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Created July 13, 2013 18:25
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My daughter and I noodling around with ruby made a ridiculously cute random string generator
adjectives = %w|fluffy baby cuddly cute a"roar"able fuzzy teeny|
nouns = %w|bukkit whale turtle bunny kitten tiger cub duck unicorn monkey corgi panda|
verbs = %w|sleeping stretching cuddling meowing crying eating barking scratching purring nuzzling|
adjective_count = (1..2).to_a
20.times {
chosen_words = []
adjective_count.sample.times {
chosen_words << adjectives.sample
chosen_words << nouns.sample
if Random.rand > 0.5
chosen_words << verbs.sample
puts chosen_words.uniq.compact.join(' ')
fuzzy panda scratching
baby fluffy bunny sleeping
a"roar"able tiger
fuzzy cuddly kitten eating
fluffy baby panda
a"roar"able tiger barking
a"roar"able fluffy cub cuddling
cute kitten purring
teeny unicorn sleeping
fluffy cute monkey
a"roar"able teeny monkey scratching
a"roar"able tiger
fuzzy duck cuddling
cuddly fuzzy monkey
fluffy kitten
fluffy whale
teeny tiger
teeny panda
fluffy corgi nuzzling
fluffy cuddly bunny eating
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