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Created June 11, 2022 14:51
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{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TicTacToe where
import Control.Monad (forever, join)
import Data.List (intersperse, nub, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.IO (getLine)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
-- | There are two players in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
data Player = X | O deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Our game is made of cells. Every cell can be empty or occupied.
data Cell where
-- | Cells can be Occupied by a specific Player.
Occupied :: Player -> Cell
-- | An Empty cell has no additional information.
Empty :: Cell
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | State for the game, including the board and current player.
-- We use a nested list for the cells, which is not fixed-length.
-- TODO: Replace this with a fixed-length type (such as Vector)
data Board where
Board ::
{ -- | size of the board (width / height)
size :: Int,
-- | current board state
cells :: [[Cell]],
-- | whose turn is it?
turn :: Player
} ->
deriving (Show)
-- | Coordinates point to a cell, with the first cell at coordinate (0,0).
data Coord where
Coord :: (Int, Int) -> Coord
deriving (Show)
-- | Player-provided input after successful parsing.
data Input where
Quit :: Input
Help :: Input
TryMove :: Coord -> Input
deriving (Show)
-- | Moves can fail.
data MoveError where
-- | If a coordinate isn't valid, the move fails.
InvalidCoord :: MoveError
-- | If a space is already occupied, the move fails.
AlreadyOccupied :: MoveError
deriving (Show)
-- | Class for values that can be displayed to console.
class Display a where
-- | Render value as a string, for printing.
display :: a -> String
-- | Cells are displayed as single characters.
instance Display Cell where
display (Occupied X) = "X"
display (Occupied O) = "O"
display Empty = "."
-- | When displaying a board, we display every cell.
instance Display Board where
display Board {cells} =
let render :: [Cell] -> String
render row = intersperse ' ' $ foldl1 (++) $ display <$> row
raw :: [String]
raw = render <$> cells
in unlines raw
-- | Check if a coordinate is within bounds of a board.
inBounds :: Board -> Coord -> Bool
inBounds Board {cells, size} (Coord (x, y)) =
(x >= 0) && (y >= 0) && (x < size) && (y < size)
-- | Check the value of a coordinate on a board.
-- Return the occupant of the cell at that coordinate.
-- This coordinate may be invalid, in which case we return Nothing.
lookupCell :: Board -> Coord -> Maybe Cell
lookupCell board@Board {cells, size} coord@(Coord (x, y))
| inBounds board coord = Just (cells !! y !! x)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Parse a coordinate, separated by a ','.
-- >>> last . readP_to_S coordP $ "12, 32"
-- (TryMove (Coord (12,32)),"")
coordP :: ReadP Input
coordP =
let num :: ReadP Char
num = choice $ char <$> "1234567890"
in do
x <- read @Int <$> many1 num
char ',' >> optional (char ' ')
y <- read @Int <$> many1 num
return . TryMove $ Coord (x, y)
-- | Matches the string "quit".
quitP :: ReadP Input
quitP = string "quit" >> return Quit
-- | Matches the string "help".
helpP :: ReadP Input
helpP = string "help" >> return Help
-- | Try all Input parsers.
inputP :: ReadP Input
inputP = choice [quitP, helpP, coordP]
-- | Run ReadP parsers on a line of input.
parseInput :: String -> Maybe Input
parseInput line = case readP_to_S inputP line of
-- empty list means all parsers failed
[] -> Nothing
-- no remaining tokens with a successful parse
(last -> (parsedInput, "")) -> Just parsedInput
-- anything else is failure (including partial success with extra tokens)
_ -> Nothing
-- | See if the game has a winner.
-- If there is no winner yet, return Nothing.
-- If there is a winner, return the winning Player.
-- There are (2n + 2) sequences to check each turn:
-- * horizontal: n to check (each row)
-- * vertical: n to check (each column)
-- * diagonal: 2 to check (two pairs of opposite angles)
winner :: Board -> Maybe Player
winner board@Board {cells, size} =
let horizontals :: [[Cell]]
horizontals = cells
verticals :: [[Cell]]
verticals = transpose cells
diagonals :: [[Cell]]
diagonals =
let up :: [Int]
up = [0, 1 .. size - 1]
down :: [Int]
down = [size - 1, size - 2 .. 0]
left :: [Coord]
left = Coord <$> zip up up
right :: [Coord]
right = Coord <$> zip down down
hardLookup :: Coord -> Cell
hardLookup coord =
let result = lookupCell board coord
in fromMaybe (error "failed lookup on diagonal") result
in [hardLookup <$> left, hardLookup <$> right]
checkWin :: [Cell] -> Maybe Player
checkWin cells
| all (== Occupied X) cells = Just X
| all (== Occupied O) cells = Just O
| otherwise = Nothing
winners :: [Player]
winners =
mapMaybe checkWin $
horizontals ++ verticals ++ diagonals
in case nub winners of
[] -> Nothing
[winner] -> Just winner
_ -> error "more than one winner"
-- | Generate a square grid of empty cells.
emptyGrid :: Int -> [[Cell]]
emptyGrid size = replicate size $ replicate size Empty
-- | Generate an empty board of a certain size, setting which player goes first.
emptyBoard :: Int -> Player -> Board
emptyBoard size turn =
let cells :: [[Cell]]
cells = emptyGrid size
in Board {size, cells, turn}
-- | Replace a cell at a certain index.
-- Unsafe, validate that the index is in bounds to avoid exceptions.
replace :: [a] -> Int -> a -> [a]
replace seq index replacement =
let (head, _ : tail) = splitAt index seq
in head ++ [replacement] ++ tail
-- | Try to make a move in a space. Return a new board if successful.
move :: Board -> Coord -> Either MoveError Board
move board@Board {cells, turn} coord@(Coord (x, y)) =
let target :: Maybe Cell
target = lookupCell board coord
try :: Maybe Cell -> Either MoveError Board
try Nothing = Left InvalidCoord
try (Just (Occupied _)) = Left AlreadyOccupied
try (Just Empty) =
let replacementRow :: [Cell]
replacementRow = replace (cells !! y) x (Occupied turn)
replacementGrid :: [[Cell]]
replacementGrid = replace cells y replacementRow
flip :: Player -> Player
flip X = O
flip O = X
in Right board {cells = replacementGrid, turn = flip turn}
in try target
-- | Main game loop for an initialized board.
-- Assumes two human players, alternating turns.
loop :: Board -> IO Player
loop board@Board {size, cells, turn} = do
-- display + prompt
putStr $ unlines ["---", unwords ["current turn:", show turn], display board]
putStr "> "
input <- getLine
case parseInput input of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "failed to parse input, try again?"
loop board
Just Help -> do
putStr $
[ "Insert your move with a pair of coordinates: > 0,1",
"Rows and columns start at 0.",
"To exit: > quit"
loop board
Just Quit -> do
putStrLn "bye!"
Just (TryMove coord) -> case move board coord of
Left InvalidCoord -> do
putStrLn "invalid coordinate!"
loop board
Left AlreadyOccupied -> do
putStrLn "already occupied!"
loop board
Right next -> do
case winner next of
Nothing -> loop next
Just player -> do
putStr $ display next
return player
-- | Main game loop for an initialized board.
-- One human player as X, CPU player making random moves.
aiLoop :: Board -> IO Player
aiLoop board@Board {size, cells, turn} = do
-- display + prompt
putStr $ unlines ["---", unwords ["current turn:", show turn], display board]
putStr "> "
input <- getLine
case parseInput input of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "failed to parse input, try again?"
aiLoop board
Just Help -> do
putStr $
[ "Insert your move with a pair of coordinates: > 0,1",
"Rows and columns start at 0.",
"To exit: > quit"
aiLoop board
Just Quit -> do
putStrLn "bye!"
Just (TryMove coord) -> case move board coord of
Left InvalidCoord -> do
putStrLn "invalid coordinate!"
aiLoop board
Left AlreadyOccupied -> do
putStrLn "already occupied!"
aiLoop board
Right next -> do
case winner next of
Nothing -> do
-- instead of moving onto the next player, the CPU makes a move
-- once the CPU is done making a move, we switch back to the other player
-- we need to check to see if the CPU won the game before we switch back
-- first we need to figure out what coordinates are valid
let possibleMoves = emptySquares next :: [Coord]
genIndex = randomRIO (0, (size - 1)) :: IO Int
in do
index <- genIndex
case (move next (possibleMoves !! index)) of
Right cpuMoved -> aiLoop cpuMoved
other -> error $ "cpu failed to move, sorry! " ++ show other
Just player -> do
-- this code stays the same, because if the player submits a move and they win,
-- we don't need to make another move
putStr $ display next
return player
allCoordinates :: Board -> [Coord]
allCoordinates (Board {size}) =
[Coord (x, y) | x <- [0 .. (size - 1)], y <- [0 .. (size - 1)]]
hardLookup :: Board -> Coord -> Cell
hardLookup board cell = fromMaybe (error "invalid coordinate") (lookupCell board cell)
emptySquares :: Board -> [Coord]
emptySquares board =
let all :: [Coord]
all = allCoordinates board
values :: [(Coord, Cell)]
values = map (\coord -> (coord, hardLookup board coord)) all
empty :: [(Coord, Cell)]
empty = filter (\(coord, cell) -> cell == Empty) values
in map fst empty
-- | Run game loop with an empty board of size 3.
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ do
winner <- aiLoop $ emptyBoard 3 X
putStrLn $ unwords ["congratulations, the winner is:", show winner]
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TicTacToe where
import Control.Monad (forever, join)
import Data.List (intersperse, nub, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.IO (getLine)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
-- | There are two players in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
data Player = X | O deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Our game is made of cells. Every cell can be empty or occupied.
data Cell where
-- | Cells can be Occupied by a specific Player.
Occupied :: Player -> Cell
-- | An Empty cell has no additional information.
Empty :: Cell
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | State for the game, including the board and current player.
-- We use a nested list for the cells, which is not fixed-length.
-- TODO: Replace this with a fixed-length type (such as Vector)
data Board where
Board ::
{ -- | size of the board (width / height)
size :: Int,
-- | current board state
cells :: [[Cell]],
-- | whose turn is it?
turn :: Player
} ->
deriving (Show)
-- | Coordinates point to a cell, with the first cell at coordinate (0,0).
data Coord where
Coord :: (Int, Int) -> Coord
deriving (Show)
-- | Player-provided input after successful parsing.
data Input where
Quit :: Input
Help :: Input
TryMove :: Coord -> Input
deriving (Show)
-- | Moves can fail.
data MoveError where
-- | If a coordinate isn't valid, the move fails.
InvalidCoord :: MoveError
-- | If a space is already occupied, the move fails.
AlreadyOccupied :: MoveError
deriving (Show)
-- | Class for values that can be displayed to console.
class Display a where
-- | Render value as a string, for printing.
display :: a -> String
-- | Cells are displayed as single characters.
instance Display Cell where
display (Occupied X) = "X"
display (Occupied O) = "O"
display Empty = "."
-- | When displaying a board, we display every cell.
instance Display Board where
display Board {cells} =
let render :: [Cell] -> String
render row = intersperse ' ' $ foldl1 (++) $ display <$> row
raw :: [String]
raw = render <$> cells
in unlines raw
-- | Check if a coordinate is within bounds of a board.
inBounds :: Board -> Coord -> Bool
inBounds Board {cells, size} (Coord (x, y)) =
(x >= 0) && (y >= 0) && (x < size) && (y < size)
-- | Check the value of a coordinate on a board.
-- Return the occupant of the cell at that coordinate.
-- This coordinate may be invalid, in which case we return Nothing.
lookupCell :: Board -> Coord -> Maybe Cell
lookupCell board@Board {cells, size} coord@(Coord (x, y))
| inBounds board coord = Just (cells !! y !! x)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Parse a coordinate, separated by a ','.
-- >>> last . readP_to_S coordP $ "12, 32"
-- (TryMove (Coord (12,32)),"")
coordP :: ReadP Input
coordP =
let num :: ReadP Char
num = choice $ char <$> "1234567890"
in do
x <- read @Int <$> many1 num
char ',' >> optional (char ' ')
y <- read @Int <$> many1 num
return . TryMove $ Coord (x, y)
-- | Matches the string "quit".
quitP :: ReadP Input
quitP = string "quit" >> return Quit
-- | Matches the string "help".
helpP :: ReadP Input
helpP = string "help" >> return Help
-- | Try all Input parsers.
inputP :: ReadP Input
inputP = choice [quitP, helpP, coordP]
-- | Run ReadP parsers on a line of input.
parseInput :: String -> Maybe Input
parseInput line = case readP_to_S inputP line of
-- empty list means all parsers failed
[] -> Nothing
-- no remaining tokens with a successful parse
(last -> (parsedInput, "")) -> Just parsedInput
-- anything else is failure (including partial success with extra tokens)
_ -> Nothing
-- | See if the game has a winner.
-- If there is no winner yet, return Nothing.
-- If there is a winner, return the winning Player.
-- There are (2n + 2) sequences to check each turn:
-- * horizontal: n to check (each row)
-- * vertical: n to check (each column)
-- * diagonal: 2 to check (two pairs of opposite angles)
winner :: Board -> Maybe Player
winner board@Board {cells, size} =
let horizontals :: [[Cell]]
horizontals = cells
verticals :: [[Cell]]
verticals = transpose cells
diagonals :: [[Cell]]
diagonals =
let up :: [Int]
up = [0, 1 .. size - 1]
down :: [Int]
down = [size - 1, size - 2 .. 0]
left :: [Coord]
left = Coord <$> zip up up
right :: [Coord]
right = Coord <$> zip down up -- fixed less than an hour after submission, my bad!
hardLookup :: Coord -> Cell
hardLookup coord =
let result = lookupCell board coord
in fromMaybe (error "failed lookup on diagonal") result
in [hardLookup <$> left, hardLookup <$> right]
checkWin :: [Cell] -> Maybe Player
checkWin cells
| all (== Occupied X) cells = Just X
| all (== Occupied O) cells = Just O
| otherwise = Nothing
winners :: [Player]
winners =
mapMaybe checkWin $
horizontals ++ verticals ++ diagonals
in case nub winners of
[] -> Nothing
[winner] -> Just winner
_ -> error "more than one winner"
-- | Generate a square grid of empty cells.
emptyGrid :: Int -> [[Cell]]
emptyGrid size = replicate size $ replicate size Empty
-- | Generate an empty board of a certain size, setting which player goes first.
emptyBoard :: Int -> Player -> Board
emptyBoard size turn =
let cells :: [[Cell]]
cells = emptyGrid size
in Board {size, cells, turn}
-- | Replace a cell at a certain index.
-- Unsafe, validate that the index is in bounds to avoid exceptions.
replace :: [a] -> Int -> a -> [a]
replace seq index replacement =
let (head, _ : tail) = splitAt index seq
in head ++ [replacement] ++ tail
-- | Try to make a move in a space. Return a new board if successful.
move :: Board -> Coord -> Either MoveError Board
move board@Board {cells, turn} coord@(Coord (x, y)) =
let target :: Maybe Cell
target = lookupCell board coord
try :: Maybe Cell -> Either MoveError Board
try Nothing = Left InvalidCoord
try (Just (Occupied _)) = Left AlreadyOccupied
try (Just Empty) =
let replacementRow :: [Cell]
replacementRow = replace (cells !! y) x (Occupied turn)
replacementGrid :: [[Cell]]
replacementGrid = replace cells y replacementRow
flip :: Player -> Player
flip X = O
flip O = X
in Right board {cells = replacementGrid, turn = flip turn}
in try target
-- | Main game loop for an initialized board.
-- Assumes two human players, alternating turns.
loop :: Board -> IO Player
loop board@Board {size, cells, turn} = do
-- display + prompt
putStr $ unlines ["---", unwords ["current turn:", show turn], display board]
putStr "> "
input <- getLine
case parseInput input of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "failed to parse input, try again?"
loop board
Just Help -> do
putStr $
[ "Insert your move with a pair of coordinates: > 0,1",
"Rows and columns start at 0.",
"To exit: > quit"
loop board
Just Quit -> do
putStrLn "bye!"
Just (TryMove coord) -> case move board coord of
Left InvalidCoord -> do
putStrLn "invalid coordinate!"
loop board
Left AlreadyOccupied -> do
putStrLn "already occupied!"
loop board
Right next -> do
case winner next of
Nothing -> loop next
Just player -> do
putStr $ display next
return player
-- | Run game loop with an empty board of size 3.
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ do
winner <- loop $ emptyBoard 3 X
putStrLn $ unwords ["congratulations, the winner is:", show winner]
--- old.hs 2022-06-11 10:49:28.860853216 -0400
+++ TicTacToe.hs 2022-03-10 18:18:17.575110995 -0500
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
import Control.Monad (forever, join)
import Data.List (intersperse, nub, transpose)
-import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.IO (getLine)
+import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
-- | There are two players in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@
left = Coord <$> zip up up
right :: [Coord]
- right = Coord <$> zip down up -- fixed less than an hour after submission, my bad!
+ right = Coord <$> zip down down
hardLookup :: Coord -> Cell
hardLookup coord =
@@ -263,8 +264,81 @@
putStr $ display next
return player
+-- | Main game loop for an initialized board.
+-- One human player as X, CPU player making random moves.
+aiLoop :: Board -> IO Player
+aiLoop board@Board {size, cells, turn} = do
+ -- display + prompt
+ putStr $ unlines ["---", unwords ["current turn:", show turn], display board]
+ putStr "> "
+ input <- getLine
+ case parseInput input of
+ Nothing -> do
+ putStrLn "failed to parse input, try again?"
+ aiLoop board
+ Just Help -> do
+ putStr $
+ unlines
+ [ "Insert your move with a pair of coordinates: > 0,1",
+ "",
+ "Rows and columns start at 0.",
+ "",
+ "To exit: > quit"
+ ]
+ aiLoop board
+ Just Quit -> do
+ putStrLn "bye!"
+ exitSuccess
+ Just (TryMove coord) -> case move board coord of
+ Left InvalidCoord -> do
+ putStrLn "invalid coordinate!"
+ aiLoop board
+ Left AlreadyOccupied -> do
+ putStrLn "already occupied!"
+ aiLoop board
+ Right next -> do
+ case winner next of
+ Nothing -> do
+ -- instead of moving onto the next player, the CPU makes a move
+ -- once the CPU is done making a move, we switch back to the other player
+ -- we need to check to see if the CPU won the game before we switch back
+ -- first we need to figure out what coordinates are valid
+ let possibleMoves = emptySquares next :: [Coord]
+ genIndex = randomRIO (0, (size - 1)) :: IO Int
+ in do
+ index <- genIndex
+ case (move next (possibleMoves !! index)) of
+ Right cpuMoved -> aiLoop cpuMoved
+ other -> error $ "cpu failed to move, sorry! " ++ show other
+ Just player -> do
+ -- this code stays the same, because if the player submits a move and they win,
+ -- we don't need to make another move
+ putStr $ display next
+ return player
+allCoordinates :: Board -> [Coord]
+allCoordinates (Board {size}) =
+ [Coord (x, y) | x <- [0 .. (size - 1)], y <- [0 .. (size - 1)]]
+hardLookup :: Board -> Coord -> Cell
+hardLookup board cell = fromMaybe (error "invalid coordinate") (lookupCell board cell)
+emptySquares :: Board -> [Coord]
+emptySquares board =
+ let all :: [Coord]
+ all = allCoordinates board
+ values :: [(Coord, Cell)]
+ values = map (\coord -> (coord, hardLookup board coord)) all
+ empty :: [(Coord, Cell)]
+ empty = filter (\(coord, cell) -> cell == Empty) values
+ in map fst empty
-- | Run game loop with an empty board of size 3.
main :: IO ()
main = forever $ do
- winner <- loop $ emptyBoard 3 X
+ winner <- aiLoop $ emptyBoard 3 X
putStrLn $ unwords ["congratulations, the winner is:", show winner]
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