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Created August 31, 2020 07:16
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'Seril Port Recieve Sample Program
'Form1 Object must create ,button1,2 & textbox 1,2 
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO.Ports
Public Class Form1
Dim onetime As Integer = 1
Delegate Sub DataDelegate(ByVal sdata As String)
'=========Available Parameters in thie Calss=================
Dim dataAry(600000, 7) As Long
Dim dataNo As Long
Dim Mave() As Double
Dim sw As New System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
Dim tp As TimeSpan
Dim timestamp As Integer
Dim stime As Integer 'plot start sampling time
Dim etime As Integer 'plot end sampling time
Dim totalsec As Double
Private Sub PrintData(ByVal sdata As String)
Dim delimiter As String = ","
Dim i As Integer
Dim dcount As String
Timer1.Interval = 1
Timer1.Enabled = True
dcount = sdata & ":" & TextBox2.Text
'Debug.Print("sdata=" & sdata)
'Debug.Print("timestamp=" & CStr(timestamp))
Dim dStr() As String = Split(sdata, delimiter, -1, CompareMethod.Text)
Dim colN As Integer
colN = 7
ReDim Mave(colN)
If (dStr.Length = 7) Then
dataNo += 1
For i = 0 To dStr.Length - 1
dataAry(dataNo, i) = CInt(dStr(i))
timestamp = dataAry(dataNo, 6)
'=================PLOT SUBへ=================
If i < 6 Then
plotC(dataNo, dataAry(dataNo, i), i + 1) 'plotC(x,y,colorN)
End If
TextBox2.Text = dataNo
TextBox3.Text = dStr.Length
TextBox4.Text = dStr(0)
TextBox5.Text = dStr(1)
TextBox6.Text = dStr(2)
TextBox7.Text = dStr(3)
TextBox8.Text = dStr(4)
TextBox9.Text = dStr(5)
TextBox10.Text = dStr(6)
'Debug.Print("dataAry(" & CStr(dataNo) & "," & CStr(i) & ")=" & CStr(dataAry(dataNo, i)))
'If dataNo > 100 Then
' 'Fuction MoveAve(dataArray(,) as long ,ColumnNo,MA,rowNo)
' Mave = MovAve(dataAry, 7, 10, dataNo)
'End If
'For i = 0 To colN - 1
' Debug.Print("Mave(" & CStr(i) & ")=" & CStr(Mave(i)))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
SerialPort1.PortName = TextBox1.Text 'オープンするポート名を格納
SerialPort1.Open() 'ポートオープン
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If SerialPort1.IsOpen = True Then 'ポートオープン済み
SerialPort1.Close() 'ポートクローズ
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(sender As Object, e As SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
Dim ReceivedData As String = " " '受信データ用変数を宣言します
ReceivedData = SerialPort1.ReadLine 'データを受信します
Catch ex As Exception
ReceivedData = ex.Message '例外処理を行います
End Try
Dim adre As New DataDelegate(AddressOf PrintData)
Me.Invoke(adre, ReceivedData)
End Sub
Function MovAve(ByRef dA(,) As Long, ByVal colN As Integer, ByVal MA As Integer, ByVal rowN As Integer) As Double()
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim dataSum() As Long
Dim dSum As Long
Dim dataA() As Double '= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
'Debug.Print("====colN=" & CStr(colN) & "MA=" & CStr(MA) & "rowN=" & CStr(rowN))
ReDim dataSum(colN + 1)
ReDim dataA(colN + 1)
For j = 0 To colN - 1
dSum = 0
For i = rowN - MA To rowN
dSum = dSum + dA(i, j)
'Debug.Print("dA(" & CStr(i) & "," & CStr(j) & ")=" & CStr(dA(i, j)) & CStr(dataSum(j)))
dataA(j) = CDbl(dSum / MA)
MovAve = dataA
End Function
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim canvas As New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(canvas)
'位置(10, 20)に100x80の四角を赤色で描く
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, 10, 20, 100, 80)
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, 100, 100, 5, 5)
PictureBox1.Image = canvas
End Sub
Sub plotC(ByVal dataNo As Integer, ByVal value As Integer, ByVal colorN As Integer)
If PictureBox1.Image Is Nothing Then '初回だけBITMAPを定義する Picture1.imageという名称をつかうこと
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(600, 240)
End If
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim px As Integer
Dim py As Integer
Dim b As Brush
Select Case colorN
Case 1
b = Brushes.Red
Case 2
b = Brushes.Blue
Case 3
b = Brushes.Green
Case 4
b = Brushes.Magenta
Case 5
b = Brushes.Orange
Case 6
b = Brushes.Black
End Select
'===========-PLOT パラメータの定義 手計算で処理========================
'Dim yh As Integer = 240
'Dim xw As Integer = 600
'Dim Ymax As Integer = 7000
'Dim Ymin As Integer = 0
'Dim Xmax As Integer = 600
'Dim Xmin As Integer = 0
'Dim dstep As Double
'Dim dvalue As Double
'dstep = xw / (Xmax - Xmin)
'dvalue = yh / (Ymax - Ymin)
If dataNo Mod 600 = 0 Then '1画面終了したらimageクリア
tp = sw.Elapsed
totalsec = tp.TotalSeconds
'Debug.Print("tp.sec=" & totalsec)
If totalsec > 0.6 Then
TextBox11.Text = CStr(totalsec)
End If
PictureBox1.Image = Nothing
px = Int(1 * dataNo Mod 600)
py = Int(0.0342857 * value)
'Debug.Print("px=" & CStr(px) & "py=" & CStr(py))
g.FillEllipse(b, px, py, 3, 3)
End If
End Sub
End Class
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