
hScrollBar1.Value = rowN;
textBox3.Text = hScrollBar1.Value.ToString();
// M9N MovingAveraging
private void m9nMA()
// MA計算 列作成
int MA = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox7.SelectedItem);
int ir, im, ic;
int sum0 = 0;
int sumN = 0;
int srccol = 11;//元列開始
int dcol = 5;//書き込み列開始増分
int rowN = dgv1.RowCount;
// auto size off
dgv1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
dgv1.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
//dgv1.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.DisableResizing;
// Debug.Print("MA=" + MA.ToString());
if (MA > 0)
for (ic = 11; ic < 16; ic++)//ソース列
// Debug.Print("ic=" + ic.ToString());
for (ir = MA; ir < rowN - MA - 1; ir++)//行ループ MAから行移動平均結果を入力
sum0 = 0;
for (im = 0; im < MA; im++)//MAループ回す
sum0 = sum0 + Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[ir - im].Cells[ic].Value);
int ave = (int)((double)sum0 / MA);
// Debug.Print("ic=" + ic.ToString() + "ir=" + ir.ToString() + "ave=" + ave.ToString());
dgv1.Rows[ir].Cells[ic + dcol].Value = ave.ToString();
private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (checkBox1.Checked == true)
pictureBox1.Visible = false;
dgv1.Visible = true;
dgv1.Visible = false;
pictureBox1.Visible = true;
private void headerName()
dgv1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font(dgv1.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
dgv1.Columns[0].HeaderText = "No";
dgv1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "itow";
dgv1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "f9p_gSpeed";
dgv1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "f9p_headMot";
dgv1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "lon";
dgv1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "lat";
dgv1.Columns[6].HeaderText = "f9p_velN";
dgv1.Columns[7].HeaderText = "f9p_velE";
dgv1.Columns[8].HeaderText = "f9p_velD";
dgv1.Columns[9].HeaderText = "flags";
dgv1.Columns[10].HeaderText = "hacc";
dgv1.Columns[11].HeaderText = "m9n_gSpeed";
dgv1.Columns[12].HeaderText = "m9n_headMot";
dgv1.Columns[13].HeaderText = "m9n_velN";
dgv1.Columns[14].HeaderText = "m9n_velE";
dgv1.Columns[15].HeaderText = "m9n_velD";
dgv1.Columns[16].HeaderText = "m9n_gSpeed_MA";
dgv1.Columns[17].HeaderText = "m9n_headMot_MA";
dgv1.Columns[18].HeaderText = "m9n_velN_MA";
dgv1.Columns[19].HeaderText = "m9n_velE_MA";
dgv1.Columns[20].HeaderText = "m9n_velD_MA";
dgv1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
dgv1.Rows[0].Cells[i].Value = i.ToString();
//==================PLOT ボタン押し=========================================
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//PLOT4 ボタン押してグラフ開始
countCombo();//comboBox 6個からプロット列と周期を読み取るgline[]構造体を作成
//source Bitmapを作成
int ir;
pictureBox1.Visible = true;
hScrollBar1.Minimum = 0;
int xdot = timeScale();
hScrollBar1.Maximum = rowN*xdot;
hScrollBar1.Value = rowN*xdot;
textBox3.Text = Convert.ToInt32(hScrollBar1.Value/xdot).ToString();
if (rowN > 1000)
for (ir = rowN - 1000; ir < rowN; ir++)
plotVel(ir, 1);
// ------SourceBitmapの作成------------------------------
private void makeSrcBitmap()
int gsel;//gline selector
int irn;
int pw = pictureBox1.Width;
int ph = pictureBox1.Height;
int velMax = 10000;
int velMin = -10000;
int headMax = 36000000;
int headMin = 0;
int xdot = timeScale();
// double yscale = (double)ph / (velMax - velMin);
Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(sourceBitmap);
for (gsel=0;gsel<6;gsel++)
int pmsec = gline[gsel].period;
int psa = gline[gsel].sa;
int pcoln = gline[gsel].colN;
double yscale = (double)ph / (gline[gsel].max - gline[gsel].min);
//Debug.Print("gline[" + gsel.ToString() + "].colN=" + gline[gsel].colN.ToString());
for (irn=2;irn<rowN;irn++)
int itow0 = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[irn].Cells[1].Value);
// Debug.Print("itow0=" + itow0.ToString() + "gline[" + gsel.ToString() + "].colN=" + gline[gsel].colN.ToString());
Pen p = new Pen(samples[gsel], 1);
Brush b1 = new SolidBrush(samples[gsel]);
if ( itow0%pmsec==0 && irn>psa)
// Debug.Print("irn=" + irn.ToString() + "psa=" + psa.ToString());
int y0 = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[irn].Cells[pcoln].Value);
int y0_1 = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[irn-psa].Cells[pcoln].Value);
int px = irn*xdot;
int px_1 = (irn - psa)*xdot;
int py0 = ph / gline[gsel].baseL - (int)((double)y0 * yscale);
int py0_1 = ph / gline[gsel].baseL - (int)((double)y0_1 * yscale);
// g1.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, px, py0, px - 1, py0_1);
g1.DrawLine(p, px, py0, px_1, py0_1);
Color c = samples[gsel];
if (CKarry[gsel].Checked == true) { g1.FillEllipse(b1, px, py0, 5, 5); }
// Debug.Print("itow0="+itow0.ToString()+"px=" + px.ToString()+"py0="+py0.ToString()+"px_1="+px_1.ToString()+"py0_1="+py0_1.ToString());
private int timeScale()
int dot=Convert.ToInt32(textBox10.Text);
if (dot * dgv1.RowCount >bw)
dot = (int)(bw / dgv1.RowCount);
return dot;
private void plot_srcBitmap(int rNp,int colN)
int pW = 1000;
int pH = 500;
int px;
int py0, py0_1;
int startLX;
int vy0, vy1;
double yscale = (double)pH / (velMax - velMin);
Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(sourceBitmap);
px = rNp;
py0_1 = pH / 2 - (int)((double)velN_F9P_1 * yscale);
py0 = pH / 2 - (int)((double)velN_F9P * yscale);
g1.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, px, py0, px - 1, py0_1);
private void plotVel(int rNp, int plot)
int pW = 1000;
int pH =500;
int px;
int py0, py0_1;
int py1, py1_1;
int py2, py2_1;
int startX;
int vy0, vy1;
Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(sourceBitmap);
Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(trimmedBitmap);
int velN_F9P = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[rNp].Cells[6].Value);
int velN_F9P_1 = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[rNp - 1].Cells[6].Value);
int velN_M9N = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[rNp].Cells[13].Value);
int velN_M9N_1 = Convert.ToInt32(dgv1.Rows[rNp - 1].Cells[13].Value);
int velMax = 10000;//4000mm/sec
int velMin = -10000;//-4000mm/sec
double yscale = (double)pH / (velMax - velMin);
px = rNp;
py0_1 = pH / 2 - (int)((double)velN_F9P_1 * yscale);
py1_1 = pH / 2 - (int)((double)velN_M9N_1 * yscale);
py0 = pH / 2 - (int)((double)velN_F9P * yscale);
py1 = pH / 2 - (int)((double)velN_M9N * yscale);
g1.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, px, py0, px - 1, py0_1);
g1.DrawLine(Pens.Red, px, py1, px - 1, py1_1);
// Debug.Print("rn="+rN.ToString()+"velN_F9P="+velN_F9P.ToString()+"px,py=" + px.ToString() + "," + py0.ToString());
if (plot == 1)
pictureBox1.Image = sourceBitmap;
private void hScrollBar1_Scroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e)
int cx = hScrollBar1.Value;
int pW = pictureBox1.Width;
textBox3.Text = hScrollBar1.Value.ToString();
int xdot = timeScale();
int rcx =(int)(( cx-pW/2) / xdot);
string g0s = (Convert.ToDouble(dgv1.Rows[rcx].Cells[gline[0].colN].Value) / gline[0].uscale).ToString();
string g1s = (Convert.ToDouble(dgv1.Rows[rcx].Cells[gline[1].colN].Value) / gline[1].uscale).ToString();
string g2s = (Convert.ToDouble(dgv1.Rows[rcx].Cells[gline[2].colN].Value) / gline[2].uscale).ToString();
string g3s = (Convert.ToDouble(dgv1.Rows[rcx].Cells[gline[3].colN].Value) / gline[3].uscale).ToString();
string g4s = (Convert.ToDouble(dgv1.Rows[rcx].Cells[gline[4].colN].Value) / gline[4].uscale).ToString();
string g5s = (Convert.ToDouble(dgv1.Rows[rcx].Cells[gline[5].colN].Value) / gline[5].uscale).ToString();
if (gline[0].available == true && cx>pW/2) { textBox4.Text = g0s; }
if (gline[1].available == true && cx > pW / 2) { textBox5.Text =g1s; }
if (gline[2].available == true && cx > pW / 2) { textBox6.Text = g2s; }
if (gline[3].available == true && cx > pW / 2) { textBox7.Text = g3s; }
if (gline[4].available == true && cx > pW / 2) { textBox8.Text = g4s; }
if (gline[5].available == true && cx > pW / 2) { textBox9.Text = g5s; }
label2.Text = "HscrollValue=cx="+cx.ToString();
label3.Text = "rowN=cx/xdot=" + (cx / xdot).ToString();
label4.Text = "rcx=" + rcx.ToString();
label5.Text = "HscrollMax=" + (hScrollBar1.Maximum).ToString();
// soukrceBitamapを切り取って
private void sourceCut(int cx)
Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(trimmedBitmap);
int pW = 1000;
int startX = 0;
if (cx > pW)
startX = cx - pW;
startX = 0;
Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(startX, 0, pW, 500);
Rectangle desRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, pW, 500);
g2.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, desRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
//Center Cursor
g2.DrawLine(Pens.White, pW / 2, 0, pW / 2, pictureBox1.Height);
pictureBox1.Image = trimmedBitmap;
//pictureBox1 Clear
private void sourceBitmap_clear()
Graphics g4 = Graphics.FromImage(sourceBitmap);
pictureBox1.Image = sourceBitmap;
private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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