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Last active October 25, 2023 22:02
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Playwright test: Simulating basic interactions between two agents (Alice and Bob) through a real time web app (Local Party, think of it as the Server agent).
* @file
* Simulating basic interactions between two agents (Alice and Bob) through
* a real time web app (Local Party, think of it as the Server agent).
* Notes:
* - I couldn't test it on my own web app (Peer Party is bugged ATM),
* so I had to test it on a similar website.
* - My ultimate goal is to do basic BDD (or E2E testing) for my PP.
* - Tested with Playwright v1.39 using previously installed browsers: Edge and Chrome.
* - Screenshot: [playwright-test-2023-10-25.png](
* - Date: 2023-10-25
const playwright = require('playwright');
const webstite = ''
const charadeLow = String.raw`D:\watch\films--done\public-domain\CHARADE_1953_512kb.mp4`;
const charadeHigh = String.raw`D:\watch\films--done\public-domain\CHARADE_1953.mp4`;
const bobsFirstMessage = 'yoooo';
// How long to wait before the video element is playable before timing out.
// In millis.
const playableTimeout = 2 * 1000;
const blackboard = {
// Never resolved, never ends.
fin: new Promise(() => {}),
// ...
blackboard.roomKey = new Promise((res, rej) => {
blackboard.setRoomKey = res;
async function serverAgent() {
nar('The server is running.');
async function aliceAgent() {
nar('Alice enters the websites, fills the form, and clicks Start.');
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({
headless: false,
channel: 'msedge',
// FIXME: Args are not being passed/used
//args: ['--window-name="PPP.Alice"', '--start-fullscreen'],
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
//const alice = page; // use alias?
await page.goto(webstite);
await page.locator('#createRoomButton').click();
await page.locator('#create-username').fill('Arisu');
await page.locator('#roomname').fill('Charade');
await page.locator('#file-id').setInputFiles(charadeLow);
await page.locator('#roomCreateButton').click();
const roomKey = await page.locator('#roomCodeText').textContent();
nar(`Alice sends the room key '${roomKey}' to Bob.`);
nar('Alice starts playing the video.');
await page.waitForFunction(() => document.querySelector('video').readyState >= 3, null, {timeout: playableTimeout});
nar('When Alice sees the message...');
await page.getByText(bobsFirstMessage).click(); // the click itself is meaningless
nar('Alice replies.');
const message = 'stfu and watch';
await page.fill('#messageInp', message);
await page.locator('#messageInp').press('Enter');
await blackboard.fin;
await browser.close();
async function bobAgent() {
nar('Bob waits for the room key');
const roomKey = await blackboard.roomKey;
nar('Bob enters the website, fills the form, and joins.');
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({
headless: false,
channel: 'chrome',
//args: ['--window-name="PPP.Bob"'],
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto(webstite);
await page.locator('#joinRoomButton').click();
await page.locator('#join-username').fill('Banda');
await page.locator('#roomCode').fill(roomKey);
await page.locator('#file-id').setInputFiles(charadeLow);
await page.locator('#roomJoinButton').click();
const seconds = 5;
nar(`Bob waits for ${seconds} seconds then clicks on the video player`);
await sleep(seconds);
await page.waitForFunction(() => document.querySelector('video').readyState >= 3, null, {timeout: playableTimeout});
nar('Bob sends a message');
let message = bobsFirstMessage;
await page.fill('#messageInp', message);
await page.locator('#messageInp').press('Enter');
await blackboard.fin;
await browser.close();
function nar(str) {'[Narrator] ' + str);
function sleep(seconds) {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, seconds * 1000));
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