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Djavan Munroe djavanm

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I chose to do some research on the Ruby programming language. I am most interested in becoming a full stack
developer one day, and I thought it would be beneficial to start learning a language commonly used when building
backends. I did not start this with much prior knowledge of the language, but I had been introduced to some of its uses in web development. I am hoping to become proficient with the language, and use it when building my own full stack projects. Coming from JavaScript, the syntax behind Ruby was very nice to pick up. There seems to be less 'boiler-plate' when coding in Ruby, and you get straight to the point when setting up variables, or using methods on objects.
I want to become a proficient Rails dev, but I also think it is very important to get a solid understanding of the Ruby language. Some devs choose to dive directly into the Rails framework - but I would rather take my time learning Ruby before picking up the framework. My future employer thought that it was very good that I ha
Template for DTR Memo Project:
Group Member Names:
Djavan Munroe - BE Node/Express/Postgres/GraphQL
Eric O'Neill - FE React
Sejin Kim - Node/Express/Postgres/GraphQL
Aurie Gochenour - FE/BE React
Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:
We need to use github for majority of all communication!

Project: Tune In Later

Group Member Names: Samantha Freeman Djavan Munroe

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship: What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project? Sam: Working with other people.

Template for DTR Memo Project: Swapi-Box

Group Member Names: Djavan Munroe Jacob Ogren

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship: What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project? Jacob: Get comfortable with the Fetch API and asynchronous JavaScript. Also learn how to use API documentation.

As we've discussed, meeting people, forming relationships, and having conversations are the key pieces to getting your foot in the door at any company. It's important to be proactive in your approach to outreach and networking, so it's necessary to make a plan for what you'll try to further your networking.

Identify a contact you will reach out to by the end of this module. This could be a mentor, alum, or anyone from your current network. Describe:

Why you want to connect with this person and what you want to talk about

I decided to reach out to Dan Alvarez who just started his first job out of Turing. I thought he would be a good resource since he had a lot of knowledge about the job search post Turing, and I want to get his views on his experiences at Turing.

When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet I already contacted Dan, and we had a coffee meeting at Union station Friday afternoon.

Growing up, I always had an affinity for video games, technology, and computers. My father worked for a research company that completed market research and analysis for telecomunication's company. I had always thought that I would love to work in tech, but never thought I had the skills necessary to land a job in the field. Due to this, I had chosen to pursue a bachelor's degree in computer animation, in hopes that it would land me a job in the video game industry.

I quickly learned that I was more in love with the 'idea' of animating things, but had not really honed any skill in regards to art or animation. Feeling lost, I decided to take a break from school and work on my own until I found something that I had truly felt passionate about.

Q. What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects? A. I learned that I enjoy the agile workflow more because it allows you to focus in on key parts of a project. And spend less time worrying about the minute details that may not effect the project as a whole. Waterfall does seem useful in some cases, but I learned that Agile is what will help most during my stay at Turing, and potentially in my professional career.

Q. How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)? A. We used Trello to break down all the goals for the project. We chose to work together once every 1-3 days, and have retro's each day to keep everyone in the know regarding new changes/challenges within the project.

Q. What role did you take on in the project?

Job Description:
Hard working individual who can articlate complex topics with various teams. Must be able to juggle
different taks. Must show initiative and be a self starter. This employee would be a good teammate
and invokes trust from other teammates.


Functional Expectations

  • Novice: Application meets all of the expectations of phase one.
  • Advanced Beginner: Application meets all of the expectations of phase two.
  • Proficient: Application meets all of the expectations of phase three.
  • Exceptional: Application adds three or more of the extensions from phase four.