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Created July 17, 2022 00:26
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<h2 class="f3 fw4 pa3 mv0">Upcoming Melee Netplay Tournaments</h2>
<h3 class="f5 fw4 pa3 mv0">Last Updated Jan 01 1970 12:00am (5 minutes ago)</h3>
<div class="cf pa2">
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="Frank Ocean Blonde Album Cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">Legs' Le Tournament #41</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">27 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="Young Thug - Jeffery Album Cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100 ttu">SBY Melee Netplay #121</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">9 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<!-- <dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 05:00:00 PM</dd> -->
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="Kendrick Lamar untitled unmastered. Album Cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">Sober Saturday #107</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">2 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<!-- <dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 05:00:00 PM</dd> -->
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="Kaytranada 99%" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dt class="clip">Title</dt>
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">Raise the Bandwidth Patch 2.3</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">8 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="Baauer Aa - Album Cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">Bristahood Brawl EC #63</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">10 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="Santigold 99 cents - Album cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">Lavishly Low Tier</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">0 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="A Moon Shaped Pool - Album cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">Eli's Weekly Low Tier Spanking 13</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">2 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="The Life of Pablo - Album Cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">Sherbal Space Program: The "First"</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">4 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="Coloring Book - Album cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">LGBT S3E2: Biweekly That Isn't Quite Sure It's Bi-Weekly</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">6 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
<div class="fl w-50 w-25-m w-20-l pa2">
<a href="" class="db link dim tc">
<img src="" alt="Everybody Looking - Album Cover" class="w-100 db outline black-10"/>
<dl class="mt2 f6 lh-copy">
<dd class="ml0 black truncate w-100">Battle for the East Coast #15</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">8 entrants</dd>
<dd class="ml0 gray truncate w-100">Sat Jul 16 5pm</dd>
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<img src="" alt="A bright blue sky" class="mw5" />
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built with:
<li><a href=""> graphql api</a></li>
<li><a href="">tachyons css framework</a></li>
<li>rust to fetch tournament info</li>
<li>elm to display tournaments nicely</li>
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