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Created September 3, 2020 19:40
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Serial_Graphic_Monitor_rev00  in Debugging
'Seril Port Recieve Sample Program
'Form1 Object must create ,button1,2 & textbox 1,2 
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO.Ports
Public Class Form1
Private onetime As Integer = 1
Delegate Sub DataDelegate(ByVal sdata As String)
'=========Available Parameters in thie Calss=================
Private dataAry(600000, 7) As Long
Private dataNo As Long
'---------Plotting parameters--------------
Private xw As Integer = 600 'picturebox image width
Private yh As Integer = 240 'picturebox image height
Private rate() As Double
Private midvalue() As Double
Private Mave() As Double
Private sw As New System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
Private tp As TimeSpan
Private timestamp As Integer
Private stime As Integer 'plot start sampling time
Private etime As Integer 'plot end sampling time
Private totalsec As Double
Private startFlag As Integer = 0
Private px As Integer
Private py As Integer
Private px_1 As Integer
Private py_1 As Integer '1個前のY座標
Private Sub PrintData(ByVal sdata As String)
Dim delimiter As String = ","
Dim i As Integer
Dim dcount As String
If startFlag = 1 Then
'dcount = sdata & ":" & TextBox2.Text
'Debug.Print("sdata=" & sdata)
'Debug.Print("timestamp=" & CStr(timestamp))
Dim dStr() As String = Split(sdata, delimiter, -1, CompareMethod.Text)
Dim colN As Integer
colN = 7
'Debug.Print("dStr(0)=" & CStr(dStr(0)))
If (dStr.Length = 7) Then
dataNo += 1
'dStr(0) = dataNo
For i = 0 To dStr.Length - 1
dataAry(dataNo, i) = CInt(dStr(i))
'=================PLOT SUBへ=================
If i < 6 Then
plotC(dataNo, dataAry(dataNo, i), dataAry(dataNo - 1, i), i) 'plotC(x,y,colorN)
Debug.Print("dataAry()=" & CStr(dataAry(dataNo, i)) & "i=" & CStr(i))
End If
TextBox2.Text = dataNo
'TextBox3.Text = dStr.Length
'TextBox4.Text = dStr(0)
'TextBox5.Text = dStr(1)
'TextBox6.Text = dStr(2)
'TextBox7.Text = dStr(3)
'TextBox8.Text = dStr(4)
'TextBox9.Text = dStr(5)
'TextBox10.Text = dStr(6)
'Debug.Print("dataAry(" & CStr(dataNo) & "," & CStr(i) & ")=" & CStr(dataAry(dataNo, i)))
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
SerialPort1.PortName = TextBox1.Text 'オープンするポート名を格納
SerialPort1.Open() 'ポートオープン
Label2.Text = "OPENED"
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Label2.Text = "Program STOPPED"
If SerialPort1.IsOpen = True Then 'ポートオープン済み
SerialPort1.Close() 'ポートクローズ
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(sender As Object, e As SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
Dim ReceivedData As String = " " '受信データ用変数を宣言します
ReceivedData = SerialPort1.ReadLine 'データを受信します
Catch ex As Exception
ReceivedData = ex.Message '例外処理を行います
End Try
Dim adre As New DataDelegate(AddressOf PrintData)
Me.Invoke(adre, ReceivedData)
End Sub
'===============Sampling Start=======================
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
If startFlag = 0 Then
startFlag = 1
End If
End Sub
'===============Sampling STOp===================================
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If startFlag = 1 Then
startFlag = 0
End If
End Sub
'===========-PLOT パラメータの定義 計算方式===================================================
Sub plotC(ByVal dataNo As Integer, ByVal value As Integer, ByVal value_1 As Integer, ByVal colorN As Integer)
If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture1.imageという名称をつかうこと
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(600, 240)
End If
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
'==============Text Box Value Reading===================================
Dim b As Brush
Dim p As New Pen(Color.Black)
b = Brushes.Black
p.Width = 0.1
Select Case colorN
Case 1
b = Brushes.Red
p = Pens.Red
Case 2
b = Brushes.Blue
p = Pens.Blue
Case 3
b = Brushes.Green
p = Pens.Green
Case 4
b = Brushes.Magenta
Case 5
b = Brushes.Orange
p = Pens.Orange
Case 6
b = Brushes.Black
p = Pens.Black
End Select
'=============PLOT パラメータ準備==============
Dim yh As Integer = 240
Dim xw As Integer = 600
Dim dstep As Double 'x軸ドット単位 dot/dataNo
Dim dvalue As Double = 1 'Y軸ドット単位 dot/mV 10mvで1ドット
rate = rateCR() ' rate(0-6)はdot/mV
midvalue = aveTR() 'midvalue(0-6)はゼロレベル値
dstep = 1
'===================スクロール クリア&時間測定========================================
If dataNo Mod 600 = 0 Then '1画面終了したらimageクリア
tp = sw.Elapsed
totalsec = tp.TotalSeconds
' Debug.Print("tp.sec=" & totalsec)
If totalsec > 0.6 Then
TextBox11.Text = CStr(totalsec)
End If
PictureBox1.Image = Nothing '1スクロール毎に画面クリア
px = Int(dstep * dataNo Mod 600)
px_1 = Int(dstep * (dataNo - 1) Mod 600)
py = Int(dvalue * (value - midvalue(0)))
py_1 = Int(dvalue * (value_1 - midvalue(0)))
'Debug.Print("dataNo=" & CStr(dataNo) & "value=" & CStr(value) & "midvalue=" & CStr(midvalue(0)) & "px=" & CStr(px) & "py=" & CStr(py))
'g.FillEllipse(b, px, py, 3, 3) ' 点プロット
g.DrawLine(p, CSng(px_1), CSng(py_1), CSng(px), CSng(py))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'*********************Object Array set****************************************************************************
Dim dataTextBox() As TextBox
dataTextBox = {Me.TextBox4, Me.TextBox5, Me.TextBox6, Me.TextBox7, Me.TextBox8, Me.TextBox9, Me.TextBox10}
Dim adjustComboBox() As ComboBox
adjustComboBox = {Me.ComboBox1, Me.ComboBox2, Me.ComboBox3, Me.ComboBox4, Me.ComboBox5, Me.ComboBox6, Me.ComboBox7}
Dim midTextBox() As TextBox
midTextBox = {Me.TextBox13, Me.TextBox14, Me.TextBox15, Me.TextBox16, Me.TextBox17, Me.TextBox18, Me.TextBox19}
'Dim arry() As Integer = {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}
'================COMBOBOX Def=============================
Dim n As Integer
For i = 0 To 6
ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1
ComboBox2.SelectedIndex = 1
ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = 1
ComboBox4.SelectedIndex = 1
ComboBox5.SelectedIndex = 1
ComboBox6.SelectedIndex = 1
ComboBox7.SelectedIndex = 1
'==============Series Position TEXTBOX===========================
TextBox13.Text = CStr(1550)
TextBox14.Text = CStr(1550)
TextBox15.Text = CStr(1550)
TextBox16.Text = CStr(1550)
TextBox17.Text = CStr(1550)
TextBox18.Text = CStr(1550)
TextBox19.Text = CStr(1550)
End Sub
'================Average Graph mid Data==================================
Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
Dim endnum As Integer
Dim startnum As Integer
Dim midave(7) As Double
endnum = CInt(TextBox2.Text)
startnum = endnum - 100
midave = dave(dataAry, startnum, endnum, 6)
Debug.Print("AveButtn:" & CStr(startnum) & "," & CStr(endnum) & "," & CStr(midave(0)))
TextBox13.Text = midave(0)
TextBox14.Text = midave(1)
TextBox15.Text = midave(2)
TextBox16.Text = midave(3)
TextBox17.Text = midave(4)
TextBox18.Text = midave(5)
End Sub
'==========================PLOTTING Parameter Check ===============================================
'===================dataAry(,)=mV rate()=dot/mv=1/adjutvalue()(=mV/dot)============================================
'=================== plot: py=(dataAry(,)-midvalue())*rate()+midvalue()==============================================
Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
Dim m, n As Integer
Dim px, py As Integer
Dim dn, ds, de As Integer
ReDim rate(8)
ReDim midvalue(8)
'For m = 0 To 6
' rate(m) = 1 / CInt(adjustComboBox(m).Text)
' midvalue(m) = CDbl(midTextBox(m).Text)
rate = rateCR()
midvalue = aveTR()
dn = CInt(TextBox2.Text) '現在データNo
ds = CInt(dn / 600) * 600 '左始点データスタートNO
de = dn Mod 600 '現在座標
Debug.Print("dn=" & CStr(dn) & "ds=" & CStr(ds) & "de=" & CStr(de))
For n = 0 To 5
For m = 0 To de
px = m
py = CInt((CDbl(dataAry(ds + m, n)) - midvalue(n)) * rate(n) / 100 + yh / 2)
Debug.Print("m=" & CStr(m) & "n=" & CStr(n) & "dataAry=" & CStr(dataAry(ds + m, n)) & "midvalue=" & CStr(midvalue(n)) & "sa=" & CStr((CDbl(dataAry(ds + m, n)) - midvalue(n))) & "rate=" & rate(n) & "Plotting:px=" & CStr(px) & "py=" & CStr(py))
'Debug.Print("Plotting:px=" & CStr(px) & "py=" & CStr(py))
plotD(px, py, n)
End Sub
Sub plotD(ByVal px As Integer, ByVal py As Integer, ByVal colorN As Integer)
If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture1.imageという名称をつかうこと
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(600, 240)
End If
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim b As Brush
b = Brushes.Black
Select Case colorN
Case 1
b = Brushes.Red
Case 2
b = Brushes.Blue
Case 3
b = Brushes.Green
Case 4
b = Brushes.Magenta
Case 5
b = Brushes.Orange
Case 6
b = Brushes.Black
End Select
If px Mod 600 = 0 Then '1画面終了したらimageクリア
PictureBox1.Image = Nothing
g.FillEllipse(b, px, py, 3, 3)
End If
End Sub
'*********************************FORM Reading Functions*************************************************************
Private Function aveTR() As Double()
Dim ave(7) As Double
ave(0) = CDbl(TextBox13.Text)
ave(1) = CDbl(TextBox14.Text)
ave(2) = CDbl(TextBox15.Text)
ave(3) = CDbl(TextBox16.Text)
ave(4) = CDbl(TextBox17.Text)
ave(5) = CDbl(TextBox18.Text)
ave(6) = CDbl(TextBox19.Text)
Return ave
End Function
Private Function rateCR() As Double()
Dim rate(7) As Double
rate(0) = CDbl(ComboBox1.SelectedItem) / 100
rate(1) = CDbl(ComboBox2.SelectedItem) / 100
rate(2) = CDbl(ComboBox3.SelectedItem) / 100
rate(3) = CDbl(ComboBox4.SelectedItem) / 100
rate(4) = CDbl(ComboBox5.SelectedItem) / 100
rate(5) = CDbl(ComboBox6.SelectedItem) / 100
rate(6) = CDbl(ComboBox7.SelectedItem) / 100
Return rate
End Function
'==================================Static Calculation===========================================================
'==========================Ave() MovingAve() ============================================================
Function dave(ByRef dA(,) As Long, ByVal startN As Integer, ByVal endN As Integer, ByVal ch As Integer) As Double()
Dim chN As Integer
Dim dataN As Integer
Dim dsum As Double
Dim avech() As Double
ReDim avech(ch)
For chN = 0 To ch - 1 'chは1-6chで与えられるがデータindexは0-5
For dataN = startN To endN 'startNからendNまでendN-startN+1 個の総和をとって平均
dsum += dA(dataN, chN)
avech(chN) = dsum / (endN - startN + 1)
dsum = 0
Return avech
End Function
Function MovAve(ByRef dA(,) As Long, ByVal colN As Integer, ByVal MA As Integer, ByVal rowN As Integer) As Double()
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim dataSum() As Long
Dim dSum As Long
Dim dataA() As Double '= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
'Debug.Print("====colN=" & CStr(colN) & "MA=" & CStr(MA) & "rowN=" & CStr(rowN))
ReDim dataSum(colN + 1)
ReDim dataA(colN + 1)
For j = 0 To colN - 1
dSum = 0
For i = rowN - MA To rowN
dSum = dSum + dA(i, j)
'Debug.Print("dA(" & CStr(i) & "," & CStr(j) & ")=" & CStr(dA(i, j)) & CStr(dataSum(j)))
dataA(j) = CDbl(dSum / MA)
MovAve = dataA
End Function
End Class
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