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Last active March 30, 2022 12:10
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a parallel fast downloader written in python. Works in 2.7 with threads. Writes to a single sparse file and handles blocks that slowdown or that error so doesn't slow down at the end of the download
import requests
import io
import time
import threading
import os
TODO: turn this into a requests [TransportAdapter](
So can do the following
>>> s = requests.Session()
>>> s.mount('', FastDLAdapter(connections=5, dir="/tmp"))
>>> r = s.get('')
>>> r.content == open(r.path).read()
def log(msg, level):
print("{}:{}".format(level, msg))
# based on
def Handler(start, end, url, filename, progress, session, chunk_size):
headers = {'Range': 'bytes=%d-%d' % (start, end)} if end > -1 else {}
r = session.get(url, headers=headers,
stream=True, allow_redirects=True)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
log("Connection Error chunk {}-{}: {}".format(start, end, e), 'error')
# Some errors get dealt with by the retry mechanism in the session
# inc We get ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))
progress(e) # will make the thread as bad
# TODO: ensure these get retried again at the end?
# see
with, "r+b") as fp:
try:, 0)
except IOError as e:
log("IOError seeking to start of write {}-{}: {}".format(start, end, e), "error")
log("Starting Thread {}-{} fpos={}".format(start, end, fp.tell()), "debug")
saved = 0
last_update = time.time()
for block in r.iter_content(chunk_size):
remain = end-start-saved-len(block)
#if remain < 0:
# block = block[:remain]
saved += len(block)
#if saved > end-start:
# break
# #raise Exception()
if remain <= 0 or time.time() - last_update > 0.5:
last_update = time.time()
new_start, new_end = progress(saved, start)
if new_start != start:
# We've been told to do another part
# TODO: flush or close?
log("Switching Thread {}-{}({}/{}) to {}-{}(0/{})".format(start, end,
saved, end-start, new_start, new_end, new_end-new_start), "debug")
Handler(new_start, new_end, url, filename,
progress, session, chunk_size)
elif new_end != -1 and new_end <= new_start:
# User cancelled or exception in other thread
log("Cancelling Thread {}-{}({}/{}) fpos={}".format(start,
end, saved, end-start, fp.tell(), ), "debug")
elif new_end == end and remain <= 0 and new_end > -1:
log("Stopping Thread {}-{}({}/{}) fpos={}".format(start,
end, saved, end-start, fp.tell(), ), "debug")
elif new_end < end:
# another thread is doing our work
log("Shorten Thread {}-{}({}/{}) to {}-{}({}/{}) fpos={}".format(start, end, saved,
end-start, new_start, new_end, saved, new_end-new_start, fp.tell()), "debug")
end = new_end
# Continue on
def download_file(url_of_file, name=None, number_of_threads=15, est_filesize=0, progress=None, chunk_size=1024, timeout=10, session=None):
file_name = url_of_file.split('/')[-1] if not name else name
session = session if session is not None else requests.Session()
# Help make things more reliable esp if server is trying to block us or overloaded
# TODO: perhaps handle this better by coming back to these connections at the end of the dl
retries = requests.adapters.Retry(total=5,
status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504, 499])
"http://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
"https://", requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
# Get the size of the file
r = session.head(url_of_file, allow_redirects=True, timeout=timeout)
file_size = int(r.headers['content-length'])
log("No filesize reported by server so can't continue download {}".format(
url_of_file), "error")
# TODO: might be able to still use multiple if we record parts that finish early?
number_of_threads = 1
#file_size = est_filesize # TODO: probably need to keep appending file instead?
file_size = -1
if r.headers.get('accept-ranges') != 'bytes':
log("No 'accept-ranges' so can't continue download {}".format(url_of_file), "error")
number_of_threads = 1
file_size = -1
# 2MB min so don't use lots of threads for small files
part = max(int(file_size / number_of_threads), 2*2**20)
with, "wb") as fp:
fp.truncate(max(file_size, 0))
log("Sparse file created {}bytes: {}".format(
file_size, file_name), 'notice')
except IOError:
log("Sparse file unsupported. Blanking out {}bytes: {}".format(
file_size, file_name), 'notice')
# This is a lot slower
i = 0
started = time.time()
block = 20*2**20
while i < file_size:
fp.write(b'\0' * min(file_size-i, block))
i += block
log("Blanked out {}bytes in {}s: {}".format(
file_size, time.time()-started, file_name), 'notice')
# fp.truncate()
state = {}
ends = {}
started = time.time()
history = [(time.time(), 0)]
end = -1
for i in range(number_of_threads):
start = end + 1
end = start + part
if start > file_size and file_size != -1: # due to min part size
if i+1 == number_of_threads or end > file_size:
end = file_size
state[start] = 0
ends[start] = end
def update_state(saved, start):
state[start] = saved
end = ends[start]
last_update, last_saved = history[-1]
if last_update is None: # Special flag that dl is cancelled or exception happened
# TODO: could be race condition if other thread adds to history without checking it first
return (start, 0)
if isinstance(saved, Exception):
# flag to other threads to stop. #TODO: retry?
history.append((None, saved))
return (start, 0)
# TODO: if this thread finished we can send instructions to get half of another
# threads part and tell that other part to get less. Prevents the slow down
# caused by idle threads at the end.
def remain(start): return ends[start]-start-state[start]
if ends[start] == -1:
# special case where we aren't doing range requests and want to keep going until the end
elif remain(start) <= 0:
# we finished. Find the slowest who has the most remaining and help them out
sstart = sorted(state.keys(), key=remain, reverse=False).pop()
# ensure slowest only gets half
send = ends[sstart]
halfway = sstart + state[sstart] + int(remain(sstart)/2)
if send-halfway < 2**17:
# too small. Just end the thread
return (start, end)
# will be picked up by this thread on its next update
ends[sstart] = halfway-1
# create a new state
state[halfway], ends[halfway] = 0, send
# tell the thread to switch to this
return (halfway, send)
dur = time.time() - last_update
if progress is None or dur < 1:
# don't update UI until every 1s
return (start, end)
# can have exceptions
saved = sum([s for s in state.values() if type(s) == int])
speed = (saved - last_saved)/1000**2/dur
total_speed = saved/(time.time()-started)
weighted_speed = (total_speed + speed*2)/3
remain = 1/weighted_speed * (file_size-saved)
est = time.time()-started + remain
if progress(saved, file_size, "{:0.1f}MB/s {:0.0f}/{:0.0f}s".format(speed, remain, est), dict(state=state)) is not False:
history.append((time.time(), saved))
return (start, end)
# TODO: Possibly might be better kept as an exception
# set flag to stop all other threads
history.append((None, saved))
log("User cancelled download {}".format(url_of_file), "warning")
return (start, 0)
# create a Thread with start and end locations
t = threading.Thread(target=Handler,
kwargs={'start': start, 'end': end, 'url': url_of_file, 'filename': file_name, 'progress': update_state, 'session': session, 'chunk_size': chunk_size})
main_thread = threading.current_thread()
for t in threading.enumerate():
if t is main_thread:
# TODO: if cancelled we should delete the file
last_update, last_saved = history[-1]
if last_update is None:
return 0
return last_saved
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