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VB>NET SkiTurnAnalyzer rev019 add Turn Detection
'Serial Port Recieve Sample Program
'Form1 Object must create ,button1,2 & textbox 1,2 
Imports System.Drawing.Image.FromFile
Imports System.IO.Ports
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections
Imports Shell32
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class Form1
'Dim bdat As Byte()
Public dataReceivedFlag As Integer
Dim sdat As String()
Dim i, j, k, l As Integer
Dim NN As Integer
Dim NVC As Integer = 0 'NAV data Counter
Dim NVi As Integer = 0
Dim PVTflag As Integer = 0
Dim RELPflag As Integer = 0
Dim startIndex As Integer
Dim strPVT As String
Dim sbPVT As String()
Dim bPVT As Byte()
Dim strRELP As String
Dim sbRELP As String()
Dim bRELP As Byte()
Dim sw As New System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
Public copyCol()
Public copyRow()
'================PVT RELP Paramers============================
Dim parPVT As Long()
Dim parRELP As Long()
Public headPVT As String
Public headPVTArry As String()
Public headRELP As String
Public headRELPArry As String()
Public dgArry(,) As Long
'=============File declarations ================
Public file As System.IO.StreamWriter
Public file1 As System.IO.StreamWriter
Public fileH As System.IO.StreamWriter
Public file_dgv As System.IO.StreamWriter
'------file para------------
Public cindex As Integer
Public dreadata(60000, 700) As String
Public dcIndex As Integer
Public dcIndex_max As Integer
Public rdataN As Integer
Public fopen As Integer
Public f1open As Integer
Public fnameH As String
Public fStr1, fstr2 As String
Public dataSu2 As Integer
'---plotC parameters------------
Public pcount As Integer
Public clearFlag As Integer
Public xsize As Integer ' = 1200
Public ysize As Integer ' = 400
Public axisdiv As Integer 'divsize
Public startrowN As Integer
Public plotrowN As Integer
Public zLon, zLat, zHeight As Integer '緯度経度高度plot 中心基準点
Public zLon_1, zLat_1, zHeight_1 As Integer 'Scrollbarの開始時の基準点
Public zRelN, zRelE, zRelD As Integer 'RELPOSNED 基準点
Public zsetFlag As Integer
Public SecondFlag As Integer
Public col_lon, col_lati, col_height, col_N, col_E, col_D, col_Len As Integer 'dgv columns select
Public col2_lon, col2_lati, col2_height, col2_N, col2_E, col2_D, col2_Len As Integer 'dgv columns select
Public pxb, pyb, pxr, pyr As Integer
Public pxb_1, pyb_1, pxr_1, pyr_1 As Integer
Public pxb2, pyb2, pxr2, pyr2 As Integer
Public pxb2_1, pyb2_1, pxr2_1, pyr2_1 As Integer
'-----Ring Buffer----------------
Public sd1, sd2, sd3 As String
Public setN As Integer 'UART Received Data char Number
Public idx As Integer
'----rePlay Mode-----------------
Public autostep As Integer
Public autostart As Integer
Public autocount As Integer
Public lonArry As Integer()
Public latiArry As Integer()
Public heightArry As Integer()
Public lonrArry As Integer()
Public latirArry As Integer()
Public heightrArry As Integer()
Public relNArry As Single()
Public relEArry As Single()
Public relDarry As Single()
Public Maxlon, Minlon, Maxlati, Minlati, Maxheight, Minheight As Long
Public Maxrlon, Minrlon, Maxrlati, Minrlati, Maxrheight, Minrheight As Long
Public Avelon, Avelati, Aveheight As Long
Public Ascale As Single
Public AlonOff, AlatiOff As Long
Public lonratio As Single
Public latiratio As Single
Public rScale As Single
Public dumLon, dumLati, dumN, dumE, dumD As Integer
Public rSize As Integer
Public Npbx, Npby, Nprx, Npry As Integer()
Public mouseFlag As Integer
Public stepFlag As Integer
Public mClick As Integer
Public offX, offY As Integer 'hScrollbar vScrollbar adjust dot value
Public moffX, moffY As Integer 'Mouse Point center Offset
Public sx, sy, ex, ey As Integer 'Mouse Pointer Rectangle
'-----rePlay2 mode hscrllbar4control-----------------
Public stN, enN As Integer
Public enN_1 As Integer
Public Kbold, Kbold_1 As Integer
Public komaFlag, komaFlag_1 As Integer
Public delFlag, delFlag_1 As Integer 'bold Line fill Black
'-------Analytics para-----------------------
Public RBset As Integer 'checkbox13=true =-1 minus False=1
'Text dipslay timer
Public rN0, hour0, min0, sec0, msec0 As Integer
Public monthN, dayN, hourN, minN, secN, itowN, msecN As Integer
'-----------Vector Meter------------------------------
Public ANlon1, ANlat1, ANheight1, ANrelN1, ANrelE1, ANrelD1 As Integer
Public ANlon1_1, ANlat1_1, ANheight1_1, ANrelN1_1, ANrelE1_1, ANrelD1_1 As Integer
Public ANlon1_2, ANlat1_2, ANheight1_2, ANrelN1_2, ANrelE1_2, ANrelD1_2 As Integer
Public ANlon2, ANlat2, ANheight2, ANrelN2, ANrelE2, ANrelD2 As Integer
Public ANlon2_1, ANlat2_1, ANheight2_1, ANrelN2_1, ANrelE2_1, ANrelD2_1 As Integer
Public ANlon2_2, ANlat2_2, ANheight2_2, ANrelN2_2, ANrelE2_2, ANrelD2_2 As Integer
Public Axb1, Ayb1, Axr1, Ayr1, Axb2, Ayb2, Axr2, Ayr2 As Integer
'---TURN CUT ----------------------------
Public NutralR(10000) As Integer
Public NutralL(10000) As Integer
'======================TURN CUTTER=================================================================================
'へあdMOTを5回MAして 微分してプラスマイナス変化点をポイントとする
Private Sub Button17_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button17.Click
End Sub
Private Sub Nutral()
Dim stNo As Integer = Int(TextBox4.Text)
Dim endNo As Integer = Int(TextBox5.Text)
Dim ic, i5 As Integer
Dim sum5R, sum5L As Double
Dim nuNR, nuNL As Integer
Dim numN As Integer = 0
Dim num As Integer = endNo - stNo
Dim MA5headR(endNo) As Double
Dim DifheadR(endNo) As Double
Dim MA5headL(endNo) As Double
Dim DifheadL(endNo) As Double
nuNR = 0
nuNL = 0
For ic = stNo To endNo - 5
numN += 1
sum5R = 0
sum5L = 0
For i5 = ic To 4 + ic
headR = (dgv1.Rows(i5).Cells(col_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001)
headL = (dgv1.Rows(i5).Cells(col2_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001)
sum5R = sum5R + headR
sum5L = sum5L + headL
Next i5
MA5headR(ic) = sum5R / 5
MA5headL(ic) = sum5L / 5
If ic > 0 Then
DifheadR(ic) = MA5headR(ic) - MA5headR(ic - 1)
DifheadL(ic) = MA5headL(ic) - MA5headL(ic - 1)
If DifheadR(ic) * DifheadR(ic - 1) < 0 Then
NutralR(ic) = 1
RichTextBox2.AppendText("NutralheadR(" + CStr(ic) + ")=" + CStr(1) + vbCrLf)
CheckBox12.Checked = True
NutralR(ic) = 0
End If
If DifheadL(ic) * DifheadL(ic - 1) < 0 Then
NutralL(ic) = 1
RichTextBox2.AppendText("NutralheadL(" + CStr(ic) + ")=" + CStr(1) + vbCrLf)
CheckBox12.Checked = True
NutralL(ic) = 0
End If
End If
Next ic
End Sub
Public Axb1_1, Ayb1_1, Axr1_1, Ayr1_1, Axb2_1, Ayb2_1, Axr2_1, Ayr2_1 As Integer
Public Axb1_2, Ayb1_2, Axr1_2, Ayr1_2, Axb2_2, Ayb2_2, Axr2_2, Ayr2_2 As Integer
Public Apx0, Apy0 As Integer
Public Apx0_1, Apy0_1 As Integer
Public Apx0_2, Apy0_2 As Integer
' Draw String関係------------------------------------
Public speedR, headR, skiR, slipR As Double
Public speedR_1, headR_1, skiR_1, slipR_1 As Double
Public speedRF, headRF, skiRF, slipRF As String
Public speedL, headL, skiL, slipL As Double
Public speedL_1, headL_1, skiL_1, slipL_1 As Double
Public speedLF, headLF, skiLF, slipLF As String
Public elevation, elevation_1, elevationS, elevationE, elevationR As Double
Public headR4, headR4_1, hedL4, headL4_1 As Double 'movingAverage HeadR headL
'Time Graph----------------------------------
Dim Gpx1, Gpx2, Gpx3, Gpx4, Gpx5 As Integer
Dim Gpy1, Gpy2, Gpy3, Gpy4, Gpy5 As Integer
Dim Gpx1_1, Gpx2_1, Gpx3_1, Gpx4_1, Gpx5_1 As Integer
Dim Gpy1_1, Gpy2_1, Gpy3_1, Gpy4_1, Gpy5_1 As Integer
'-------------------Pictures Parameter-----------------------------------------------------------
Public maxV, minV As Integer ' Hscrollbar4を自動移動
Public period As Double ' MP4 Frameの周期
Public FileCount As Integer
Public folderName As String
Public MP4FileName As String()
Public fullFileName As String
Private images As Image() = New Image() {}
Public koma0 As Integer 'グラフと同期させたコマファイル番号
Public picN As Integer 'コマファイル番号
Public Hsc4 As Integer 'HscrollBar4を動かしているときのみコマ送りする
Private currentImage As Bitmap
Private zoomRatio As Double
Private drawRectangle As Rectangle
Public rN_1 As Integer
'MP4ファイル時間取得 MP4は、コマ収納フォルダーに1個だけおいておくこと
Public Function getMP4time() As String 'msec で返す
Dim sTime As String = "" '動画ファイルの時間
'Dim Dir As String = folderName
'Dim FileName As String = "Beginners-Alpen_VID_20210301_125623_00_016.mp4"
Dim sh As New Shell
Dim fItem As FolderItem = Nothing
'Dim fInfo As FileInfo = New FileInfo(Dir & "\" & FileName)
Dim fInfo As FileInfo = New FileInfo(fullFileName)
Dim f As Folder = sh.NameSpace(fInfo.DirectoryName)
fItem = f.ParseName(fInfo.Name)
'(XPはMajor5 Minor:1、7はMajor:6 Minor:1、8はMajor:6 Minor:2)
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim os As System.OperatingSystem = System.Environment.OSVersion
If os.Version.Major < 6 Then
index = 21
index = 27
End If
sTime = f.GetDetailsOf(fItem, index) ' 長さが格納されたインデックス
Return sTime
End Function
'Asynchronized OK----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub CheckBox16_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox16.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox16.Checked = True Then
koma0 = picN
Label8.Text = "SynchroFixed[picN=" + CStr(picN) + "DataNo=" + TextBox7.Text + "]"
End If
End Sub
'=========================KomaOkuri SUB=======================================
Private Sub koma(ByVal n As Integer)
Dim images(2000)
Dim fstr As String '= "C:\SkiPic\210301_1323_DT\Produce_" '01.jpg"
' Dim fstr As String = folderName + TextBox18.Text
Dim fnstr As String
fnstr = (n).ToString("D4") + ".jpg"
'fstr = fstr + fnstr
fstr = folderName + TextBox18.Text + fnstr
Label31.Text = fstr
images(i) = Image.FromFile(fstr)
'images(1) = Image.FromFile("C:\SkiPic\Produce_401.jpg")
currentImage = images(i)
' Panel1.Invalidate()
drawRectangle.Width = 640 'CInt(Math.Round(currentImage.Width * zoomRatio))
drawRectangle.Height = 360 'CInt(Math.Round(currentImage.Height * zoomRatio))
drawRectangle.X = 0 'CInt(Math.Round(pb.Width / 2.0 - imgPoint.X * zoomRatio))
drawRectangle.Y = 0 'CInt(Math.Round(pb.Height / 2.0 - imgPoint.Y * zoomRatio))
' Label33.Text = "dR.Width=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Width) + "dR.Heght=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Height) + "dR.X=" + CStr(drawRectangle.X) + "dR.Y=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Y)
Label33.Text = "komaN=" + CStr(n) + "koma0=" + CStr(koma0) + "komaN-koma0=" + CStr(n - koma0)
End Sub
Private Sub TrackBar1_Scroll(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TrackBar1.Scroll
If CheckBox16.Checked = False Then 'チェックボックス16がチェックされてないときに自由に動かせる
zoomRatio = 0.5
picN = TrackBar1.Value
' picN = Val(Label32.Text) + 1
Label32.Text = CStr(picN)
If picN < FileCount - 2 Then
End If
End If
End Sub
'===============================PictureBox2 にc:\SkiPic\フォルダ内フレームを表示===============================================
Private Sub Button14_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button14.Click
'----------Folder 指定-----------------------------------
Dim fbd As New FolderBrowserDialog
fbd.Description = "フォルダを指定してください。"
fbd.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop
fbd.SelectedPath = "C:\SkiPic"
fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = True
If fbd.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then
folderName = fbd.SelectedPath
End If
FileCount = Directory.GetFiles(folderName).Length
Label5.Text = "FileCount=" + CStr(FileCount)
'TrackBar Max値設定
TrackBar1.Maximum = FileCount - 1
Dim files As IEnumerable(Of String) = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderName, "*.mp4", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
fullFileName = files(0) '1個しか置いてないから(0)
Dim MP4ts As String = getMP4time()
Label6.Text = "Time=" + MP4ts
Dim timeArry As String() = MP4ts.Split(":")
Dim timemsec As Integer = CInt(timeArry(0)) * 3600000 + CInt(timeArry(1)) * 60000 + CInt(timeArry(2)) * 1000
period = timemsec / (FileCount - 1)
Label7.Text = "Period=" + Format(period, "##.###") + "msec"
PictureBox2.Visible = True
Dim images(100)
zoomRatio = 0.5
picN = Val(Label32.Text) + 1
Label32.Text = CStr(picN)
'picN += 1
'Dim fstr As String = "C:\SkiPic\210301_1323_DT\Produce_" '
Dim fstr As String = folderName + TextBox18.Text '"\Produce_"
Dim fnstr As String
fnstr = (picN).ToString("D4") + ".jpg"
fnstr = fstr + fnstr
Label31.Text = fstr
images(i) = Image.FromFile(fnstr)
'images(1) = Image.FromFile("C:\SkiPic\Produce_401.jpg")
currentImage = images(i)
' Panel1.Invalidate()
drawRectangle.Width = 640 'CInt(Math.Round(currentImage.Width * zoomRatio))
drawRectangle.Height = 360 'CInt(Math.Round(currentImage.Height * zoomRatio))
drawRectangle.X = 0 'CInt(Math.Round(pb.Width / 2.0 - imgPoint.X * zoomRatio))
drawRectangle.Y = 0 'CInt(Math.Round(pb.Height / 2.0 - imgPoint.Y * zoomRatio))
Label33.Text = "dR.Width=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Width) + "dR.Heght=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Height) + "dR.X=" + CStr(drawRectangle.X) + "dR.Y=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Y)
End Sub
'Private Sub PictureBox2_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) _
' Handles PictureBox2.MouseDown
' Dim pb As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
' 'クリックされた位置を画像上の位置に変換
' ' Label33.Text = "MouseClick X=" + CStr(e.X) + "Y=" + CStr(e.Y)
' Dim imgPoint As New Point(CInt(Math.Round((e.X - drawRectangle.X) / zoomRatio)),
' CInt(Math.Round((e.Y - drawRectangle.Y) / zoomRatio)))
' '倍率を変更する
' 'zoomRatio = 1
' 'If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
' ' zoomRatio *= 0.5
' 'ElseIf e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then
' ' zoomRatio *= 0.3
' 'End If
' '倍率変更後の画像のサイズと位置を計算する
' drawRectangle.Width = 640 'CInt(Math.Round(currentImage.Width * zoomRatio))
' drawRectangle.Height = 360 'CInt(Math.Round(currentImage.Height * zoomRatio))
' drawRectangle.X = 0 'CInt(Math.Round(pb.Width / 2.0 - imgPoint.X * zoomRatio))
' drawRectangle.Y = 0 'CInt(Math.Round(pb.Height / 2.0 - imgPoint.Y * zoomRatio))
' Label33.Text = "dR.Width=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Width) + "dR.Heght=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Height) + "dR.X=" + CStr(drawRectangle.X) + "dR.Y=" + CStr(drawRectangle.Y)
' '画像を表示する
' PictureBox2.Invalidate()
'End Sub
Private Sub PictureBox2_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) _
Handles PictureBox2.Paint
If Not (currentImage Is Nothing) Then
e.Graphics.DrawImage(currentImage, drawRectangle)
End If
End Sub
'=============================START PROGRM=================================================================================================
Delegate Sub DataDelegate(ByVal sdata As String)
'PrintData データ受信コア==========================================================================================
Private Sub PrintData(ByVal sdata As String)
'Debug.print("****************Inputted_sdata.length-" & CStr(sdata.Length) & "-Result_sdata-" & sdata)
' dgv1.ColumnCount = 200 'str_sdata.Length
If sdata.Length = 0 Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf sdata.Length > 0 And CheckBox5.Checked = True Then
idx = idx + 1
'RichTextBox1.AppendText(sdata + vbCrLf)
Exit Sub
End If
'ASCII data ESP-NOW処理部---------------------------------------------------
If RadioButton3.Checked = True And sdata.Length > 400 And sdata.Length < 517 Then '172x3=516
Dim split_sdata As String() = sdata.Split(",")
If split_sdata.Length > 172 Then
''Debug.print(CStr(NVC) & "-ASCII:split_sdata Len-" & CStr(split_sdata.Length))
Exit Sub
End If
'PVT to binStr
' 'Debug.print("ASCII:sdataLen=" & sdata.Length & ":" & sdata)
Dim startRELP As Integer = sdata.IndexOf("B5,62,1,3C")
strPVT = sdata.Substring(0, startRELP - 1)
sbPVT = strPVT.Split(",")
PVTflag = 1
strRELP = sdata.Substring(startRELP, sdata.Length - startRELP - 1)
sbRELP = strRELP.Split(",")
RELPflag = 1
End If
k = k + 1
'BlueTooth Binary172byte処理部-----------------------------------------------
' Dim setN As Integer = 515 '受信データセット文字数 172バイト*3(文字)-1(最後尾無し)
If RadioButton1.Checked = True And CheckBox5.Checked = False Then
setN = 515
Dim slen As Integer = sdata.Length
' 'Debug.print("Org_sdata.length-" & CStr(sdata.Length) & "-Result_sdata-" & sdata)
' 'Debug.print("Org_sd2.length-" & CStr(sd2.Length) & "-Result_sd2-" & sd2)
If sd2 = "" Then
sdata = sd2 + "-" + sdata
End If
''Debug.print("Add_sdata.length-" & CStr(sdata.Length) & "-Result_sdata-" & sdata)
If sdata.Length < setN Then
sd2 = sdata
''Debug.print("short_sd1=" & sd1)
Exit Sub
ElseIf sdata.Length > setN Then
sd1 = sdata.Substring(0, setN) '[0]-[setN-1] setN個
'sd2 = sdata.Substring(setN, sdata.Length - 1 - setN) '[setN]-[sdata.Length-1]
If sdata.Length = setN Then
sd2 = ""
sd2 = sdata.Replace(sd1, "")
End If
''Debug.print("Replaced_sd2.length-" & CStr(sd2.Length) & "-Replaced_sd2-" & sd2)
If sd2.Substring(0, 1) = "-" Then
sd2 = sd2.Substring(1, sd2.Length - 1)
End If
''Debug.print("Pre_sd1.length-" & CStr(sd1.Length) & "-Pre_sd1-" & sd1)
''Debug.print("Pre_sd2.length-" & CStr(sd2.Length) & "-Pre_sd2-" & sd2)
Dim topN As Integer = sd1.IndexOf("B5-62-01-07")
Dim topStr As String = sd1.Substring(topN, sd1.Length - topN)
Dim lastStr As String
If topN = 0 Then
sd3 = topStr
lastStr = sd1.Substring(0, topN - 1)
sd3 = topStr + "-" + lastStr
End If
ElseIf sdata.Length = setN Then
sd3 = sdata
''Debug.print("Just515Result_sd3.length-" & CStr(sd3.Length) & "-Result_sd3-" & sd3)
End If
''Debug.print("Rcv_K=" & CStr(k) & "sdata_Sort_time=" & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
' If CheckBox4.Checked = True Then
'RichTextBox1.AppendText("Rcv_K=" & CStr(k) & "=sdata_Sort_time=" & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds & vbCrLf)
'End If
''Debug.print("Result_sd1.length-" & CStr(sd1.Length) & "-Result_sd1-" & sd1)
''Debug.print("Result_sd2.length-" & CStr(sd2.Length) & "-REsult_sd2-" & sd2)
''Debug.print("Result_sd3.length-" & CStr(sd3.Length) & "-Result_sd3-" & sd3)
'PVT to binStr
strPVT = sd3.Substring(0, 299)
sbPVT = strPVT.Split("-")
PVTflag = 1
strRELP = sd3.Substring(300, 215)
sbRELP = strRELP.Split("-")
RELPflag = 1
End If 'BT 172byte
' USB Serial Binary268byte 処理部 ------------------------------------------------------
If RadioButton2.Checked = True And CheckBox5.Checked = False And RadioButton3.Checked = False Then
'Debug.print("======================USB Processing Part===============================")
startIndex = sdata.IndexOf("B5-62-01-07")
'Debug.print("slen1=" & CStr(sdata.Length) & "sdata(" & CStr(k) & ")=" & sdata)
'Debug.print("PVT:stratIndex=" & CStr(startIndex))
If startIndex < 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Debug.print("sdata_len=" & CStr(sdata.Length) & "sdata(" & CStr(k) & ")=" & sdata)
'Debug.print("PVT_stratIndex=" & CStr(startIndex))
If startIndex >= 0 And sdata.Length >= 299 And startIndex < sdata.Length - 200 Then
'Debug.print("PVT_time=" & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
strPVT = sdata.Substring(startIndex, 299) 'PVT 100bytex3=300 最後のデリミタが無いから299
sbPVT = strPVT.Split("-")
'Debug.print("PVT:start=" & CStr(startIndex) & "PVT_len=" & CStr(sdata.Length) & "strPVT=" & strPVT)
PVTflag = 1
End If
startIndex = sdata.IndexOf("B5-62-01-3C")
'Debug.print("slen2=" & CStr(sdata.Length) & "sd3(" & CStr(k) & ")=" & sdata)
'Debug.print("RELP:stratIndex=" & CStr(startIndex))
If startIndex >= 0 And sdata.Length >= 215 And startIndex < sdata.Length - 144 Then
'Debug.print("RELP_startIndex=" & CStr(startIndex))
'Debug.print("RELPOSNED_time=" & sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
strRELP = sdata.Substring(startIndex, 215) ' RELPOSNED 72bytex3=216 最後のデリミタが無いから215
sbRELP = strRELP.Split("-")
'Debug.print("RELPOSNED:start=" & CStr(startIndex) & "relP_len=" & CStr(sdata.Length) & "strRELP=" & strRELP)
RELPflag = 1
End If
End If
'FIle read データ再生処理部-------------------------------------------------------------------------
If PVTflag = 1 And RELPflag = 1 And CheckBox5.Checked = False Then
NVC += 1 'NAV data set Counter
'Debug.print("NVC=" & CStr(NVC))
For i = 0 To 99
bPVT(i) = Convert.ToByte(sbPVT(i), 16)
'Debug.print("bPVT(" & CStr(NVC) & "," & CStr(i) & ")=" & CStr(bPVT(i)) & ":" & sbPVT(i))
For i = 0 To 71
bRELP(i) = Convert.ToByte(sbRELP(i), 16)
'Debug.print("bRELP(" & CStr(NVC) & "," & CStr(i) & ")=" & CStr(bRELP(i)) & ":" & sbRELP(i))
Dim rowN As Integer
rowN = (NVC - 1) 'Data Printing 繰り返し行指定
'----------------変換 SUB-----------------------------------------------
PVT_Trans(NVC) ' PVT Binary を実数データに変換 parPVT(1-33) as integer
RELP_Trans(NVC) ' RELPOSNED Binary を実数データに変換 parRELP(1-15) as integer
'--------------ファイルWrite parPVTとparRELP dgv表示ではなく全データ保存----------------------------------------------------
If fopen = 1 Then
Label2.Text = "-Logging-"
Dim fStr As String
fStr = CStr(NVC)
For i = 1 To 33 'parPVT(1-33) to fStr
fStr = fStr + "," + CStr(parPVT(i))
For i = 1 To 15 'parRELP(1-15) to fStr
fStr = fStr + "," + CStr(parRELP(i))
fStr = fStr + vbCrLf
End If
'-------------DGV1 サイズ決め-------------------------------
dgv1.ColumnCount = 60
'----Rows(0)=time sec
dgv1.Columns(0).HeaderText = "Sec"
dgv1.Columns(0).Width = 40
Dim tSec As Single = NVC * 0.125 ' Sampling time sec
'For i = 0 To 32
' dgv1.Columns(i + 1).HeaderText = headPVTArry(i)
dgv1.Columns(1).HeaderText = "iTow"
Dim iTow As Integer = parPVT(1)
dgv1.Columns(1).Width = 60
dgv1.Columns(2).HeaderText = "Year"
Dim Year As Integer = parPVT(2)
dgv1.Columns(3).HeaderText = "month"
Dim month As Integer = parPVT(3)
dgv1.Columns(4).HeaderText = "day"
Dim day As Integer = parPVT(4)
dgv1.Columns(5).HeaderText = "hour"
Dim hour As Integer = parPVT(5)
dgv1.Columns(6).HeaderText = "min"
Dim min As Integer = parPVT(6)
dgv1.Columns(7).HeaderText = "sec"
Dim sec As Integer = parPVT(7)
dgv1.Columns(8).HeaderText = "valid"
Dim valid As Integer = parPVT(8)
dgv1.Columns(9).HeaderText = "tAcc"
Dim tAcc As Integer = parPVT(9)
dgv1.Columns(10).HeaderText = "nano"
Dim nano As Integer = parPVT(10)
dgv1.Columns(11).HeaderText = "fixType"
Dim fixType As Integer = parPVT(11)
dgv1.Columns(12).HeaderText = "flags"
Dim flags As Integer = parPVT(12)
dgv1.Columns(13).HeaderText = "flags2"
Dim flags2 As Integer = parPVT(13)
dgv1.Columns(14).HeaderText = "numSV"
Dim numSV As Integer = parPVT(14)
dgv1.Columns(15).HeaderText = "lon"
Dim lon As Integer = parPVT(15)
dgv1.Columns(16).HeaderText = "lat"
Dim lat As Integer = parPVT(16)
dgv1.Columns(17).HeaderText = "height"
Dim height As Integer = parPVT(17)
dgv1.Columns(18).HeaderText = "hMSL"
Dim hMSL As Integer = parPVT(18)
dgv1.Columns(19).HeaderText = "hAcc"
Dim hAcc As Integer = parPVT(19)
dgv1.Columns(20).HeaderText = "vAcc"
Dim vAcc As Integer = parPVT(20)
dgv1.Columns(21).HeaderText = "velN"
Dim velN As Integer = parPVT(21)
dgv1.Columns(22).HeaderText = "velE"
Dim velE As Integer = parPVT(22)
dgv1.Columns(23).HeaderText = "velD"
Dim velD As Integer = parPVT(23)
dgv1.Columns(24).HeaderText = "gSpeed"
Dim gSpeed As Integer = parPVT(24)
dgv1.Columns(25).HeaderText = "headMot"
Dim headMot As Integer = parPVT(25)
dgv1.Columns(26).HeaderText = "sAcc"
Dim sAcc As Integer = parPVT(26)
dgv1.Columns(27).HeaderText = "headAcc"
Dim headAcc As Integer = parPVT(27)
dgv1.Columns(28).HeaderText = "pDOP"
Dim pDOP As Integer = parPVT(28)
dgv1.Columns(29).HeaderText = "flags3"
Dim flags3 As Integer = parPVT(29)
dgv1.Columns(30).HeaderText = "reserved1"
Dim reserved1 As Integer = parPVT(30)
dgv1.Columns(31).HeaderText = "headVeh"
Dim headVeh As Integer = parPVT(31)
dgv1.Columns(32).HeaderText = "magDec"
Dim magDec As Integer = parPVT(32)
dgv1.Columns(33).HeaderText = "magAcc"
Dim magAcc As Integer = parPVT(33)
dgv1.Columns(34).HeaderText = "RELP_iTow"
Dim RELP_iTOW As Integer = parRELP(1)
dgv1.Columns(35).HeaderText = "relPosN"
Dim relPosN As Single = parRELP(2) + parRELP(7) * 0.1
dgv1.Columns(36).HeaderText = "relPosE"
Dim relPosE As Single = parRELP(3) + parRELP(8) * 0.1
dgv1.Columns(37).HeaderText = "relPosD"
Dim relPosD As Single = parRELP(4) + parRELP(9) * 0.1
dgv1.Columns(38).HeaderText = "relPosLength"
Dim relPosLength As Single = parRELP(5) + parRELP(10) * 0.1
dgv1.Columns(39).HeaderText = "relPosHeading"
Dim relPosHeading As Single = parRELP(6) * 0.00001
dgv1.Columns(40).HeaderText = "reserved2"
Dim reserved2 As Single = parRELP(7) '* 0.00001
dgv1.Columns(41).HeaderText = "relPosHPN"
Dim relPosHPN As Single = parRELP(8) '* 0.00001
dgv1.Columns(42).HeaderText = "relPosHPE"
Dim relPosHPE As Single = parRELP(9) '* 0.00001
dgv1.Columns(43).HeaderText = "relPosHPD"
Dim relPosHPD As Single = parRELP(10) '* 0.00001
dgv1.Columns(44).HeaderText = "relPosHPLength"
Dim relPosHPLength As Single = parRELP(11) '* 0.00001
dgv1.Columns(45).HeaderText = "accN"
Dim accN As Single = parRELP(12) * 0.01
dgv1.Columns(46).HeaderText = "accE"
Dim accE As Single = parRELP(13) * 0.01
dgv1.Columns(47).HeaderText = "accD"
Dim accD As Single = parRELP(14) * 0.01
dgv1.Columns(48).HeaderText = "accLength"
Dim accLength As Single = parRELP(15) * 0.01
dgv1.Columns(49).HeaderText = "accHeading"
Dim accHeading As Single = parRELP(16) * 0.00001
'Debug.print("parRELP(16)=" + CStr(parRELP(16)) + "accHeading=", CStr(accHeading))
dgv1.Columns(50).HeaderText = "reserved3"
Dim reserved3 As Single = parRELP(17)
'Debug.print("parRELP(17)=" + CStr(parRELP(17)) + "reserved3=", CStr(reserved3))
dgv1.Columns(51).HeaderText = "flags"
Dim rflags As Single = parRELP(18)
'Debug.print("parRELP(18)=" + CStr(parRELP(18)) + "flags=", CStr(flags))
'PVT = 1 : iTow, 11: fixType, 14: numSV, 15: lon, 16: lat, 17: height, 19: hAcc , 20: vAcc, 21: velN, 22: velE, 23: velD
' RELPOSNED = 1 : iTow, 2: relPosN, 3: relPosE, 4: relPosD, 5: relPosLength, 6: relPosHeading,
dgv1.Rows.Add(tSec, iTow, Year, month, day, hour, min, sec, valid, tAcc, nano, fixType, flags, flags2, numSV, lon, lat, height, hMSL, hAcc, vAcc, velN, velE, velD, gSpeed, headMot, sAcc, headAcc, pDOP, flags3, reserved1, headVeh, magDec, magAcc,
RELP_iTOW, relPosN, relPosE, relPosD, relPosLength, relPosHeading, reserved2, relPosHPN, relPosHPE, relPosHPD, relPosHPLength,
accN, accE, accD, accLength, accHeading, reserved3, rflags)
'------------dgv1 行ヘッダー番号 --------------------------------
dgv1.Rows(rowN).HeaderCell.Value = NVC.ToString() '行ヘッダーにデータ番号NVC
dgv1.RowHeadersWidth = 60
'-----Focus Row------------------------------------
If rowN > 5 Then
dgv1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = rowN
End If
PVTflag = 0
RELPflag = 0
'plotC  グラフィック描画=======================================================================================================================
'------wait 時間制御 NVCカウントする hscrollbar1でwait時間調整
' waitN=0停止で手動プロットモード waitN=10で実速度0.125sec
Dim waitN As Integer
Dim ctime As Integer
Dim ctime_1 As Integer = 0
'TextBox1.Text = waitN
If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then
plotC(NVC - 1)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
SerialPort1.PortName = ComboBox1.SelectedItem ' "COM18" ' TextBox1.Text 'オープンするポート名を格納
SerialPort1.Open() 'ポートオープン
End Sub
'Rover-Base Change +/-
Private Sub CheckBox13_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox13.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox13.Checked = True Then
RBset = -1
End If
If CheckBox13.Checked = False Then
RBset = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If fopen = 1 Then
End If
Label2.Text = ""
If SerialPort1.IsOpen = True Then 'ポートオープン済み
SerialPort1.Close() 'ポートクローズ
dataReceivedFlag = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(sender As Object, e As SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
Dim ReceivedData As String = "" '受信データ用変数を宣言します
dataReceivedFlag = 1
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
If RadioButton3.Checked = True Then 'ESP-NOW ASCII INPUT
ReceivedData = SerialPort1.ReadLine 'ASCII CRLF
' ReceivedData = ReceivedData + vbCrLf
Else ' BT,USB Binary INPUT Binary=>HEX RadioButton 2,3 True
Dim arrByte As Byte() = New Byte(SerialPort1.BytesToRead - 1) {}
SerialPort1.Read(arrByte, 0, arrByte.GetLength(0)) 'Binary Receive
ReceivedData = BitConverter.ToString(arrByte) '
End If
Catch ex As Exception
'Debug.print("Error" + ReceivedData)
ReceivedData = ex.Message '例外処理を行います
End Try
Dim adre As New DataDelegate(AddressOf PrintData)
Me.Invoke(adre, ReceivedData)
'Invoke(adre, ReceivedData)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Rinsert()
For i = 0 To dgv1.Rows.Count - 1
dgv1.Rows(i).HeaderCell.Value = i.ToString()
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Rdelete()
'Dim SelCellRange As Integer = dgv1.Rows.GetRowCount(DataGridViewElementStates.Selected)
''Debug.print("Rdelete start=" + CStr(dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex) + "range=" + CStr(SelCellRange))
Dim r As DataGridViewRow
For Each r In dgv1.SelectedRows
If Not r.IsNewRow Then
End If
Next r
For i = 0 To dgv1.Rows.Count - 1
dgv1.Rows(i).HeaderCell.Value = i.ToString()
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Rcopy()
Dim cX As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
Dim cY As Integer = dgv1.RowCount
Dim rX As Integer = dgv1.ColumnCount
Dim rY As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex
ReDim copyCol(cY)
ReDim copyRow(rX)
For i = 0 To rX - 1
copyRow(i) = CStr(dgv1.Rows(rY).Cells(i).Value)
Next i
For i = 0 To dgv1.Rows.Count - 1
dgv1.Rows(i).HeaderCell.Value = i.ToString()
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Rpaste()
'If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
Dim cX As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
Dim cY As Integer = dgv1.RowCount
Dim rX As Integer = dgv1.ColumnCount
Dim rY As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex
For i = 0 To rX - 1
dgv1.Rows(rY).Cells(i).Value = copyRow(i)
Next i
For i = 0 To dgv1.Rows.Count - 1
dgv1.Rows(i).HeaderCell.Value = i.ToString()
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Activated(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated
'----------DGV contetmenustrip add--------------------
cMenu1 = New ContextMenuStrip()
cMenu1.Items.Add("Insert", Nothing, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf Rinsert))
cMenu1.Items.Add("Delete", Nothing, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf Rdelete))
cMenu1.Items.Add("Copy", Nothing, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf Rcopy))
cMenu1.Items.Add("Paste", Nothing, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf Rpaste))
'============DIM initialize===============================
'xsize = 1200 'Graph Xsize
'ysize = 400 'Graph Ysize
xsize = PictureBox1.Width
ysize = PictureBox1.Height
axisdiv = 40 ' divsize
Me.AutoScroll = True
ReDim Npbx(30000), Npby(30000), Nprx(30000), Npry(30000)
RBset = 1 'default 1 RoverBase逆付けなら-1
sd1 = ""
sd2 = ""
Me.Text = "SKI_NAV-PVT_RELPOSNED_FullCheck_BitMapTrim_rev018"
ReDim sbPVT(100)
ReDim sbRELP(72)
ReDim bPVT(200)
ReDim bRELP(172)
ReDim dgArry(60000, 48)
'dgv1.ColumnCount = 172
'dgv1.RowCount = 2000
ReDim parPVT(100)
ReDim parRELP(80)
'ReDim headPVTArry(47)
'ReDim headRELPArry(15)
For Each sp As String In My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames
'dgv1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
'For i = 0 To dgv1.ColumnCount - 1
' dgv1.Columns(i).Width = 40
headPVT = "iTOW,Year,month,day,hour,min,sec,valid,tAcc,nano,fixType,flags,flags2,numSV,lon,lat,height,hMSL,hAcc,vAcc,velN,velE,velD,gSpeed,headMot,sAcc,headAcc,pDOP,flags3,reserved1,headVeh,magDec,magAcc"
headRELP = "R_iTOW,relPosN,relPosE,relPosD,relPosLength,relPosHeading,reserved2,relPosHPN,relPosHPE,relPosHPD,relPosHPLength,accN,accE,accD,accLength,accHeading,reserved3,flags"
headPVTArry = Split(headPVT, ",")
headRELPArry = Split(headRELP, ",")
''Debug.print("FORM:headPVTArry_Length=" & CStr(headPVTArry.Length) & ",headRELPArry Length=" & CStr(headRELPArry.Length))
'ComboBox 初期値
ComboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0 'No wait default
ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = 0 'BCH->DEC Default
End Sub
'=======================UBX Translation=============================================================================
Private Sub PVT_Trans(ByVal NVC As Integer)
'----------------PVT Trans---------------------------------------
' headPVT = "iTOW,Year,month,day,hour,min,sec,valid,tAcc,nano,fixType,flags,flags2,numSV,lon,lat,height,hMSL,hAcc,vAcc,velN,velE,velD,gSpeed,headMot,sAcc,headAcc,pDOP,flags3,reserved1,headVeh,magDec,magAcc"
'Byte OFFSET=5 (header: B5,62,01,07,5C 5 Byte)
Dim off As Integer = 6
'1:iTOW 0-3
parPVT(1) = pvtI4(NVC, 0 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(1)=" & CStr(parPVT(1)))
'2:Year 4-5
parPVT(2) = pvtI2(NVC, 4 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(2)=" & CStr(parPVT(2)))
'3:month 6
parPVT(3) = CInt(bPVT(6 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(3)=" & CStr(parPVT(3)))
'4:day 7
parPVT(4) = CInt(bPVT(7 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(4)=" & CStr(parPVT(4)))
'5:hour 8
parPVT(5) = CInt(bPVT(8 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(5)=" & CStr(parPVT(5)))
'6:min 9
parPVT(6) = CInt(bPVT(9 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(6)=" & CStr(parPVT(6)))
'7:sec 10
parPVT(7) = CInt(bPVT(10 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(7)=" & CStr(parPVT(7)))
'8:valid 11
parPVT(8) = CInt(bPVT(11 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(8)=" & CStr(parPVT(8)))
'9:tAcc 12,13,14,15
parPVT(9) = pvtI4(NVC, 12 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(9)=" & CStr(parPVT(9)))
'10:nano 16
parPVT(10) = CInt(bPVT(16 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(10)=" & CStr(parPVT(10)))
'11:fixType 20
parPVT(11) = CInt(bPVT(20 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(11)=" & CStr(parPVT(11)))
'12:flags 21
parPVT(12) = CInt(bPVT(21 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(12)=" & CStr(parPVT(12)))
'13:flags2 22
parPVT(13) = CInt(bPVT(22 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(13)=" & CStr(parPVT(13)))
'14:numSV 23
parPVT(14) = CInt(bPVT(23 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(14)=" & CStr(parPVT(14)))
parPVT(15) = pvtI4(NVC, 24 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(15)=" & CStr(parPVT(15)))
'16:lat 28,29,30,31
parPVT(16) = pvtI4(NVC, 28 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(16)=" & CStr(parPVT(16)))
'17:height 32,33,34,35
parPVT(17) = pvtI4(NVC, 32 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(17)=" & CStr(parPVT(17)))
'18:hMSL 36,37,38,39
parPVT(18) = pvtI4(NVC, 36 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(18)=" & CStr(parPVT(18)))
'19:hAcc 40,41,42,43
parPVT(19) = pvtI4(NVC, 40 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(19)=" & CStr(parPVT(19)))
'20:vAcc 44,45,46,47
parPVT(20) = pvtI4(NVC, 44 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(20)=" & CStr(parPVT(20)))
'21:velN 48,49,50,51
parPVT(21) = pvtI4(NVC, 48 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(21)=" & CStr(parPVT(21)))
'22:velE 52,53,54,55
parPVT(22) = pvtI4(NVC, 52 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(22)=" & CStr(parPVT(22)))
'23:velD 56,57,58,59
parPVT(23) = pvtI4(NVC, 56 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(23)=" & CStr(parPVT(23)))
'24:gSpeed 60,61,62,63
parPVT(24) = pvtI4(NVC, 60 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(24)=" & CStr(parPVT(24)))
'25:headMot 64,65,66,67
parPVT(25) = pvtI4(NVC, 64 + off)
' 'Debug.print("parPVT(25)=" & CStr(parPVT(25)))
'26:sAcc 68,69,70,71
parPVT(26) = pvtI4(NVC, 68 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(26)=" & CStr(parPVT(26)))
'27:headAcc 72,73,74,75
'Debug.print("parPVT(27)=" & CStr(parPVT(27)))
'28:pDOP 76,77
parPVT(28) = pvtI2(NVC, 76 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(28)=" & CStr(parPVT(28)))
'29:flags3 78
parPVT(29) = CInt(bPVT(78 + off))
'Debug.print("parPVT(29)=" & CStr(parPVT(29)))
'30:reserved1 79,80,81,82
parPVT(30) = pvtI4(NVC, 79 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(30)=" & CStr(parPVT(30)))
'31:headVeh 83,84,85,86
parPVT(31) = pvtI4(NVC, 83 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(31)=" & CStr(parPVT(31)))
'32:magDec 88,89
parPVT(32) = pvtI2(NVC, 88 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(32)=" & CStr(parPVT(32)))
'33:magAcc 90,91
parPVT(33) = pvtI2(NVC, 90 + off)
'Debug.print("parPVT(33)=" & CStr(parPVT(33)))
End Sub
Private Sub RELP_Trans(ByVal NVC As Integer)
'----------------PVT Trans---------------------------------------
' headRELP = "R_iTOW,relPosN,relPosE,relPosD,relPosLength,relPosHeading,relPosHPN,relPosHPE,relPosHPD,relPosHPLength,accN,accE,accD,accLength,accHeading"
'Byte OFFSET=5 (header: B5,62,01,07,5C 5 Byte)
Dim off As Integer = 6
'---------1:iTOW 4-7
parRELP(1) = relpI4(NVC, 4 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(1)=" & CStr(parRELP(1)))
'---------2:relPosN 8-11
parRELP(2) = relpI4(NVC, 8 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(2)=" & CStr(parRELP(2)))
'---------3:relPosE 12-15
parRELP(3) = relpI4(NVC, 12 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(3)=" & CStr(parRELP(3)))
'---------4:relPosD 16-19
parRELP(4) = relpI4(NVC, 16 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(4)=" & CStr(parRELP(4)))
'---------5:relPosLength 20-23
parRELP(5) = relpI4(NVC, 20 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(5)=" & CStr(parRELP(5)))
'---------6:relPosHeading 24-27
parRELP(6) = relpI4(NVC, 24 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(6)=" & CStr(parRELP(6)))
'---------7:reserved 28-31
parRELP(7) = relpI4(NVC, 28 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(7)=" & CStr(parRELP(7)))
'---------8:relPosHPN 32
parRELP(8) = CInt(bRELP(32 + off))
'Debug.print("parRELP(8)=" & CStr(parRELP(8)))
'---------9:relPosHPE 33
parRELP(9) = CInt(bPVT(33 + off))
'Debug.print("parRELP(9)=" & CStr(parRELP(9)))
'---------10:relPosHPD 34
parPVT(10) = CInt(bPVT(34 + off))
'Debug.print("parRELP(10)=" & CStr(parRELP(10)))
'--------11:relPosHPLength 35
parRELP(11) = CInt(bPVT(35 + off))
'Debug.print("parRELP(11)=" & CStr(parRELP(11)))
'--------12:accN 36-39
parRELP(12) = relpI4(NVC, 36 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(12)=" & CStr(parRELP(12)))
'--------13:accE 40-43
parRELP(13) = relpI4(NVC, 40 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(12)=" & CStr(parRELP(13)))
'--------14:accD 44-47
parRELP(14) = relpI4(NVC, 44 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(14)=" & CStr(parRELP(14)))
'--------15:accLength 48-51
parRELP(15) = relpI4(NVC, 48 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(15)=" & CStr(parRELP(15)))
'--------16:accHeading 52-55
parRELP(16) = relpI4(NVC, 52 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(16)=" & CStr(parRELP(16)))
'--------17:reserved3 56-59
parRELP(17) = relpI4(NVC, 56 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(17)=" & CStr(parRELP(17)))
'--------18:flags 60-63
parRELP(18) = relpI4(NVC, 60 + off)
'Debug.print("parRELP(18)=" & CStr(parRELP(18)))
End Sub
'=====================================================BInary To Decimal ===============================================================================
Private Function pvtI4(ByVal dnum As Integer, ByVal sN As Integer) As Integer
Dim i4 As Integer
' 'Debug.print("In_pvtI4:bPVT()=" & CStr(sN) & "::" & CStr(bPVT(sN)) & "," & CStr(bPVT(sN + 1)) & "," & CStr(bPVT(sN + 2)) & "," & CStr(bPVT(sN + 3)))
If (bPVT(sN + 3) And &H80) And &H80 Then '{//4番目のBYTEの最上位ビットたっていればマイナス
''Debug.print("-bPVT*65536=" & CStr(CLng((bPVT( sN + 2) * 65536))))
''Debug.print("-bPVT*256*256*256=" & CStr(CLng(255 - bPVT( sN + 3)) * 16777216))
i4 = -CLng(256 - (bPVT(sN)) + CLng(255 - bPVT(sN + 1)) * 256 + CLng(255 - bPVT(sN + 2)) * 65536 + CLng(255 - bPVT(sN + 3)) * 16777216)
''Debug.print("+bPVT*65536=" & CStr(sN) & "::" & CStr(bPVT( sN + 2) * 65536))
''Debug.print("+bPVT*256*256*256=" & CStr(sN) & "::" & CStr(bPVT( sN + 3) * 256 * 256 * 256))
i4 = CLng(bPVT(sN) * 1 + CLng(bPVT(sN + 1)) * 256 + CLng(bPVT(sN + 2)) * 65536 + CLng(bPVT(sN + 3)) * 256 * 256 * 256)
End If
Return i4
End Function
Private Function pvtI2(ByVal dnum As Integer, ByVal sN As Integer) As Integer
Dim i2 As Integer
i2 = bPVT(sN + 1) * 1 + bPVT(sN) * 256
Return i2
End Function
'------------------RELPOSNED --------------------------------------------------
Private Function relpI4(ByVal dnum As Integer, ByVal sN As Integer) As Integer
Dim i4 As Integer
'Debug.print("In_relpI4:bTELP()=" & CStr(sN) & "::" & CStr(bRELP(sN)) & "," & CStr(bRELP(sN + 1)) & "," & CStr(bRELP(sN + 2)) & "," & CStr(bRELP(sN + 3)))
If (bRELP(sN + 3) And &H80) And &H80 Then '{//4番目のBYTEの最上位ビットたっていればマイナス
i4 = -CLng(256 - (bRELP(sN)) + CLng(255 - bRELP(sN + 1)) * 256 + CLng(255 - bRELP(sN + 2)) * 65536 + CLng(255 - bRELP(sN + 3)) * 16777216)
i4 = CLng(bRELP(sN) * 1 + CLng(bRELP(sN + 1)) * 256 + CLng(bRELP(sN + 2)) * 65536 + CLng(bRELP(sN + 3)) * 256 * 256 * 256)
End If
Return i4
End Function
Private Function relpI2(ByVal dnum As Integer, ByVal sN As Integer) As Integer
Dim i2 As Integer
i2 = bRELP(sN + 1) * 1 + bRELP(sN) * 256
Return i2
End Function
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
End Sub
'BinaryHEXファイルをUBXDEC変換:dgv1 Data Format 変換ボタン押し-dgv1に読み込まれたファイルを変換
Private Sub Button10_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button10.Click
''Debug.print("dgv1.rowcount=" & CStr(dgv1.RowCount))
dataSu2 = dgv1.RowCount
Dim ketasu2 As Integer = dgv1.ColumnCount
''Debug.print("Format Trans BCH->DEC startTime=" & CStr(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds))
'BCH->DEC NAV-PVT+NAV-RELPOSNEDの16進数表記をDEC変換-----------------------------------------------------------
Dim startOff As Integer
If dgv1.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "B5" Then
startOff = 0
End If
'If dgv1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value = "B5" Then
If dgv1.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "" Then
startOff = 1
End If
If ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
'bPVT(),bRELP()に代入してFunction pvtI4()とrelpI4()で整数化してparPVT(1-33)とparRELP(1-15)に入れてdgv1書き換え
For i = 0 To dataSu2 - 2 ' Last Row Error Kaihi
For j = 0 To 99
sbPVT(j) = dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(j + startOff).Value
bPVT(j) = Convert.ToByte(sbPVT(j), 16)
'Debug.print("bPVT(" & CStr(NVC) & "," & CStr(j) & ")=" & CStr(bPVT(j)) & ":" & sbPVT(j))
For j = 0 To 71
sbRELP(j) = dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(j + startOff + 100).Value
bRELP(j) = Convert.ToByte(sbRELP(j), 16)
'bRELP(j) = Convert.ToByte(sbRELP(j), 16)
''Debug.print("bRELP(" & CStr(NVC) & "," & CStr(j) & ")=" & CStr(bRELP(j)) & ":" & sbRELP(j))
For k = 0 To 33 - 1
dgArry(i, k) = parPVT(k + 1)
''Debug.print("dgArry(" & CStr(i) & "," & CStr(k) & ")=" & CStr(dgArry(i, k)))
Next k
For k = 0 To 15 - 1
dgArry(i, k + 33) = parRELP(k + 1)
' 'Debug.print("dgArry(" & CStr(i) & "," & CStr(k + 33) & ")=" & CStr(dgArry(i, k + 33)))
Next k
'For k = 0 To 33 - 1
' dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(k).Value = parPVT(k + 1)
'Next k
'For k = 0 To 15 - 1
' dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(k + 100).Value = parRELP(k + 1)
'Next k
''Debug.print("Binary Loop=" & CStr(i))
' 'Debug.print("Format Trans BCH->DEC EndTime=" & CStr(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) & "RowCount=" & CStr(dataSu))
dgv1.RowCount = dataSu2 - 1
dgv1.ColumnCount = 60
For i = 0 To 32
dgv1.Columns(i + 1).HeaderText = headPVTArry(i)
For i = 0 To 14
dgv1.Columns(i + 33 + 1).HeaderText = headRELPArry(i)
For i = 0 To dataSu2 - 5
'Row No add
dgv1.Rows(i).HeaderCell.Value = CStr(i)
For j = 0 To 47
dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(j + 1).Value = dgArry(i, j)
''Debug.print("dgArry(" & CStr(i) & "," & CStr(j) & ")=" & CStr(dgArry(i, j)))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub pvt_relpHead()
For i = 0 To 32
dgv1.Columns(i + 1).HeaderText = headPVTArry(i)
'--------------旧PVT 歯抜け-----------------
'dgv1.Columns(1).HeaderText = "iTow"
'dgv1.Columns(1).Width = 60
'dgv1.Columns(2).HeaderText = "fixType"
'dgv1.Columns(3).HeaderText = "numSV"
'dgv1.Columns(4).HeaderText = "lon"
'dgv1.Columns(5).HeaderText = "lat"
'Dim lat As Integer = parPVT(16)
'dgv1.Columns(6).HeaderText = "height"
'Dim height As Integer = parPVT(17)
'dgv1.Columns(7).HeaderText = "hAcc"
'Dim hAcc As Integer = parPVT(19)
'dgv1.Columns(8).HeaderText = "vAcc"
'Dim vAcc As Integer = parPVT(20)
'dgv1.Columns(9).HeaderText = "velN"
'Dim velN As Integer = parPVT(21)
'dgv1.Columns(10).HeaderText = "velE"
'Dim velE As Integer = parPVT(22)
'dgv1.Columns(11).HeaderText = "velD"
'Dim velD As Integer = parPVT(23)
''--RELPOSNED ヘッダー
'dgv1.Columns(12).HeaderText = "RELP_iTow"
'Dim RELP_iTOW As Integer = parRELP(1)
'dgv1.Columns(13).HeaderText = "relPosN"
'Dim relPosN As Single = parRELP(2) + parRELP(7) * 0.1
'dgv1.Columns(14).HeaderText = "relPosE"
'Dim relPosE As Single = parRELP(3) + parRELP(8) * 0.1
'dgv1.Columns(15).HeaderText = "relPosD"
'Dim relPosD As Single = parRELP(4) + parRELP(9) * 0.1
'dgv1.Columns(16).HeaderText = "relPosLength"
'Dim relPosLength As Single = parRELP(5) + parRELP(10) * 0.1
'dgv1.Columns(17).HeaderText = "relPosHeading"
'Dim relPosHeading As Single = parRELP(6) * 0.00001
'dgv1.Columns(18).HeaderText = "accN"
'Dim accN As Single = parRELP(11) * 0.01
'dgv1.Columns(19).HeaderText = "accE"
'Dim accE As Single = parRELP(12) * 0.01
'dgv1.Columns(20).HeaderText = "accD"
'Dim accD As Single = parRELP(13) * 0.01
'dgv1.Columns(21).HeaderText = "accLength"
'Dim accLength As Single = parRELP(14) * 0.01
'dgv1.Columns(22).HeaderText = "accHeading"
'Dim accHeading As Single = parRELP(15) * 0.00001
End Sub
'FILE READ /Write Sub
'【MB_LogFile名指定ボタン 3 file Open 】
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
'===================FILE Name=================
'------FILE SAVE----------------------
Dim sfd As New SaveFileDialog()
Dim fname As String
fname = Format(Now, "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")
' ''Debug.print("fname=" & fname)
sfd.FileName = "MB_" + fname
sfd.Filter = "TXTファイル|*.txt|CSVファイル|*.csv|すべてのファイル|*.*"
sfd.InitialDirectory = "C:\RTK_Log "
sfd.FilterIndex = 2
sfd.Title = "保存先のファイルを選択してください"
' ダイアログボックスを閉じる前に現在のディレクトリを復元する (初期値 False)
sfd.RestoreDirectory = True
If sfd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
TextBox2.Text = sfd.FileName
End If
fname = TextBox2.Text
' fname = "C:\RTK_Log\MB_" & fname & ".csv"
'TextBox2.Text = fname
'---MS Example------------------------------
'Dim file As System.IO.StreamWriter
'file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("c:\test.txt", True)
'file.WriteLine("Here is the first string.")
Dim enc As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(“Shift_JIS”)
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(fname, False, enc)
fopen = 1 'file Open Flag
file.Write(fname + vbCrLf) 'File Name write
' file.Close()
'------Header text write----------------------
file.Write("NVC," + headPVT + "," + headRELP + vbCrLf)
End Sub
'=============================ファイル READ ボタン CSV/UBX=======================================
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If RadioButton4.Checked = True Then
End If
If RadioButton5.Checked = True Then
End If
dgv1.RowHeadersWidth = 60
End Sub
'UBXファイルを読み込んで BinaryをHEXASCIに変換して、DGV表示 NAV-PVT+NAV-RELPOSNEDを1行で表示する
Private Sub UBX_DEC()
Dim Path As String = readfile() 'Dialogから読み込むファイル名指定
Dim fs As New FileStream(Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim fileSize As Integer = CInt(fs.Length) ' ファイルのサイズ
Dim buf(fileSize - 1) As Byte ' データ格納用配列
Dim readSize As Integer ' Readメソッドで読み込んだバイト数
Dim remain As Integer = fileSize ' 読み込むべき残りのバイト数
Dim bufPos As Integer = 0 ' データ格納用配列内の追加位置
'Dim ubxstr As String
dgv1.RowCount = Int(fileSize / 172) 'Fileサイズから行数
dgv1.ColumnCount = 172 ' 17sbyte収納
readSize = fs.Read(buf, 0, fs.Length)
'While remain > 0
' 172Bytesずつ読み込む
'readSize = fs.Read(buf, bufPos, Math.Min(1024, remain))
bufPos += readSize
remain -= readSize
'ubxstr = BitConverter.ToString(buf)
For i = 0 To Int(fileSize / 172) - 1
For j = 0 To 171 'dgv1.ColumnCount - 1
dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(j + 1).Value = Convert.ToString(buf(j + i * 172), 16)
Next j
Next i
'End While
End Sub
Private Sub CSV_DGV(dN As Integer)
NVC = 1
Dim datasu As Integer
Dim maxRowCSV As Integer
Dim Col2nd As Integer
Dim headerFlg As Integer
Dim rIndex As Integer
'dgN = dN
''---------dgv サイズ表示-------
'TextBox4.Text = dgv1.Columns.Count
'TextBox5.Text = dgv1.Rows.Count
'If CheckBox26.Checked = True Then
'If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then
' If dgv1.ColumnCount = 48 Then
' Label21.Text = "2ndFile CSV_DGV Stating"
' Else
' Label21.Text = "DGV1 colum数が48でない"
' End If
'End If
If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then
''Debug.print("2nd File CSV_DGV col=49 start ")
Col2nd = dgv1.ColumnCount
ElseIf CheckBox11.Checked = True And dgv1.ColumnCount <> 48 Then
ElseIf CheckBox11.Checked = False Then
Col2nd = 0
dgv1.DataSource = Nothing
End If
Dim Path As String = readfile() 'Dialogから読み込むファイル名指定
Label3.Text = Path
maxRowCSV = GetLinesOfTextFile(Path)
'Label1.Text = CStr(maxRowCSV) & "行"
Label2.Text = "CSV File Loaded"
datasu = CSV_crlf(Path) 'ファイルの改行数なのでHeader行も含まれる行数なのでRowではない
'Label2.Text = "CSV File Read Finished"
'--------dgv ヘッダー処理--------------------
Dim hIndex As Integer = 0
If dreadata(0, 0).IndexOf(".csv") >= 0 Then
hIndex = 1
End If
If IsNumeric(dreadata(hIndex, 0)) = False Then 'ヘッダーあり
' Label1.Text = "ヘッダーあり"
dgv1.RowCount = datasu - 1 'ヘッダー行を差し引いてDGVの行を作る
''Debug.print("dcIndex_max=" & CStr(dcIndex_max))
dgv1.ColumnCount = dcIndex_max + Col2nd
headerFlg = 1
End If
If IsNumeric(dreadata(hIndex, 0)) = True Then 'ヘッダーなし
'Label1.Text = "ヘッダーなし"
dgv1.RowCount = datasu 'データ数分DGVの行を作る
''Debug.print("dcIndex_max=" & CStr(dcIndex_max))
dgv1.ColumnCount = dcIndex_max + Col2nd
headerFlg = 0
End If
''========================Header Col作成=================
If IsNumeric(dreadata(hIndex, 0)) = False Then 'ヘッダーがある場合
For j = 0 To dcIndex_max - 1
dgv1.Columns(j + Col2nd).HeaderText = dreadata(hIndex, j) 'dgvの列Header Property定義
End If
'=========CSVから全データ配列 redata(maxRowCSV,cIndex)==========
rIndex += 1
For i = 0 To dgv1.RowCount - 1
For j = 0 To dgv1.ColumnCount - 1 - Col2nd '1その行の列数は、dreadata(行,0)に格納されている
dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(j + Col2nd).Value = dreadata(i + headerFlg + hIndex, j)
' 'Debug.print("DGV_rdata(" & CStr(i) & "," & CStr(j + Col2nd) & ")=" & CStr(dreadata(i + headerFlg + hIndex, j)))
Next j
'Row No add
dgv1.Rows(i).HeaderCell.Value = CStr(i)
'Debug.print("rowHeader i=" & CStr(i))
Next i
Dim checkRowN As Integer = dgv1.RowCount
Dim checkColumnN As Integer = dgv1.ColumnCount
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked = False Then
Button2.Enabled = True
dataReceivedFlag = 1
Button2.Enabled = False
dataReceivedFlag = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Function readfile() As String
Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog()
ofd.FileName = "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss" '"default.html"
ofd.InitialDirectory = "C:\RTK_Log "
ofd.Filter = "TXTファイル|*.txt|CSVファイル|*.csv|すべてのファイル|*.*"
ofd.FilterIndex = 2
ofd.Title = "開くファイルを選択してください"
ofd.RestoreDirectory = True
ofd.CheckFileExists = True
ofd.CheckPathExists = True
If ofd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
Return ofd.FileName
End Function
'DGV error Remove---------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Button11_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button11.Click
' relError()
End Sub
' Header b5 cHECK
Private Sub Button12_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button12.Click
RichTextBox1.AppendText("Check Header b5")
End Sub
'iTow チェック
'ROW 処理 
Sub itowError()
Dim iniRow As Integer = dgv1.RowCount
Dim currRow As Integer = iniRow
Dim errRN As Integer = 0
Dim gyouN As Integer
Dim ketaN As Integer
Dim itowColN As Integer
'-------------iTow headerr Search------------------------------------------------
For i = 0 To 48
If dgv1.Columns(i).HeaderText = "iTOW" Then
itowColN = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
i = 1
While i < currRow - 5
Dim itowSa As Integer = dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(itowColN).Value - dgv1.Rows(i - 1).Cells(itowColN).Value
If itowSa > 125 Or itowSa < 125 Then
' dgv1.Rows.RemoveAt(i)
' For gyoN = 0 To Int(itowSa / 125) - 1
' dgv1.Rows.Insert(i + gyoN)
' currRow = iniRow + 1
'For ketaN = 0 To dgv1.ColumnCount - 1
'dgv1.Rows(i + gyoN).Cells(ketaN).Value = dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(ketaN).Value
'Next ketaN
errRN += 1
RichTextBox1.AppendText(CStr(errRN) & "itow(" & CStr(i) & ")=" & CStr(dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(itowColN).Value) & ":itow(" & CStr(i - 1) & ")=" & CStr(dgv1.Rows(i - 1).Cells(itowColN).Value) & vbCrLf)
' Next gyoN
End If
i += 1
End While
Label23.Text = "iniRow=" & CStr(iniRow) & "errRN=" & CStr(errRN) & "CurRowCount=" & CStr(dgv1.RowCount)
End Sub
Sub relError()
Dim iniRow As Integer = dgv1.RowCount
Dim errRN As Integer = 0
i = 0
While i < dgv1.RowCount - 5
If i = 520 Then
i = i
End If
If dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(35).Value > 1000 Or dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(36).Value > 1000 Or dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(37).Value > 1000 Then
errRN += 1
End If
i += 1
End While
Label24.Text = "iniRow=" & CStr(iniRow) & "errRN=" & CStr(errRN) & "CurRowCount=" & CStr(dgv1.RowCount)
End Sub
Sub b5Error() ' header b5 Exist
Dim iniRow As Integer = dgv1.RowCount
Dim currRow As Integer = iniRow
Dim errRN As Integer = 0
i = 0
While i < currRow - 15
If dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value <> "b5" Then
currRow = iniRow - 1
errRN += 1
RichTextBox1.AppendText("PVT b5 Error:rowN0=" & CStr(errRN) & "Deleted")
End If
If dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(101).Value <> "b5" Then
currRow = iniRow - 1
errRN += 1
RichTextBox1.AppendText("REL b5 Error:rowN0=" & CStr(errRN) & "Deleted")
End If
i += 1
End While
Label23.Text = "iniRow=" & CStr(iniRow) & "errRN=" & CStr(errRN) & "CurRowCount=" & CStr(dgv1.RowCount)
End Sub
'===================CSVファイル読み込み CrLf付 FILE Read Function=================================================
Private Function CSV_crlf(ByVal fnm As String) As Integer '戻り値はデータ行数 データはdreadata(rdataN,dcindex)
Using parser As New TextFieldParser(fnm, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS"))
parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited
'Delimiter Selection------------------------------
If CheckBox10.Checked = True Then 'Canmma
parser.SetDelimiters(",") ' 区切り文字はコンマ
End If
'If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then '2ndFile 読み込みはiTowを合わせて書き込む
' 'ファイルはUBXDEC済みのみ対応48桁
' 'parser.SetDelimiters(vbTab) ' 区切り文字はコン
'End If
' parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = False
' parser.TrimWhiteSpace = False
dcIndex = 0
dcIndex_max = 0
rdataN = 0
While Not parser.EndOfData
Dim row As String() = parser.ReadFields() ' 1行読み込み
For Each field As String In row
dreadata(rdataN, dcIndex) = field
' 'Debug.print("field=" & field)
' 'Debug.print("dreadata(" & CStr(rdataN) & "," & CStr(dcIndex) & ")=" & dreadata(rdataN, dcIndex))
dcIndex += 1
If dcIndex > dcIndex_max Then
dcIndex_max = dcIndex
End If
dcIndex = 0
rdataN += 1
End While
End Using
Return rdataN
End Function
'============================CSVファイル 総行数カウントFunction==============================
Public Function GetLinesOfTextFile(ByVal FileName As String) As Integer
Dim StReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FileName)
Dim LineCount As Integer
While (StReader.Peek() >= 0)
LineCount += 1
End While
Return LineCount
End Function
' ' --- DGV イベント: CellMouseClick
' Private Sub dgv1_CellMouseClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) _
'Handles dgv1.CellMouseClick
' If (e.Button = MouseButtons.Right) Then
' If (e.ColumnIndex >= 0 And e.RowIndex >= 0) Then
' dgv1.SelectedRow = e.RowIndex
' dgv1.DataGridView1.ClearSelection()
' dgv1.DataGridView1(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex).Selected = True
' ' --- コンテキストメニューを表示
' dgv1.ContextMenuStrip1.Show(System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position)
' End If
' End If
' End Sub
'【DGV まるごとSave】
Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
'---------dgv SCPmode保存ファイル準備------------------------------
fnameH = Format(Now, "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")
fStr1 = "DGV_" 'ComboBox9.SelectedItem.ToString()
fnameH = "C:\RTK_Log\" & fStr1 & fnameH & ".csv"
fstr2 = "FileOpen:" + fnameH
' RichTextBox1.AppendText(fStr2)
' RichTextBox1.ScrollToCaret()
Dim enc As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(“Shift_JIS”)
file_dgv = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(fnameH, False, enc)
f1open = 1
Label1.Text = fnameH
'dgN = ComboBox37.SelectedIndex
Dim SCPheadstr As String = ""
'---Header Str Save------------------
For i = 0 To dgv1.ColumnCount - 1
SCPheadstr += dgv1.Columns(i).HeaderText + ","
Next i
SCPheadstr += vbCrLf
'----------LoadNo,X,Y,Z save------------
Dim SCPstr As String = ""
For i = 0 To dgv1.RowCount - 1
'If CStr(dgv(dgN).Rows(i).Cells(0).Value) <> "" Then
'---Header Str Save------------------
For j = 0 To dgv1.ColumnCount - 1
SCPstr += CStr(dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(j).Value) + ","
'End If
Next j
SCPstr += vbCrLf
SCPstr = ""
Next i
f1open = 0
End Sub
'Graphic 前処理 =================================================================
'rePlay ボタン押し
Private Sub Button8_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
'--------Auto step-------------
If CheckBox20.Checked = True Then
autocount += 1
autostart = Int(TextBox8.Text)
autostep = Int(TextBox9.Text)
If autocount = 1 Then
TextBox4.Text = autostart
TextBox5.Text = autostart + autostep
If CheckBox21.Checked = True Then
TextBox5.Text = TextBox4.Text
TextBox4.Text = Int(TextBox4.Text) - autostep ' StopNo to startNo
TextBox4.Text = TextBox5.Text ' StopNo to startNo
TextBox5.Text = Int(TextBox4.Text) + autostep
End If
End If
End If
pcount = 0
Dim prange As String = TextBox4.Text & "," & TextBox5.Text
End Sub
'-----Auto Back Button ------------------------------------------------------------
'Private Sub Button17_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button17.Click
' If CheckBox20.Checked = True Then
' autocount += 1
' autostart = Int(TextBox8.Text)
' autostep = Int(TextBox9.Text)
' If autocount = 1 Then
' TextBox4.Text = autostart
' TextBox5.Text = autostart + autostep
' Else
' TextBox4.Text = Int(TextBox4.Text) - autostep ' StopNo to startNo
' TextBox5.Text = Int(TextBox4.Text)
' End If
' centering()
' ClearImage()
' End If
'pcount = 0
'Dim prange As String = TextBox4.Text & "," & TextBox5.Text
' End Sub
'Combobox で過去PLOT範囲読みだし
Private Sub ComboBox4_SelectedValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox4.SelectedValueChanged
Dim aryStrings
Dim strVal As String = ComboBox4.SelectedItem
aryStrings = Split(strVal, ",")
TextBox4.Text = aryStrings(0)
TextBox5.Text = aryStrings(1)
End Sub
'Private Sub HScrollBar2_Scroll(sender As Object, e As ScrollEventArgs) Handles HScrollBar2.Scroll
' zLon_1 = zLon
'End Sub
'水平位置スクロールバー移動 フル10m移動 100で10m
Private Sub HScrollBar2_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HScrollBar2.ValueChanged
offX = Int((HScrollBar2.Value - 50) / 100 * 1200)
'zLon_1 = Int(60 * (HScrollBar2.Value - 50)) ' /10)
End Sub
Private Sub VScrollBar1_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles VScrollBar1.ValueChanged
offY = Int((VScrollBar1.Value - 50) / 100 * 600)
'zLat_1 = Int(10 * (VScrollBar1.Value - 50) / 10)
End Sub
'Private Function HSValue_rScale(scale As Single) As Integer
' 'Dim value As Integer
' 'If scale < 1 Then 'Value=int(49.985*rscale+0.0695)
' ' value = Int((49.985 * scale) + 0.0695)
' 'End If
' 'If scale >= 1 Then 'Value=5*rScale+45
' ' value = Int(5 * scale + 45)
' 'End If
' 'HScrollBar1.Value = value
' Return value
'End Function
'Private Sub HScrollBar1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles HScrollBar1.MouseUp
' rScale = Vrscale(HScrollBar1.Value)
' 'If HScrollBar1.Value <= 1 Then
' ' rScale = 0.001
' 'End If
' 'If 1 < HScrollBar1.Value And HScrollBar1.Value < 50 Then 'rScale=(Value-0.0695)/49.985
' ' rScale = (HScrollBar1.Value - 0.0695) / 49.985
' 'End If
' 'If HScrollBar1.Value >= 50 Then 'Rscale=(Value-45)/5
' ' rScale = (HScrollBar1.Value - 45) / 5
' 'End If
' Label13.Text = "divsize=" & Int(axisdiv / rScale) & "cm X " & Int(axisdiv / rScale) & "cm"
' TextBox1.Text = rScale 'HScrollBar1.Value
'End Sub
'AutoScale押し センタリングとスケール全自動で全体像表示
Private Sub Button9_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button9.Click
'' scale計算
'lonratio = xsize / (Maxlon - Minlon) 'dot/cm 全X幅をLon全幅とするスケール値
' latiratio = ysize / (Maxlati - Minlati) 'dot/cm全Y高さをLati全高さとするスケール値
' If lonratio > latiratio Then
' rScale = latiratio
' Else
' rScale = lonratio
' End If
' If rScale > 10 Then
' rScale = 10
' End If
' HSValue_rScale(rScale)
'End If
Label13.Text = "divsize=" & Int(axisdiv / rScale) & "cm X " & Int(axisdiv / rScale) & "cm"
Label4.Text = "[lonw=" & CInt((Maxlon - Minlon) / 100) & "m:Latiw=" & CInt((Maxlati - Minlati) / 100) & "]W=" & Int(xsize / rScale) & "m:H=" & CInt((ysize / rScale) / 100) & "cm"
TextBox1.Text = CStr(rScale)
End Sub
'checkBox8 XY座標交換
Private Sub CheckBox8_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox8.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox8.Checked = True Then
col_lon = dumLati
col_lati = dumLon
col_N = dumE
col_E = dumN
End If
If CheckBox8.Checked = False Then
col_lon = dumLon
col_lati = dumLati
col_N = dumN
col_E = dumE
End If
End Sub
Private Sub rePlay() '(startRowN As Integer, endRowN As Integer, speed As Single)
Dim ir As Integer '再生行No
Dim periodT As Integer
Dim periodT_1 As Integer
Dim selPT As Integer
'ComboBox2 wait time read
Dim selI As Integer = ComboBox2.SelectedIndex
Select Case selI
Case 0 'NO wait
selPT = 0
Case 1 '10倍速 12msec-4msec refresh遅延
selPT = 8
Case 2 '5倍速 25msec-4msec refresh遅延
selPT = 21
Case 3 '2倍速 63msec-4msec refresh遅延
selPT = 240'63
Case 4 '1倍速 125msec-4msec refresh遅延
selPT = 440
Case 5
selPT = 680
End Select
''Debug.print("case Select Index,time=" & CStr(selI) & "," & CStr(selPT))
If Int(TextBox4.Text) >= 0 And Int(TextBox5.Text) > 0 Then
Label14.Text = "PlotStart"
TextBox6.Text = "PlotStart"
Dim stN As Integer = Int(TextBox4.Text)
Dim enN As Integer = Int(TextBox5.Text)
''Debug.print("plotstart=" & CStr(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds))
For ir = stN To enN 'enN
periodT_1 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
While periodT - periodT_1 < selPT
periodT = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
''Debug.print("periodTime=" & CStr(periodT - periodT_1))
End While
Label14.Text = "Plotting"
TextBox6.Text = "Plotting"
If stepFlag = 0 Then
If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then
End If
PictureBox1.Refresh() '毎回表示にRefresh必要
Else stepFlag = 1
'Debug.print("sterpFlag=1" & "ir=" & CStr(ir) & "mclick=1")
While (mClick = 1)
If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then
End If
PictureBox1.Refresh() '毎回表示にRefresh必要
Label14.Text = CStr(ir)
End While
End If
'Label14.Text = CStr(ir)
''Debug.print("Plot ir=" & CStr(ir))
moffX = 0
moffY = 0
''Debug.print("plotEnd=" & CStr(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds))
TextBox6.Text = "PlotEnd"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
mClick = 1
'Label14.Text = CStr(mClick)
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseUp
mClick = 0
'Label14.Text = CStr(mClick)
End Sub
'Private Sub dgv1_CellClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgv1.CellClick
' If zsetFlag = 1 Then
' plotrowN = dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex
' Label4.Text = plotrowN + 1
' plotC(plotrowN)
' End If
'End Sub
'センタリングボタン RealTImeMode:現在セル位置をスタート座標とする rePlayMode:指定範囲の平均値----------------------------
Private Sub Button7_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
End Sub
Private Sub centering()
Dim rPstN As Integer = Int(TextBox4.Text)
Dim rPendN As Integer = Int(TextBox5.Text)
Dim rSize As Integer = rPendN - rPstN
Dim ip As Integer
If rSize > 1 Then
ReDim lonArry(rSize), latiArry(rSize), heightArry(rSize)
ReDim relNArry(rSize), relEArry(rSize), relDarry(rSize)
ReDim lonrArry(rSize), latirArry(rSize), heightrArry(rSize)
For ip = 0 To rSize
lonArry(ip) = (dgv1.Rows(ip + rPstN).Cells(col_lon).Value) Mod 10000000
latiArry(ip) = (dgv1.Rows(ip + rPstN).Cells(col_lati).Value) Mod 10000000
heightArry(ip) = (dgv1.Rows(ip + rPstN).Cells(col_height).Value) Mod 10000000
relNArry(ip) = dgv1.Rows(ip + rPstN).Cells(col_N).Value
relEArry(ip) = dgv1.Rows(ip + rPstN).Cells(col_E).Value
relDarry(ip) = dgv1.Rows(ip + rPstN).Cells(col_D).Value
lonrArry(ip) = lonArry(ip) + relEArry(ip) * RBset
latirArry(ip) = latiArry(ip) + relNArry(ip) * RBset
'NewMethod(rPstN, ip)
'Debug.print(CStr(ip + rPstN) + ":lonr=" & CStr(lonrArry(ip) & "latir=" & CStr(latirArry(ip))))
'Debug.print(CStr(ip + rPstN) + ":relE=" & CStr(relEArry(ip) & "relN=" & CStr(relNArry(ip))))
'lon Max Min Ave
Maxlon = lonArry.Max
Maxrlon = lonrArry.Max
Maxlon = Math.Max(Maxlon, Maxrlon)
Minlon = lonArry.Min
Minrlon = lonrArry.Min
Minlon = Math.Min(Minlon, Minrlon)
Avelon = Int((Maxlon + Minlon) / 2)
'Label17.Text = "Maxlon=" & CStr(Maxlon) & "wmax=" & CStr(Maxlon - Avelon)
'Label18.Text = "Minlon=" & CStr(Minlon) & "wmin=" & CStr(Avelon - Minlon)
'Label19.Text = "zLon=Avelon=" & CStr(Avelon)
'lati Max Min Ave
Maxlati = latiArry.Max
Maxrlati = latirArry.Max
Maxlati = Math.Max(Maxlati, Maxrlati)
Minlati = latiArry.Min
Minrlati = latirArry.Min
Minlati = Math.Min(Minlati, Minrlati)
Avelati = Int((Maxlati + Minlati) / 2)
'Label20.Text = "Maxlati=" & CStr(Maxlati) & "wmax=" & CStr(Maxlati - Avelati)
'Label22.Text = "Minlati=" & CStr(Minlati) & "wmin=" & CStr(Avelati - Minlati)
'Label23.Text = "zLAt=Avelati=" & CStr(Avelati)
zLon = Avelon
zLat = Avelati
End If
' scale計算
If CheckBox22.Checked = False Then ' CheckBox22 checked rscale Fixed mode
lonratio = xsize / (Maxlon - Minlon) 'dot/cm 全X幅をLon全幅とするスケール値
latiratio = ysize / (Maxlati - Minlati) 'dot/cm全Y高さをLati全高さとするスケール値
If lonratio > latiratio Then
rScale = latiratio
rScale = lonratio
End If
If rScale > 10 Then
rScale = 10
End If
End If
Label12.Text = CStr(rScale)
'Debug.print("Centerng:Maxlon=" + CStr(Maxlon) + "Minlon=" + CStr(Minlon) + "Maxlati=" + CStr(Maxlati) + "Minlati=" + CStr(Minlati))
'Debug.print("Avelon=" + CStr(Avelon) + "Avelati=" + CStr(Avelati) + "rScale=" + CStr(rScale) + "dot/cm")
' If NVC > 0 Then
' startrowN = NVC - 1 'dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex
' zLon = dgv1.Rows(startrowN).Cells(col_lon).Value '基準Long
' zLat = dgv1.Rows(startrowN).Cells(col_lati).Value '基準Lati
' zHeight = dgv1.Rows(startrowN).Cells(col_height).Value '基準Lati
' zRelN = dgv1.Rows(startrowN).Cells(col_N).Value '基準relN
' zRelE = dgv1.Rows(startrowN).Cells(col_E).Value '基準Lati
' zRelD = dgv1.Rows(startrowN).Cells(col_D).Value '基準Lati
' TextBox3.Text = startrowN + 1 '行ヘッダー番号に合わせると+1
' zsetFlag = 1
' End If
End Sub
Private Sub NewMethod(rPstN As Integer, ip As Integer)
heightrArry(ip) = heightArry(ip) + relDarry(i)
'Debug.print(CStr(ip + rPstN) + ":lon=" & CStr(lonArry(ip) & "lati=" & CStr(latiArry(ip))))
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox2.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then
'Select paramenters with ColumnNo
'Plot data Column mode 0:Simple 1:All header Checking
If dgv1.Columns(4).HeaderText = "lon" Then 'Simple mode=RealTIme ,dgv File
col_lon = 4
col_lati = 5
col_height = 6
col_N = 13
col_E = 14
col_D = 15
col_Len = 16
' Label12.Text = "Simple"
End If
If dgv1.Columns(15).HeaderText = "lon" Then 'All mode=MB LOG FILE
col_lon = 15
col_lati = 16
col_height = 17
col_N = 35
col_E = 36
col_D = 37
col_Len = 38
' Label12.Text = "All"
'2nd File mode
'If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then
col2_lon = 65
col2_lati = 66
col2_height = 67
col2_N = 85
col2_E = 86
col2_D = 87
col2_Len = 88
' Label12.Text = "2ndAll"
'End If
End If
'-------------------Auto Header Detection-------------------------------------------------------
' If dgv1.ColumnCount < 176 Then '1st File Only
For i = 0 To dgv1.ColumnCount - 1
If dgv1.Columns(i).HeaderText = "lon" And i < 49 Then '1st File Only
col_lon = i 'default i=15
col_lati = 1 + i
col_height = 2 + i
col_N = 20 + i
col_E = 21 + i
col_D = 22 + i
col_Len = 23 + i
End If
If dgv1.Columns(i).HeaderText = "lon" And i > 48 Then '1st File Only
col2_lon = i 'default i=65
col2_lati = 1 + i
col2_height = 2 + i
col2_N = 20 + i
col2_E = 21 + i
col2_D = 22 + i
col2_Len = 23 + i
Exit For
End If
'End If
dumLon = col_lon
dumLati = col_lati
dumN = col_N
dumE = col_E
dumD = col_D
PictureBox1.Visible = True
End If
'If CheckBox2.Checked = False Then
' PictureBox1.Visible = False
'End If
End Sub
'=================================================================BITMAP All DATA Plotting for Trimming===========================================================================
Private Sub plotB()
Dim rN As Integer
Dim bi, bj, bk As Integer
Dim xCenter As Integer = xsize / 2
Dim yCenter As Integer = ysize / 2
If clearFlag = 0 Then
End If
'If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture1.imageという名称をつかうこと
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
SecondFlag = 1
Kbold = 1
' End If
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim scale As Single
' scale = HScrollBar1.Value / 10
scale = rScale
pcount += 1
'---------------------Data form Dgv1------------------------------------------------------------
'righrt data reading
Dim RNlon As Integer = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon).Value Mod 10000000
Dim RNlat As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lati).Value) Mod 10000000
Dim RNheight As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_height).Value)
Dim RNrelN As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_N).Value) * RBset
Dim RNrelE As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_E).Value) * RBset
Dim RNrelD As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_D).Value)
'left data reading
Dim LNlon As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon).Value) Mod 10000000
Dim LrNlat As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lati).Value) Mod 10000000
Dim LNheight As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_height).Value)
Dim LNrelN As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_N).Value) * RBset
Dim LNrelE As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_E).Value) * RBset
Dim LNrelD As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_D).Value)
'If (rNrelN > 1000 Or rNrelE > 1000 Or rNrelD > 1000) Then
' 'Debug.print("rN値が大きすぎます" & CStr(rN) & "行目をジャンプします”)
' Exit Sub 'Plot Cを抜け出す
'End If
'Trace Line
pxb_1 = pxb
pyb_1 = pyb
pxr_1 = pxr
pyr_1 = pyr
If RadioButton6.Checked = True Then
' ************************************平均中心座標***************************************************************
zLon_1 = 0
zLat_1 = 0
pxb = (CInt((rNlon - (zLon + zLon_1)) * scale) + xCenter + offX) '+ moffX)
pyb = ysize - (CInt((rNlat - (zLat + zLat_1)) * scale) + yCenter + offY) ' - moffY)
pxr = (CInt(((rNlon - (zLon + zLon_1) + rNrelE)) * scale) + xCenter + offX) ' + moffX)' - to + change 2021/2/24
pyr = ysize - (CInt(((rNlat - (zLat + zLat_1) + rNrelN)) * scale) + yCenter + offY) '- moffY)' - to + change 2021/2/24
End If
If RadioButton7.Checked = True Then
'----------------左下 最小値座標---------------------------------------------------------
pxb = (CInt((rNlon - Minlon) * scale)) + offX - moffX
pyb = ysize - (CInt((rNlat - Minlati) * scale)) + offY - moffY
pxr = (CInt(((rNlon - Minlon + rNrelE)) * scale)) + offX - moffX ' - to + change 2021/2/24
pyr = ysize - (CInt(((rNlat - Minlati + rNrelN))) * scale) + offY - moffY ' - to + change 2021/2/24
End If
End Sub
'=========================Graph image Clear===================================
Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
mouseFlag = 0
autocount = 0 ' autocounter reset
End Sub
Sub ClearImage()
PictureBox1.Image = Nothing
If CheckBox7.Checked = True Then 'SecondFlag = 2 And clearFlag = 1 Then 'Draw Graph Axis
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim axisdiv = 40 'dot/div
Dim div_yAxis As Integer = Int(ysize / axisdiv)
Dim div_xAxis As Integer = Int(xsize / axisdiv)
Dim BPen As New Pen(Color.Gray, 0.2) 'ラインの色・ラインの太さを設定
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, xsize, ysize)
If CheckBox15.Checked = True Then
For i = 1 To div_xAxis - 1 'Yjiku平行線 本数
Dim pty1 As New Point(axisdiv * i, ysize) 'ラインの描画開始地点
Dim pty2 As New Point(axisdiv * i, 0)
g.DrawLine(BPen, pty1, pty2) 'xAxisに平行ラインを描画
Next i
For j = 1 To div_yAxis - 1 'Xjiku平行線 本数
'BPen.EndCap = Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor 'ラインの先端を矢印に
Dim ptx1 As New Point(xsize, axisdiv * j) 'ラインの描画開始地点
Dim ptx2 As New Point(0, axisdiv * j) 'ラインの描画終了地点
g.DrawLine(BPen, ptx1, ptx2) 'yAxisに平行ラインを描画
Next j
End If
SecondFlag = 0
'clearFlag = 0
End If
clearFlag += 1
End Sub
'plotC():Graph Draw処理
Sub plotC(ByVal rN As Integer) 'ByVal dataNo As Integer, ByVal value As Integer, ByVal value_1 As Integer, ByVal colorN As Integer)
Dim i, j, k As Integer
'Dim xsize As Integer = 1200
'Dim ysize As Integer = 400
Dim xCenter As Integer = xsize / 2
Dim yCenter As Integer = ysize / 2
If clearFlag = 0 Then
End If
If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture1.imageという名称をつかうこと
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
SecondFlag = 1
Kbold = 1
End If
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim scale As Single
' scale = HScrollBar1.Value / 10
scale = rScale
pcount += 1
Dim rNlon As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon).Value) Mod 10000000
Dim rNlat As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lati).Value) Mod 10000000
Dim rNheight As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_height).Value)
Dim rNrelN As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_N).Value) * RBset
Dim rNrelE As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_E).Value) * RBset
Dim rNrelD As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_D).Value)
If (rNrelN > 1000 Or rNrelE > 1000 Or rNrelD > 1000) Then
'Debug.print("rN値が大きすぎます" & CStr(rN) & "行目をジャンプします”)
Exit Sub 'Plot Cを抜け出す
End If
'Trace Line
pxb_1 = pxb
pyb_1 = pyb
pxr_1 = pxr
pyr_1 = pyr
If RadioButton6.Checked = True Then
' ************************************平均中心座標***************************************************************
zLon_1 = 0
zLat_1 = 0
pxb = (CInt((rNlon - (zLon + zLon_1)) * scale) + xCenter + offX) '+ moffX)
pyb = ysize - (CInt((rNlat - (zLat + zLat_1)) * scale) + yCenter + offY) ' - moffY)
pxr = (CInt(((rNlon - (zLon + zLon_1) + rNrelE)) * scale) + xCenter + offX) ' + moffX)' - to + change 2021/2/24
pyr = ysize - (CInt(((rNlat - (zLat + zLat_1) + rNrelN)) * scale) + yCenter + offY) '- moffY)' - to + change 2021/2/24
End If
If RadioButton7.Checked = True Then
'----------------左下 最小値座標---------------------------------------------------------
pxb = (CInt((rNlon - Minlon) * scale)) + offX - moffX
pyb = ysize - (CInt((rNlat - Minlati) * scale)) + offY - moffY
pxr = (CInt(((rNlon - Minlon + rNrelE)) * scale)) + offX - moffX ' - to + change 2021/2/24
pyr = ysize - (CInt(((rNlat - Minlati + rNrelN))) * scale) + offY - moffY ' - to + change 2021/2/24
End If
''Debug.print("pxb=" & CStr(pxb) & "scale=" & CStr(scale) & "offX=" & CStr(offX) & "moffX=" & CStr(moffX))
''Debug.print("pyb=" & CStr(pyb) & "scale=" & CStr(scale) & "offY=" & CStr(offY) & "moffY=" & CStr(moffY))
Dim p As New Pen(Color.White)
p.Width = 0.1
rSize = Val(TextBox5.Text) - Val(TextBox4.Text)
'Debug.print("In plotc:rSize=" & CStr(rSize) & "mouseFlag=" & CStr(mouseFlag))
If rSize > 2 And mouseFlag = 0 Then
'Mouse用Array Npbx(),Npby,Nprx(),NprY()
Npbx(rN) = pxb
Npby(rN) = pyb
Nprx(rN) = pxr
Npry(rN) = pyr
''Debug.print("rNo=" & CStr(rN) & ",Npbx=" & CStr(Npbx(rN)) & ",Npby=" & CStr(Npby(rN)) & ",Nprx=" & CStr(Nprx(rN)) & ",Npry=" & CStr(Npry(rN)))
End If
''Debug.print("g.ellipse rNo=" & CStr(rN) & ",pxb=" & CStr(pxb) & ",pyb=" & CStr(pyb) & ",pxr=" & CStr(pxr) & ",pyr=" & CStr(pyr))
If pxb < xsize And pyb < ysize And pxr < xsize And pyr < ysize And (CheckBox6.Checked = True Or dataReceivedFlag = 1) Then
''Debug.print("g.ellipse rNo=" & CStr(rN) & ",pxb=" & CStr(pxb) & ",pyb=" & CStr(pyb) & ",pxr=" & CStr(pxr) & ",pyr=" & CStr(pyr))
'Plot Point-------------------------------------------
If CheckBox12.Checked = True And NutralR(rN) = 1 Then 'Nutral plot Mode
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.LawnGreen, pxb, pyb, 10, 10)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, pxr, pyr, 10, 10)
Else 'Not Nutral mode
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.LawnGreen, pxb, pyb, 3, 3)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, pxr, pyr, 4, 4)
End If
'Length plot Normal & Bold -----------------------------------------------------
If CheckBox3.Checked = True Then 'Length mode
If CheckBox9.Checked = True Then 'Tracee mode Length color YELLOW
p.Color = Color.Red 'Color.Yellow
p.Color = Color.Red
End If
If delFlag = 1 Then ' delBold() Call
p.Color = Color.Black
End If
p.Width = Kbold
g.DrawLine(p, pxb, pyb, pxr, pyr)
End If
If CheckBox9.Checked = True And pcount > 2 Then 'Trace mode
If delFlag = 1 Then ' delBold() Call
p.Color = Color.Black
End If
p.Width = Kbold
g.DrawLine(p, pxb, pyb, pxb_1, pyb_1)
g.DrawLine(p, pxr, pyr, pxr_1, pyr_1)
p.Width = 1 'Kbold
p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
g.DrawLine(p, pxb, pyb, pxb_1, pyb_1)
p.Color = Color.Red
g.DrawLine(p, pxr, pyr, pxr_1, pyr_1)
End If
End If
'Line Plot------------------------------------------------------
If CheckBox19.Checked = True Then
End If
'==============================Text Display by DrawString()=========================================================
Dim tx0 As Integer = 0
Dim ty0 As Integer = 520 '40dot/Mempri
'Fill BlackTextArea
p.Color = Color.Black
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, tx0, ty0 - 20, 400, 400)
'Add Speed Head Slip
Dim fnt As New Font("MS UI Gothic", 12)
g.DrawString(" Speed HeadAng SkiAng SkidAng hAcc flags", fnt, Brushes.White, tx0 + 18, ty0)
Dim fntR As New Font("MS UI Gothic", 16)
'ITow Time Display--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthN = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon - 12).Value
dayN = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon - 11).Value
hourN = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon - 10).Value + 9 'JST
minN = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon - 9).Value
secN = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon - 8).Value
itowN = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon - 14).Value
msecN = itowN Mod 1000
Dim itowStr As String = CStr(monthN) + "/" + CStr(dayN) + "/" + CStr(hourN) + ": " + CStr(minN) + ": " + CStr(secN) + "sec " + CStr(msecN) + "msec" + " [No." + CStr(rN) + "]"
Dim fntT As New Font("MS UI Gothic", 14)
g.DrawString(itowStr, fntT, Brushes.Cyan, tx0 + 8, ty0 + 55)
'Timer Count Display-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim totalmsec As Integer = (minN * 60000 + secN * 1000 + msecN) - (min0 * 60000 + sec0 * 1000 + msec0)
Dim zmin As Integer = Int(totalmsec / 60000)
Dim zsec As Integer = Int((totalmsec - zmin * 60000) / 1000)
Dim zmsec As Integer = (totalmsec - zmin * 60000 - zsec * 1000) Mod 1000
Dim timerStr As String = "No[" + CStr(rN0) + "-" + CStr(rN) + "]:" + CStr(zmin) + "min" + CStr(zsec) + "sec" + CStr(zmsec) + "msec"
Dim fntZ As New Font("MS UI Gothic", 16)
g.DrawString(timerStr, fntZ, Brushes.Yellow, tx0 + 8, ty0 - 20)
'*************動画同期コマ送りモード 時間をみて命令する**********************************************************
If CheckBox16.Checked = True And Hsc4 = 1 Then 'AsynchroチェックボックスとHscrollbar4にマウスがあるときのみコマ送り
Dim komaRN As Integer = Int(totalmsec / period) + koma0 '/ 33.367
End If
rN_1 = rN
'---dgv rN行の最上部へ頭出しして色を変える
If Hsc4 = 1 Then
dgv1.Rows(rN_1).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Empty
rN_1 = rN
dgv1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = rN
dgv1.Rows(rN).DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen
'Dim dum As Integer = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(0).Value
End If
'-------------------------SKI DATA TEXT 表示-------------------------------------------------------
'Right Ski Prameters--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'Dim speedR As String = Format((dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 9).Value * 0.0036), "##.0") + "kmh"
'Dim headR As String = Format((dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001), "000") + "deg"
Dim skiHead As Double
speedR = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 9).Value * 0.0036)
speedRF = Format(speedR, "##.0") + "kmh"
headR = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001)
'--------headR Moving Average -----------------------------------
headR4_1 = headR4
headR4 = 0
For i = 0 To 3
headR4 = headR4 + (dgv1.Rows(rN + i).Cells(col_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001)
If rN < rN_1 And rN > 5 Then
headR4 = headR4 + (dgv1.Rows(rN - i).Cells(col_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001)
End If
headR4 = headR4 / 4
If rN > 2 Then
headR_1 = (dgv1.Rows(rN - 1).Cells(col_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001)
End If
headRF = Format(headR, "000")
If CheckBox12.Checked = False Then
skiHead = 180
skiHead = 0
End If
'Dim skiR As String = Format((dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 24).Value * 0.00001) - skiHead, "000") + "deg"
skiR = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 24).Value * 0.00001) - skiHead
skiRF = Format(skiR, "000")
'Dim slipR As String = Format((dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 10).Value - dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 24).Value) * 0.00001 - skiHead, "00") + "deg"
slipR_1 = slipR
slipR = headR - skiR
If slipR > 100 Then
slipR = slipR_1
End If
slipRF = Format(slipR, "00")
Dim hAccR As Integer = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 4).Value
Dim hAccRF As String = Format(hAccR, "000")
'flags Right----------------
Dim flagsR As Integer = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon - 3).Value
Dim flagsRF As String = Format(flagsR, "000")
g.DrawString("R:" + speedRF + " " + headRF + " " + skiRF + " " + slipRF + " " + hAccRF + " " + flagsRF, fntR, Brushes.Red, tx0 + 8, ty0 + 14)
'Left Ski--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then '2nd File Columns exist
'Dim speedL, headL, skiL, slipL As Double
'Dim speedL As String = Format((dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 9).Value * 0.0036), "##.0") + "kmh"
speedL = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 9).Value * 0.0036)
speedLF = Format(speedL, "##.0") + "km/h"
'Dim headL As String = Format((dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001), "000") + "deg"
headL = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001)
headLF = Format(headL, "000")
'Dim skiL As String = Format((dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 24).Value * 0.00001) - skiHead, "000") + "deg"
skiL = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 24).Value * 0.00001) - skiHead
skiLF = Format(skiL, "000")
'Dim slipL As String = Format(dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 10).Value * 0.00001 - (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 24).Value * 0.00001 - 180), "00") + "deg"
slipL_1 = slipL
slipL = headL - skiL
If slipL > 100 Then
slipL = slipL_1
End If
slipLF = Format(slipL, "00")
Dim hAccL As Integer = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon + 4).Value
Dim hAccLF As String = Format(hAccL, "000")
'flags Left----------------
Dim flagsL As Integer = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon - 3).Value
Dim flagsLF As String = Format(flagsL, "000")
g.DrawString("L:" + speedLF + " " + headLF + " " + skiLF + " " + slipLF + " " + hAccLF + " " + flagsLF, fntR, Brushes.LawnGreen, tx0 + 8, ty0 + 34)
End If
'//////////////////////// 時系列GRAPH プロット//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
If CheckBox23.Checked = True Then
Dim G0X As Integer = 800 'グラフ左上X座標
Dim G0Y As Integer = 360 'グラフ左上Y座標
Dim Gwidth As Integer = 1000 'グラフ幅
Dim Gheight As Integer = 240 'グラフ高さ
Dim GYratio1, GYratio2, GYratio3, GYratio4, GYratio5 As Double
Dim Galtitude As Double
Dim GstartN As Integer = Int(TextBox4.Text)
Dim GendN As Integer = Int(TextBox5.Text)
Dim GdataSu As Integer = Int(TextBox5.Text) - Int(TextBox4.Text) 'TextBox5-TextBox4 データ数
If GdataSu = 0 Then
GdataSu = 100
End If
Dim Gtimeratio As Double = CDbl(Gwidth / GdataSu) '時間軸比率 横軸 ドット数/データ数
Dim Glevel1, Glevel2, Glevel3, Glevel4, Glevel5 As Integer
Dim psize As Integer = 1
Dim marksize As Integer = 3 '3 plotスライドバー読み
Dim elevationF As String
Dim elevationN As Double
If CheckBox18.Checked = True Then
'Elevation data------------------------------------------
elevation = dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon + 2).Value / 1000
elevationF = Format(elevation, "0000.00")
elevationS = dgv1.Rows(Int(TextBox4.Text)).Cells(col_lon + 2).Value / 1000
elevationE = dgv1.Rows(Int(TextBox5.Text)).Cells(col_lon + 2).Value / 1000
elevationR = elevationS - elevationE '標高差
elevationN = elevation - elevationE '現在の標高差
GYratio4 = (Gheight - 40) / elevationR 'dot/m
Glevel4 = 240
Gpx4_1 = Gpx4
Gpy4_1 = Gpy4
Gpx4 = Int((rN - GstartN) * Gtimeratio) + G0X
Gpy4 = Int(G0Y + Glevel4 - elevationN * GYratio4)
' gSpeed=>speedR kmh プロット 0-60Kmh 60dot----------------------------
GYratio1 = 6
Glevel1 = 240
Gpx1_1 = Gpx1
Gpy1_1 = Gpy1
Gpx1 = Int((rN - GstartN) * Gtimeratio) + G0X
Gpy1 = Int(G0Y + Glevel1 - speedR * GYratio1)
' headMot=>headR deg プロット 0-180deg-------------------------------
GYratio2 = 1
Glevel2 = 240
Gpx2_1 = Gpx2
Gpy2_1 = Gpy2
Gpx2 = Int((rN - GstartN) * Gtimeratio) + G0X
Gpy2 = Int(G0Y + Glevel2 - headR * GYratio2)
' skiR deg プロット 0-45deg-------------------------------
GYratio3 = 1
Glevel3 = 200
Gpx3_1 = Gpx3
Gpy3_1 = Gpy3
Gpx3 = Int((rN - GstartN) * Gtimeratio) + G0X
Gpy3 = Int(G0Y + Glevel3 - slipR * GYratio3)
'Differential headR-headR_1 プロット 0-10deg------------------------------------------
GYratio5 = 3
Glevel5 = 240
Gpx5_1 = Gpx5
Gpy5_1 = Gpy5
Gpx5 = Int((rN - GstartN) * Gtimeratio) + G0X
Gpy5 = Int(G0Y + Glevel3 - (headR4 - headR4_1) * GYratio5)
If GstartN = rN Then '初回のプロットだけ同じ点
Gpx1_1 = Gpx1
Gpy1_1 = Gpy1
Gpx2_1 = Gpx2
Gpy2_1 = Gpy2
Gpx3_1 = Gpx3
Gpy3_1 = Gpy3
Gpx4_1 = Gpx4
Gpy4_1 = Gpy4
Gpx5_1 = Gpx5
Gpy5_1 = Gpy5
End If
'Draw string
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, G0X, G0Y + 18, 900, 20)
Dim fntg As New Font("MS UI Gothic", 16)
g.DrawString("Speed=" + speedRF, fntg, Brushes.DeepPink, G0X + 8, G0Y + 15)
g.DrawString("HeadAngle=" + headRF + "deg", fntg, Brushes.Aquamarine, G0X + 150, G0Y + 15)
g.DrawString("SkidAngle=" + slipRF + "deg", fntg, Brushes.LawnGreen, G0X + 330, G0Y + 15)
g.DrawString("SeaHeight=" + elevationF + "m", fntg, Brushes.White, G0X + 500, G0Y + 15)
g.DrawString("HeadR Dif=" + Format(headR4 - headR4_1, "###.#") + "deg", fntg, Brushes.Red, G0X + 700, G0Y + 15)
' slip zero level line
p.Width = 1
p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
'p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash
'p.DashPattern = New Single() {1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F, 4.0F}
g.DrawLine(p, G0X, G0Y + Glevel3, G0X + Gwidth, G0Y + Glevel3)
'===========================時系列グラフ値スクロール読み 黄色点===========================
If Hsc4 = 0 Then
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.DeepPink, Gpx1, Gpy1, psize, psize)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Aquamarine, Gpx2, Gpy2, psize, psize)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.LawnGreen, Gpx3, Gpy3, psize, psize)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, Gpx4, Gpy4, psize, psize)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, Gpx5, Gpy5, psize, psize)
p.Color = Color.DeepPink
g.DrawLine(p, Gpx1 + 1, Gpy1 + 1, Gpx1_1 + 1, Gpy1_1 + 1)
p.Color = Color.Aquamarine
g.DrawLine(p, Gpx2 + 1, Gpy2 + 1, Gpx2_1 + 1, Gpy2_1 + 1)
p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
g.DrawLine(p, Gpx3 + 1, Gpy3 + 1, Gpx3_1 + 1, Gpy3_1 + 1)
p.Color = Color.White
g.DrawLine(p, Gpx4 + 1, Gpy4 + 1, Gpx4_1 + 1, Gpy4_1 + 1)
p.Color = Color.Red
g.DrawLine(p, Gpx5 + 1, Gpy5 + 1, Gpx5_1 + 1, Gpy5_1 + 1)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, Gpx1, Gpy1, marksize, marksize) 'Hscrolbar4のMarker 10ポイント丸
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, Gpx2, Gpy2, marksize, marksize) 'Hscrolbar4のMarker 10ポイント丸
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, Gpx3, Gpy3, marksize, marksize) 'Hscrolbar4のMarker 10ポイント丸
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, Gpx3, Gpy4, marksize, marksize) 'Hscrolbar4のMarker 10ポイント丸
'g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, Gpx5, Gpy5, marksize, marksize) 'Hscrolbar4のMarker 10ポイント丸
'p.Color = Color.DeepPink
'p.Width = 5
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx1, Gpy1, Gpx1_1, Gpy1_1)
'p.Color = Color.Aquamarine
'p.Width = 5
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx2, Gpy2, Gpx2_1, Gpy2_1)
'p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
'p.Width = 5
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx3, Gpy3, Gpx3_1, Gpy2_1)
End If
p.Color = Color.DeepPink
p.Width = 1
If Hsc4 = 1 Then '1個前のmarker消す
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, Gpx1_1, Gpy1_1, marksize, marksize) 'Makerを黒塗りで消す
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.DeepPink, Gpx1_1, Gpy1_1, psize + 1, psize + 1)
'p.Color = Color.Black
'p.Width = 5
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx1, Gpy1, Gpx1_1, Gpy1_1) '黒BOLDで消す
'p.Color = Color.DeepPink
'p.Width = 1
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx1, Gpy1, Gpx1_1, Gpy1_1)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, Gpx2_1, Gpy2_1, marksize, marksize) 'Makerを黒塗りで消す
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Aquamarine, Gpx2_1, Gpy2_1, psize + 1, psize + 1)
'p.Color = Color.Black
'p.Width = 5
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx2, Gpy2, Gpx2_1, Gpy2_1) '黒BOLDで消す
'p.Color = Color.Aquamarine
'p.Width = 1
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx2, Gpy2, Gpx2_1, Gpy2_1)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, Gpx3_1, Gpy3_1, marksize, marksize) 'Makerを黒塗りで消す
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.LawnGreen, Gpx3_1, Gpy3_1, psize + 1, psize + 1)
'p.Color = Color.Black
'p.Width = 5
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx3, Gpy3, Gpx3_1, Gpy3_1) '黒BOLDで消す
'p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
'p.Width = 1
'g.DrawLine(p, Gpx3, Gpy3, Gpx3_1, Gpy3_1)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, Gpx4_1, Gpy4_1, marksize, marksize) 'Makerを黒塗りで消す
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, Gpx4_1, Gpy4_1, psize + 1, psize + 1)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, Gpx5_1, Gpy5_1, marksize, marksize) 'Makerを黒塗りで消す
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, Gpx5_1, Gpy5_1, psize + 1, psize + 1)
End If
End If
End If
'==============================Vector Meter 2案===================================================================================
If CheckBox11.Checked = True And CheckBox23.Checked = True Then '2nd File Columns exist
'Fill Black---------------------------------------
p.Color = Color.Black
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 400, 400, 400, 400)
'Vector Meter グラフ升目-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim fntm As New Font("MS UI Gothic", 12)
Dim mesStr As String = "RED:RightSki Green:LeftSki 20cmx20cm AntDis=66cm"
g.DrawString(mesStr, fntm, Brushes.OrangeRed, 400, 380)
Dim VmeterX As Integer = 400
Dim VmeterY As Integer = 400
Dim Vxsize As Integer = 400
Dim Vysize As Integer = 400
Dim Vaxisdiv = 20 'dot/div
Dim Vdiv_yAxis As Integer = Int(Vysize / Vaxisdiv)
Dim Vdiv_xAxis As Integer = Int(Vxsize / Vaxisdiv)
p.Color = Color.OrangeRed
p.Width = 1
For i = 0 To Vdiv_xAxis 'Yjiku平行線 本数
Dim Vpty1 As New Point(Vaxisdiv * i + VmeterX, Vysize + 400) 'ラインの描画開始地点
Dim Vpty2 As New Point(Vaxisdiv * i + VmeterX, Vysize)
g.DrawLine(p, Vpty1, Vpty2) 'xAxisに平行ラインを描画
Next i
For j = 0 To Vdiv_yAxis 'Xjiku平行線 本数
'BPen.EndCap = Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor 'ラインの先端を矢印に
Dim Vptx1 As New Point(Vxsize, Vaxisdiv * j + VmeterY) 'ラインの描画開始地点
Dim Vptx2 As New Point(Vxsize + 400, Vaxisdiv * j + VmeterY) 'ラインの描画終了地点
g.DrawLine(p, Vptx1, Vptx2) 'yAxisに平行ラインを描画
Next j
Dim Ax0 As Integer = 500 '600 change2021/3/9
Dim Ay0 As Integer = 500
Dim vwidth As Integer = 400
Dim vheight As Integer = 400
'Dim Axb1, Ayb1, Axr1, Ayr1, Axb2, Ayb2, Axr2, Ayr2 As Integer
'Dim Apx0, Apy0 As Integer
'Right ski parameters
'Dim ANlon1, ANlat1, ANheight1, ANrelN1, ANrelE1, ANrelD1 As Integer
'Dim ANlon2, ANlat2, ANheight2, ANrelN2, ANrelE2, ANrelD2 As Integer
'RightSki 1個手前保持
ANlon1_1 = ANlon1
ANlat1_1 = ANlat1
ANheight1_1 = ANheight1
ANrelN1_1 = ANrelN1
ANrelE1_1 = ANrelE1
ANrelD1_1 = ANrelD1
ANlon1 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lon).Value) Mod 10000 '999cm単位
ANlat1 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_lati).Value) Mod 10000 '999cm単位
ANheight1 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_height).Value)
ANrelN1 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_N).Value) * RBset
ANrelE1 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_E).Value) * RBset
ANrelD1 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col_D).Value)
'Left ski parameters
ANlon2_1 = ANlon2
ANlat2_1 = ANlat2
ANheight2_1 = ANheight2
ANrelN2_1 = ANrelN2
ANrelE2_1 = ANrelE2
ANrelD2_1 = ANrelD2
ANlon2 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon).Value) Mod 10000 '999cm単位
ANlat2 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lati).Value) Mod 10000 '999cm単位
ANheight2 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_height).Value)
ANrelN2 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_N).Value) * RBset
ANrelE2 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_E).Value) * RBset
ANrelD2 = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_D).Value)
'MAX MIN ----------------------------------
Dim xMax0, yMax0, xMin0, yMin0 As Integer
Dim xMax1, yMax1, xMin1, yMin1 As Integer
Dim xMax2, yMax2, xMin2, yMin2 As Integer
xMax1 = Math.Max(ANlon1, ANlon1 + ANrelE1)
yMax1 = Math.Max(ANlat1, ANlat1 + ANrelN1)
xMin1 = Math.Min(ANlon1, ANlon1 + ANrelE1)
yMin1 = Math.Min(ANlat1, ANlat1 + ANrelN1)
xMax2 = Math.Max(ANlon2, ANlon2 + ANrelE2)
yMax2 = Math.Max(ANlat2, ANlat2 + ANrelN2)
xMin2 = Math.Min(ANlon2, ANlon2 + ANrelE2)
yMin2 = Math.Min(ANlat2, ANlat2 + ANrelN2)
xMax0 = Math.Max(xMax1, xMax2)
yMax0 = Math.Max(yMax1, yMax2)
xMin0 = Math.Min(xMin1, xMin2)
yMin0 = Math.Min(yMin1, yMin2)
'Ski center lon lat
Apx0_1 = Apx0
Apy0_1 = Apy0
Apx0 = Int((xMax0 + xMin0) / 2)
Apy0 = Int((yMax0 + yMin0) / 2)
Axb1_1 = ANlon1_1 - Apx0 + Ax0
Axr1_1 = ANlon1_1 + ANrelE1_1 - Apx0 + Ax0
Ayb1_1 = ysize - (ANlat1_1 - Apy0) - 100
Ayr1_1 = ysize - (ANlat1_1 + ANrelN1_1 - Apy0) - 100
Axb2_1 = ANlon2_1 - Apx0 + Ax0
Axr2_1 = ANlon2_1 + ANrelE2_1 - Apx0 + Ax0
Ayb2_1 = ysize - (ANlat2_1 - Apy0) - 100
Ayr2_1 = ysize - (ANlat2_1 + ANrelN2_1 - Apy0) - 100
'Calc xyplot -----------------------------------------
Axb1 = ANlon1 - Apx0 + Ax0
Axr1 = ANlon1 + ANrelE1 - Apx0 + Ax0
Ayb1 = ysize - (ANlat1 - Apy0) - 100
Ayr1 = ysize - (ANlat1 + ANrelN1 - Apy0) - 100
Axb2 = ANlon2 - Apx0 + Ax0
Axr2 = ANlon2 + ANrelE2 - Apx0 + Ax0
Ayb2 = ysize - (ANlat2 - Apy0) - 100
Ayr2 = ysize - (ANlat2 + ANrelN2 - Apy0) - 100
'Debug.print("rN:Axb1,Axr1,Axb2,Axr2=" & CStr(rN) & ":" & CStr(Axb1) & "," & CStr(Axr1) & "," & CStr(Axb2) & "," & CStr(Axr2))
'Debug.print("rN:Ayb2,Ayr2,Ayb2,Ayr2=" & CStr(rN) & ":" & CStr(Ayb1) & "," & CStr(Ayr1) & "," & CStr(Ayb2) & "," & CStr(Ayr2))
'Debug.print("xMax0,xMin0,yMax0,yMin0=" & CStr(xMax0) & "," & CStr(xMin0) & "," & CStr(yMax0) & "," & CStr(yMin0))
'If xMax0 < 600 And xMin0 > 400 And yMax0 < 200 And yMin0 > 0 Then'はみ出し防止
'Plot RSki----------------------------------
p.Color = Color.Red
p.Width = 6 'Kbold
If (Axb1 < 900 And Axb1 > 400 And Ayb1 < 800 And Ayb1 > 400) And (Axr1 < 900 And Axr1 > 400 And Ayr1 < 800 And Ayr1 > 400) Then 'はみ出し防止 Then 'はみ出し防止
g.DrawLine(p, Axb1, Ayb1, Axr1, Ayr1)
End If
p.Width = 2 'Kbold
If (Axb1_1 < 900 And Axb1_1 > 400 And Ayb1_1 < 800 And Ayb1_1 > 400) And (Axr1_1 < 900 And Axr1_1 > 400 And Ayr1_1 < 800 And Ayr1_1 > 400) Then 'はみ出し防止
' g.DrawLine(p, Axb1_1, Ayb1_1, Axr1_1, Ayr1_1)
End If
'Plot LSki----------------------------------
p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
p.Width = 6 'Kbold
If (Axb2 < 900 And Axb2 > 400 And Ayb2 < 800 And Ayb2 > 400) And (Axr2 < 900 And Axr2 > 400 And Ayr2 < 800 And Ayr2 > 400) Then 'はみ出し防止 Then 'はみ出し防止
g.DrawLine(p, Axb2, Ayb2, Axr2, Ayr2)
End If 'はみ出し防止
p.Width = 2 'Kbold
If (Axb2_1 < 900 And Axb2_1 > 400 And Ayb2_1 < 800 And Ayb2_1 > 400) And (Axr2_1 < 900 And Axr2_1 > 400 And Ayr2_1 < 800 And Ayr2_1 > 400) Then 'はみ出し防止
' g.DrawLine(p, Axb2_1, Ayb2_1, Axr2_1, Ayr2_1)
End If 'はみ出し防止
'Vector Arrow Add---------------------------------------------------
'Right Vector Angle =headR at base point start
Dim Alength As Double = 40 '20cm
Dim RarrowX, RarrowY As Integer
'RarrowX = Int(Alength * Math.Sin(0.0174532 * headR) + Axb1)
'RarrowY = Int(-Alength * Math.Cos(0.0174532 * headR) + Ayb1)
RarrowX = Int(speedR * Math.Sin(0.0174532 * headR) + Axb1)
RarrowY = Int(-speedR * Math.Cos(0.0174532 * headR) + Ayb1)
p.Color = Color.White
p.Width = 5 'Kbold
p.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor
g.DrawLine(p, Axb1, Ayb1, RarrowX, RarrowY)
Dim fnts As New Font("MS UI Gothic", 10, FontStyle.Bold)
g.DrawString(speedRF + " Skid_" + slipRF + "°", fnts, Brushes.White, RarrowX, RarrowY)
'Left Vector Angle =headL at base point start
'Dim Alength As Double = 40 '20cm
Dim LarrowX, LarrowY As Integer
'LarrowX = Int(Alength * Math.Sin(0.0174532 * headL) + Axb2)
'LarrowY = Int(-Alength * Math.Cos(0.0174532 * headL) + Ayb2)
LarrowX = Int(speedL * Math.Sin(0.0174532 * headL) + Axb2)
LarrowY = Int(-speedL * Math.Cos(0.0174532 * headL) + Ayb2)
p.Color = Color.White
p.Width = 5 'Kbold
p.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.ArrowAnchor
g.DrawLine(p, Axb2, Ayb2, LarrowX, LarrowY)
g.DrawString(speedLF + " Skid_" + slipLF + "°", fnts, Brushes.White, LarrowX, LarrowY)
End If 'checkbox11
'DGV 行先頭へ表示
'dgv1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = rN
'Label5.Text = "pxb=" & CStr(pxb)
'Label6.Text = "pyb=" & CStr(pyb)
'Label7.Text = "pxr=" & CStr(pxr)
'Label8.Text = "pyr=" & CStr(pyr)
'g.Dispose()' Disposeだとプロットされない
' PictureBox1.Invalidate()
'Error catch
Catch ex As System.IO.FileNotFoundException
'Debug.print("エラーが" & CStr(rN) & "行で発生しました”)
End Try
End Sub ' plotC end
'2nd File plotC2():Graph Draw処理
Sub plotC2(ByVal rN As Integer) 'ByVal dataNo As Integer, ByVal value As Integer, ByVal value_1 As Integer, ByVal colorN As Integer)
Dim i, j, k As Integer
'Dim xsize As Integer = 1200
'Dim ysize As Integer = 400
Dim xCenter As Integer = xsize / 2
Dim yCenter As Integer = ysize / 2
'If clearFlag = 0 Then
' ClearImage()
'End If
'If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture1.imageという名称をつかうこと
' PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
' SecondFlag = 1
'End If
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim scale As Single
' scale = HScrollBar1.Value / 10
scale = rScale
pcount += 1
Dim rNlon As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon).Value) Mod 10000000
Dim rNlat As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lati).Value) Mod 10000000
Dim rNheight As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_height).Value)
Dim rNrelN As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_N).Value) * RBset
Dim rNrelE As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_E).Value) * RBset
Dim rNrelD As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_D).Value)
If (rNrelN > 1000 Or rNrelE > 1000 Or rNrelD > 1000) Then
'Debug.print("rN値が大きすぎます" & CStr(rN) & "行目をジャンプします”)
Exit Sub 'Plot Cを抜け出す
End If
'Trace Line
pxb2_1 = pxb2
pyb2_1 = pyb2
pxr2_1 = pxr2
pyr2_1 = pyr2
If RadioButton6.Checked = True Then
' ************************************平均中心座標***************************************************************
zLon_1 = 0
zLat_1 = 0
pxb2 = (CInt((rNlon - (zLon + zLon_1)) * scale) + xCenter + offX) '+ moffX)
pyb2 = ysize - (CInt((rNlat - (zLat + zLat_1)) * scale) + yCenter + offY) ' - moffY)
pxr2 = (CInt(((rNlon - (zLon + zLon_1) + rNrelE)) * scale) + xCenter + offX) ' + moffX)<<< - to + change 2021/2/24>>>
pyr2 = ysize - (CInt(((rNlat - (zLat + zLat_1) + rNrelN)) * scale) + yCenter + offY) '- moffY)<<< - to + change 2021/2/24>>>
End If
If RadioButton7.Checked = True Then
'/////////////////////左下 最小値座標//////////////////////////////////////////////////
pxb2 = (CInt((rNlon - Minlon) * scale)) + offX - moffX
pyb2 = ysize - (CInt((rNlat - Minlati) * scale)) + offY - moffY
pxr2 = (CInt(((rNlon - Minlon - rNrelE)) * scale)) + offX - moffX
pyr2 = ysize - (CInt(((rNlat - Minlati - rNrelN))) * scale) + offY - moffY
End If
''Debug.print("pxb=" & CStr(pxb) & "scale=" & CStr(scale) & "offX=" & CStr(offX) & "moffX=" & CStr(moffX))
''Debug.print("pyb=" & CStr(pyb) & "scale=" & CStr(scale) & "offY=" & CStr(offY) & "moffY=" & CStr(moffY))
Dim p As New Pen(Color.Blue)
p.Width = 0.1
'If rSize > 2 Then
' 'Mouse用Array Npbx(),Npby,Nprx(),NprY()
' Npbx(rN) = pxb
' Npby(rN) = pyb
' Nprx(rN) = pxr
' Npry(rN) = pyr
' ''Debug.print("rNo=" & CStr(rN) & ",Npbx=" & CStr(Npbx(rN)) & ",Npby=" & CStr(Npby(rN)) & ",Nprx=" & CStr(Nprx(rN)) & ",Npry=" & CStr(Npry(rN)))
'End If
''Debug.print("g.ellipse rNo=" & CStr(rN) & ",pxb=" & CStr(pxb) & ",pyb=" & CStr(pyb) & ",pxr=" & CStr(pxr) & ",pyr=" & CStr(pyr))
If pxb < xsize And pyb < ysize And pxr < xsize And pyr < ysize And (CheckBox6.Checked = True Or dataReceivedFlag = 1) Then
''Debug.print("g.ellipse rNo=" & CStr(rN) & ",pxb=" & CStr(pxb) & ",pyb=" & CStr(pyb) & ",pxr=" & CStr(pxr) & ",pyr=" & CStr(pyr))
If CheckBox12.Checked = True And NutralL(rN) = 1 Then 'Nutral plot Mode
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Aqua, pxb2, pyb2, 10, 10)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, pxr2, pyr2, 10, 10)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Aqua, pxb2, pyb2, 3, 3)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, pxr2, pyr2, 4, 4)
End If
If CheckBox3.Checked = True Then
p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
If delFlag = 1 Then ' delBold() Call
p.Color = Color.Black
End If
p.Width = Kbold
g.DrawLine(p, pxb2, pyb2, pxr2, pyr2)
End If
'Trace mode
If CheckBox9.Checked = True And pcount > 2 Then
p.Color = Color.Cyan
If delFlag = 1 Then ' delBold() Call
p.Color = Color.Black
End If
p.Width = Kbold
g.DrawLine(p, pxb2, pyb2, pxb2_1, pyb2_1)
p.Color = Color.Magenta
g.DrawLine(p, pxr2, pyr2, pxr2_1, pyr2_1)
End If
End If
'Label5.Text = "pxb=" & CStr(pxb)
'Label6.Text = "pyb=" & CStr(pyb)
'Label7.Text = "pxr=" & CStr(pxr)
'Label8.Text = "pyr=" & CStr(pyr)
'g.Dispose()' Disposeだとプロットされない
' PictureBox1.Invalidate()
'Error catch
Catch ex As System.IO.FileNotFoundException
'Debug.print("エラーが" & CStr(rN) & "行で発生しました”)
End Try
End Sub ' plotC end
Private Sub dgv1_MouseClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles dgv1.MouseClick
Dim maxselRow As Integer = 0
Dim minselRow As Integer = 0
Dim icount As Integer
Dim crN As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex
Dim ccN As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
Label9.Text = "Row,Col=" & CStr(crN) & "," & CStr(ccN)
End Sub
'Private Sub dgv1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles dgv1.MouseDown
' If CheckBox6.Checked = True Then
' Dim crN As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex
' Dim ccN As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
' TextBox4.Text = crN
' End If
'End Sub
'Private Sub dgv1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles dgv1.MouseUp
' If CheckBox6.Checked = True Then
' Dim crN As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex
' Dim ccN As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
' TextBox5.Text = crN
' End If
'End Sub
'rePLAY Modeチェック
Private Sub CheckBox6_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox6.CheckedChanged
HScrollBar2.Value = 50 'offX=0
VScrollBar1.Value = 50 'offY=0
If CheckBox6.Checked = True Then
Button8.Enabled = True
Button9.Enabled = True
ComboBox2.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseDown
If CheckBox6.Checked = True Then
Dim xsize As Integer = PictureBox1.Width
Dim ysize As Integer = PictureBox1.Height
'If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture1.imageという名称をつかうこと
' PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
'End If
''PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim kitenX As Integer = PictureBox1.Left
Dim kitenY As Integer = PictureBox1.Top
Label1.Text = "kitenX=" & CStr(kitenX) & ",kitenY=" & CStr(kitenY)
Dim sp As System.Drawing.Point = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position
Dim cp As System.Drawing.Point = Me.PointToClient(sp) 'Form1の座標がでる
Dim x As Integer = cp.X
Dim y As Integer = cp.Y
'TextBox1.Text = CStr(x - kitenX) & "," & CStr(y - kitenY)
' 'Debug.print(CStr(x - kitenX) & "," & CStr(y - kitenY))
'Label28.Text = "MousePositionX,Y=" & CStr(x - kitenX) & "," & CStr(y - kitenY)
''Debug.print("MousePositionX,Y=" & CStr(x - kitenX) & "," & CStr(y - kitenY))
'Mouse ポイントオフセット座標
moffX = (x - kitenX)
moffY = (ysize - (y - kitenY)) '左下
'Label27.Text = "moffX,Y=" & CStr(moffX) & "," & CStr(moffY)
''Debug.print("moffX,Y=" & CStr(moffX) & "," & CStr(moffY))
Dim p As New Pen(Color.Red)
p.Width = 0.1
sx = CType(x - kitenX, Single)
sy = CType(y - kitenY, Single)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, sx, sy, 10, 10)
' g.DrawRectangle(Brushes.White, sx - 5, sy - 5, sx + 5, sy + 5)
Dim MP_rN As Integer = MPsearch(x - kitenX, y - kitenY)
'Label29.Text = "LEFT-TOP:NP_rN=" & CStr(MP_rN) & "MPsearch X,Y=(" & CStr(Npbx(MP_rN)) & "," & CStr(Npby(MP_rN)) & ")"
TextBox4.Text = CStr(MP_rN)
mouseFlag = 1
'g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, Npbx(MP_rN), Npby(MP_rN), 20, 20)
'フォーム上の座標 (10, 20) にマウスポインタを移動する
Dim mp As System.Drawing.Point =
Me.PointToScreen(New System.Drawing.Point(cp.X, cp.Y))
'System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = mp
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseUp
If CheckBox6.Checked = True Then
Dim xsize As Integer = PictureBox1.Width
Dim ysize As Integer = PictureBox1.Height
'If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture1.imageという名称をつかうこと
' PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
'End If
''PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim kitenX As Integer = PictureBox1.Left
Dim kitenY As Integer = PictureBox1.Top
Label1.Text = "kitenX=" & CStr(kitenX) & ",kitenY=" & CStr(kitenY)
Dim sp As System.Drawing.Point = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position
Dim cp As System.Drawing.Point = Me.PointToClient(sp) 'Form1の座標がでる
Dim x As Integer = cp.X
Dim y As Integer = cp.Y
'TextBox1.Text = CStr(x - kitenX) & "," & CStr(y - kitenY)
' 'Debug.print(CStr(x - kitenX) & "," & CStr(y - kitenY))
'Label28.Text = "MousePositionX,Y=" & CStr(x - kitenX) & "," & CStr(y - kitenY)
' 'Debug.print("MousePositionX,Y=" & CStr(x - kitenX) & "," & CStr(y - kitenY))
'Mouse ポイントオフセット座標
moffX = (x - kitenX)
moffY = (ysize - (y - kitenY)) '左下
'Label27.Text = "moffX,Y=" & CStr(moffX) & "," & CStr(moffY)
''Debug.print("moffX,Y=" & CStr(moffX) & "," & CStr(moffY))
Dim p As New Pen(Color.Yellow)
p.Width = 0.1
ex = CType(x - kitenX, Single)
ey = CType(y - kitenY, Single)
'g.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, ex, ey, 10, 10)
mouseFlag = 1 'Mouseサーチモード
'Debug.print("MouseUp mouseFlag=" & CStr(mouseFlag))
g.DrawRectangle(p, sx, sy, Math.Abs(ex - sx), Math.Abs(ey - sy))
Dim MP_rN As Integer = MPsearch(x - kitenX, y - kitenY)
'Label30.Text = "Right-Bottom:NP_rN=" & CStr(MP_rN) & "MPsearch X,Y=(" & CStr(Npbx(MP_rN)) & "," & CStr(Npby(MP_rN)) & ")"
TextBox5.Text = CStr(MP_rN)
'g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, Npbx(MP_rN), Npby(MP_rN), 20, 20)
'フォーム上の座標 (10, 20) にマウスポインタを移動する
Dim mp As System.Drawing.Point =
Me.PointToScreen(New System.Drawing.Point(cp.X, cp.Y))
'System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = mp
End If
End Sub
Function MPsearch(mx As Integer, my As Integer) As Integer
Dim distance As Double = 0
Dim distance_1 As Double
Dim Min_dis As Double
Dim Min_dis_rN As Integer
Dim d2 As Double
Dim rPstN As Integer = Int(TextBox4.Text)
Dim rPendN As Integer = Int(TextBox5.Text)
Dim rSize As Integer = rPendN - rPstN
For i = 0 To rSize - 1
distance_1 = distance
d2 = (mx - Npbx(rPstN + i)) ^ 2 + (my - Npby(rPstN + i)) ^ 2
''Debug.print("i=" & CStr(i) & "mx=" & CStr(mx) & "Npbx=" & CStr(Npbx(rPstN + i) & "my=" & CStr(my) & "npby=" & CStr(Npby(rPstN + i))))
distance = Math.Sqrt(d2)
''Debug.print("N=" & CStr(rPstN + i) & "distance=" & CStr(distance))
If distance < Min_dis Or i = 0 Then
Min_dis = distance
Min_dis_rN = i + rPstN
''Debug.print("MinDistance:N=" & CStr(Min_dis_rN) & "Min_dis=" & CStr(distance))
End If
Return Min_dis_rN
End Function
Private Function Vrscale(vol As Integer) As Double
'hScrolbar max=120 min=0
Select Case vol
Case 110 To 120
Vrscale = 0.35 * (vol - 110) + 4
Case 100 To 110
Vrscale = 0.2 * (vol - 100) + 2
Case 90 To 100
Vrscale = 0.1 * (vol - 90) + 1
Case 80 To 90
Vrscale = 0.02 * (vol - 80) + 0.8
Case 70 To 80
Vrscale = 0.03 * (vol - 70) + 0.5
Case 60 To 70
Vrscale = 0.01 * (vol - 60) + 0.4
Case 50 To 60
Vrscale = 0.015 * (vol - 50) + 0.25
Case 40 To 50
Vrscale = 0.005 * (vol - 40) + 0.2
Case 30 To 40
Vrscale = 0.01 * (vol - 30) + 0.1
Case 20 To 30
Vrscale = 0.005 * (vol - 20) + 0.05
Case 10 To 20
Vrscale = 0.004 * (vol - 10) + 0.01
Case 0 To 10
Vrscale = 0.001 * (vol - 0) + 0
End Select
End Function
'Private Sub HScrollBar1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles HScrollBar1.MouseUp
' rScale = Vrscale(HScrollBar1.Value)
' TextBox1.Text = rScale 'HScrollBar1.Value
'End Sub
Private Sub HScrollBar1_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HScrollBar1.ValueChanged
rScale = Vrscale(HScrollBar1.Value)
Label13.Text = "divsize=" & Int(axisdiv / rScale) & "cm X " & Int(axisdiv / rScale) & "cm"
TextBox1.Text = rScale 'HScrollBar1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub HScrollBar4_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HScrollBar4.ValueChanged
minV = Val(TextBox4.Text)
maxV = Val(TextBox5.Text)
HScrollBar4.Maximum = maxV + 9
HScrollBar4.Minimum = minV
'Debug.print("maxv,minV=" + CStr(maxV) + "," + CStr(minV))
enN_1 = Val(TextBox7.Text)
Dim targetRN As Integer = HScrollBar4.Value
'If CheckBox16.Checked = True Then
' koma(targetRN)
'End If
TextBox7.Text = targetRN
'rePlay2() '---------Replay until enN
'-------------------BOLD LINE------------------------
delBold(6, enN_1) 'Delete BOLD Black
Bold(1, enN_1) 'Return Width1
Bold(6, targetRN) 'Bold enN LINE
Kbold = 1
End Sub
' rePlay2 はスクロールで自由に描画できるモード
Private Sub rePlay2() '(startRowN As Integer, endRowN As Integer, speed As Single)
Dim ir As Integer '再生行No
Dim periodT As Integer
Dim periodT_1 As Integer
Dim selPT As Integer
'ComboBox2 wait time read
Dim selI As Integer = ComboBox2.SelectedIndex
selPT = 0
If Int(TextBox4.Text) >= 0 And Int(TextBox7.Text) > 0 Then
' Label14.Text = "PlotStart"
' TextBox6.Text = "PlotStart"
enN_1 = enN
stN = Int(TextBox4.Text)
enN = Int(TextBox7.Text)
''Debug.print("plotstart=" & CStr(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds))
If enN_1 > enN Then
End If
For ir = stN To enN 'enN
If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then
End If
PictureBox1.Refresh() '毎回表示にRefresh必要
moffX = 0
moffY = 0
''Debug.print("plotEnd=" & CStr(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds))
'TextBox6.Text = "PlotEnd"
End If
End Sub
'hScroll4 set Line Bold
Private Sub Bold(Lwidth As Integer, rNum As Integer) '(startRowN As Integer, endRowN As Integer, speed As Single)
Kbold = Lwidth
delFlag = 0
If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then
End If
PictureBox1.Refresh() '毎回表示にRefresh必要
moffX = 0
moffY = 0
''Debug.print("plotEnd=" & CStr(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds))
'TextBox6.Text = "PlotEnd"
End Sub
Private Sub delBold(Lwidth As Integer, rNum As Integer) '(startRowN As Integer, endRowN As Integer, speed As Single)
Kbold = Lwidth
delFlag = 1
If CheckBox11.Checked = True Then
End If
PictureBox1.Refresh() '毎回表示にRefresh必要
moffX = 0
moffY = 0
''Debug.print("plotEnd=" & CStr(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds))
'TextBox6.Text = "PlotEnd"
End Sub
Private Sub dgv1_MouseDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles dgv1.MouseDoubleClick
Dim rIn As Integer = dgv1.CurrentCell.RowIndex
End Sub
Private Sub HScrollBar4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HScrollBar4.Click
Dim maxV, minV As Integer
minV = Val(TextBox4.Text)
maxV = Val(TextBox5.Text)
HScrollBar4.Maximum = maxV + 9
HScrollBar4.Minimum = minV
End Sub
'timer set
Private Sub Button13_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button13.Click
rN0 = Val(TextBox7.Text)
hour0 = hourN
min0 = minN
sec0 = secN
msec0 = msecN
Label30.Text = "TimerSet Zero at=No" + CStr(rN0) + ":" + CStr(hour0) + ":" + CStr(min0) + ":" + CStr(sec0) + "." + CStr(msec0)
End Sub
Private Sub HScrollBar4_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HScrollBar4.MouseEnter
Hsc4 = 1
End Sub
Private Sub HScrollBar4_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles HScrollBar4.MouseLeave
Hsc4 = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Button15_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button15.Click
'maxV minV 間で値をふる
Timer1.Interval = 100
Hsc4 = 1
Dim ctime As Integer
For i = minV To maxV
HScrollBar4.Value = i
While sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1000
End While
Next i
End Sub
'picturebox2 マウスクリック移動
Private Sub Form1_MouseClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseClick
If CheckBox17.Checked = True Then
Select Case e.Button
Case Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left
' MsgBox("左ボタンがクリックされました。")
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
X = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X - 20
Y = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y - 20
Label34.Text = X & ", " & Y
PictureBox2.Left = X
PictureBox2.Top = Y
End Select
End If
End Sub
'時系列GRAPH plotG():Graph Draw処理
'PictureBox1 1800x600 の右下 左上原点 G0(G0X,G0Y)=(800,360) Gwidth=1000,Gheight=240
Sub plotG(ByVal rN As Integer) 'ByVal dataNo As Integer, ByVal value As Integer, ByVal value_1 As Integer, ByVal colorN As Integer)
Dim i, j, k As Integer
'Dim xsize As Integer = 1200
'Dim ysize As Integer = 400
Dim xCenter As Integer = xsize / 2
Dim yCenter As Integer = ysize / 2
''If clearFlag = 0 Then
' ClearImage()
'End If
'If PictureBox3.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture3.imageという名称をつかうこと
' PictureBox3.Image = New Bitmap(xsize, ysize)
' SecondFlag = 1
'End If
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim scale As Single
' scale = HScrollBar1.Value / 10
scale = rScale
pcount += 1
'Dim rNlon As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lon).Value) Mod 10000000
'Dim rNlat As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_lati).Value) Mod 10000000
'Dim rNheight As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_height).Value)
'Dim rNrelN As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_N).Value) * RBset
'Dim rNrelE As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_E).Value) * RBset
'Dim rNrelD As Integer = (dgv1.Rows(rN).Cells(col2_D).Value)
'If (rNrelN > 1000 Or rNrelE > 1000 Or rNrelD > 1000) Then
' 'Debug.print("rN値が大きすぎます" & CStr(rN) & "行目をジャンプします”)
' Exit Sub 'Plot Cを抜け出す
'End If
'Trace Line
pxb_1 = pxb
pyb_1 = pyb
pxr_1 = pxr
pyr_1 = pyr
'If RadioButton6.Checked = True Then
' ' ************************************平均中心座標***************************************************************
' zLon_1 = 0
' zLat_1 = 0
' pxb = (CInt((rNlon - (zLon + zLon_1)) * scale) + xCenter + offX) '+ moffX)
' pyb = ysize - (CInt((rNlat - (zLat + zLat_1)) * scale) + yCenter + offY) ' - moffY)
' pxr = (CInt(((rNlon - (zLon + zLon_1) + rNrelE)) * scale) + xCenter + offX) ' + moffX)<<< - to + change 2021/2/24>>>
' pyr = ysize - (CInt(((rNlat - (zLat + zLat_1) + rNrelN)) * scale) + yCenter + offY) '- moffY)<<< - to + change 2021/2/24>>>
' '*****************************************************************************************************************
'End If
'If RadioButton7.Checked = True Then
' '/////////////////////左下 最小値座標//////////////////////////////////////////////////
' pxb = (CInt((rNlon - Minlon) * scale)) + offX - moffX
' pyb = ysize - (CInt((rNlat - Minlati) * scale)) + offY - moffY
' pxr = (CInt(((rNlon - Minlon - rNrelE)) * scale)) + offX - moffX
' pyr = ysize - (CInt(((rNlat - Minlati - rNrelN))) * scale) + offY - moffY
' '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'End If
''Debug.print("pxb=" & CStr(pxb) & "scale=" & CStr(scale) & "offX=" & CStr(offX) & "moffX=" & CStr(moffX))
''Debug.print("pyb=" & CStr(pyb) & "scale=" & CStr(scale) & "offY=" & CStr(offY) & "moffY=" & CStr(moffY))
Dim p As New Pen(Color.Blue)
p.Width = 0.1
' If pxb < xsize And pyb < ysize And pxr < xsize And pyr < ysize And (CheckBox6.Checked = True Or dataReceivedFlag = 1) Then
''Debug.print("g.ellipse rNo=" & CStr(rN) & ",pxb=" & CStr(pxb) & ",pyb=" & CStr(pyb) & ",pxr=" & CStr(pxr) & ",pyr=" & CStr(pyr))
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Aqua, pxb, pyb, 3, 3)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, pxr, pyr, 4, 4)
If CheckBox3.Checked = True Then
p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
If delFlag = 1 Then ' delBold() Call
p.Color = Color.Black
End If
p.Width = Kbold
g.DrawLine(p, pxb, pyb, pxr, pyr)
End If
If CheckBox9.Checked = True And pcount > 2 Then
p.Color = Color.LawnGreen
If delFlag = 1 Then ' delBold() Call
p.Color = Color.Black
End If
p.Width = Kbold
g.DrawLine(p, pxb, pyb, pxb_1, pyb_1)
p.Color = Color.Red
g.DrawLine(p, pxr, pyr, pxr_1, pyr_1)
End If
'End If
'Label5.Text = "pxb=" & CStr(pxb)
'Label6.Text = "pyb=" & CStr(pyb)
'Label7.Text = "pxr=" & CStr(pxr)
'Label8.Text = "pyr=" & CStr(pyr)
'g.Dispose()' Disposeだとプロットされない
' PictureBox1.Invalidate()
'Error catch
Catch ex As System.IO.FileNotFoundException
'Debug.print("エラーが" & CStr(rN) & "行で発生しました”)
End Try
End Sub ' plotC end
Private Sub dgv1_CellContextMenuStripNeeded(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellContextMenuStripNeededEventArgs) Handles dgv1.CellContextMenuStripNeeded
If (e.RowIndex < 0) Then Return
If (e.ColumnIndex < 0) Then Return
' クリックされたセルの特定
Dim cell As DataGridViewCell = dgv1(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex)
e.ContextMenuStrip = cMenu1
' セルを選択状態にする
cell.Selected = True
End Sub
Private Sub dgv1_CellMouseClick(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles dgv1.CellMouseClick
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then
dgv1.ContextMenuStrip = Me.cMenu1
End If
End Sub
'***********************************flags Check add 2021/4/25 *******************************************************************
Private Sub Button16_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button16.Click
Dim iniRow As Integer = dgv1.RowCount
Dim currRow As Integer = iniRow
Dim floatRN As Integer 'flags condition
Dim fixedRN As Integer 'Fixed condition
Dim ferrRN As Integer = 0 'flags error counter
' dgv1.Columns(12).HeaderText = "flags"
' Dim flags As Integer = parPVT(12)
i = 0
While i < currRow - 15
If dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(12).Value = 67 Then ' RTK float Condition
' dgv1.Rows.RemoveAt(i)
currRow = iniRow - 1
floatRN += 1
'RichTextBox1.AppendText("PVT Error:row=" & CStr(i) & "[" & CStr(ferrRN) & "]")
End If
If dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(12).Value = 131 Then ' RTK FIXED Condition
' dgv1.Rows.RemoveAt(i)
currRow = iniRow - 1
fixedRN += 1
'RichTextBox1.AppendText("PVT Error:row=" & CStr(i) & "[" & CStr(ferrRN) & "]")
End If
If dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(12).Value < 67 Then 'NG condition
currRow = iniRow - 1
ferrRN += 1
'RichTextBox1.AppendText("flags Error:row=" & CStr(i) & "flags=" & CStr(dgv1.Rows(i).Cells(12).Value) & "[" & CStr(ferrRN) & "]")
End If
i += 1
End While
Dim ferrPercent As Single = (ferrRN / (currRow - 15) * 100)
Dim floatPercent As Single = (floatRN / (currRow - 15) * 100)
Dim fixedPercent As Single = (fixedRN / (currRow - 15) * 100)
RichTextBox1.AppendText("****Total data =" & CStr(currRow - 15) & vbCrLf)
RichTextBox1.AppendText("****Total flags error =" & CStr(ferrRN) & "[" & ferrPercent.ToString("0.00") & "%]" & vbCrLf)
RichTextBox1.AppendText("****flags=67 float =" & CStr(floatRN) & "[" & floatPercent.ToString("0.00") & "%]" & vbCrLf)
RichTextBox1.AppendText("****flags=131 FIXED =" & CStr(fixedRN) & "[" & fixedPercent.ToString("0.00") & "%]" & vbCrLf)
End Sub
End Class 'Serial Port Recieve Sample Program
'Form1 Object must create ,button1,2 & textbox 1,2 
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