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Created November 2, 2015 00:16
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'From Squeak4.5 of 19 February 2014 [latest update: #13680] on 1 November 2015 at 7:14:47 pm'!
!ExpressionArgMorph methodsFor: 'accessing'!
defaultValue: t1
self isNumberExpression
ifTrue: [self
numExpression: (t1 isNumber
ifTrue: [t1]
ifFalse: [Number
readFrom: t1
ifFail: [' ']])]
ifFalse: [self stringExpression: t1 asString]! !
!ScratchFileChooserDialog methodsFor: 'initialization'!
createScratchFileChooserFor: t1 saving: t2
| t3 t4 t5 t6 |
scratchFrame := t1.
readingScratchFile := t2 not.
list := ScratchFilePicker new extensions: #(#scratch #sb #sb2 ).
mainColumn addMorphBack: list.
ifFalse: [self title: 'Open Project'.
list scratchInfoClient: self].
t3 := ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserLabel.
t4 := ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserContents.
t5 := ScratchFrameMorph getFont: #FileChooserComment.
ifTrue: [self title: 'Save Project'.
newFileTitle := StringMorph contents: 'New Filename:' localized , ' ' font: t3.
color: (Color gray: 0.3).
newFileName := StringFieldMorph new contents: scratchFrame projectName;
client: self;
font: t4;
color: (Color
r: 211 / 255
g: 214 / 255
b: 216 / 255);
width: 180.
tabFields add: newFileName.
newTitleBin addMorphBack: newFileTitle;
addMorphBack: newFileName.
ScratchTranslator isRTL
ifTrue: [newTitleBin submorphs reversed
do: [:t7 |
t7 delete.
newTitleBin addMorphBack: t7]].
mainColumn addMorphBack: newTitleBin].
t6 := AlignmentMorph newColumn wrapCentering: #center;
color: Color transparent.
thumbnailFrameMorph := ImageFrameMorph new
initThumbnailFrameFromForm: (ScratchFrameMorph skinAt: #dialogThumbnailFrame).
thumbnailFrameMorph extent: 170 @ 130.
t6 addMorph: thumbnailFrameMorph.
thumbnailMorph := ImageMorph new
image: (Form extent: 160 @ 120 depth: 1).
thumbnailFrameMorph addMorphFront: thumbnailMorph.
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: t6.
authorLabelMorph := StringMorph contents: 'Project author:' localized font: t3.
color: (Color gray: 0.3).
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: authorLabelMorph.
ifTrue: [authorMorph := StringFieldMorph new useStringFieldFrame; contents: ''; font: t4.
tabFields add: authorMorph]
ifFalse: [authorMorph := StringFieldMorph new color: Color transparent;
borderWidth: 0;
contents: '';
isEditable: false;
font: t4].
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: authorMorph.
commentLabelMorph := StringMorph contents: 'About this project:' localized font: t3.
commentLabelMorph color: authorLabelMorph color.
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: commentLabelMorph.
commentMorph := ScrollingStringMorph new borderWidth: 0;
contents: '';
font: t5;
extent: 210 @ 110.
ifTrue: [commentMorph
backForm: (ScratchFrameMorph skinAt: #stringFieldFrame).
tabFields add: commentMorph]
ifFalse: [commentMorph isEditable: false].
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: commentMorph.
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: buttonRow.
ifTrue: [self scratchInfo: scratchFrame projectInfo.
thumbnailMorph image: scratchFrame workPane thumbnailForm.
t1 loginName size > 0
ifTrue: [authorMorph contents: t1 loginName]
ifFalse: [authorMorph contents: t1 author]].
fileInfoColumn addMorphBack: buttonRow! !
!ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write'!
decodeFromZipFile: t1
| t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t8 |
t3 := Dictionary new.
t2 := ZipArchive new.
t2 readFrom: t1.
t2 members
do: [:t9 |
t8 := t9 fileName.
(t8 endsWith: '.gif')
| (t8 endsWith: '.jpg')
| (t8 endsWith: '.png')
ifTrue: [t3
at: (t8 allButLast: 4) asInteger
put: (Form fromBinaryStream: t9 contentStream)].
(t8 endsWith: '.json')
ifTrue: [t6 := (t9 contentStreamFromEncoding: 'utf-8') text]].
ifNil: [^ nil].
(t4 := Json readFrom: t6)
ifError: [^ nil].
t4 isDictionary
ifFalse: [^ nil].
t4 children
ifNotNil: [t5 := ScratchStageMorph new.
readJSON: t4
images: t3
sounds: nil].
^ t5! !
!ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write'!
extractProjectFrom: t1
| t2 t3 t4 |
t2 := ReadStream on: t1.
(ZipArchive isZipArchive: t2)
ifTrue: [t3 := 3.
t4 := self decodeFromZipFile: t2]
ifFalse: [t2 position: 0.
t3 := ObjStream scratchFileVersionFrom: (t2 next: 10) asString.
t3 = 0
ifTrue: [t2 position: 0.
t4 := ObjStream new readObjFrom: t2 showProgress: true].
t3 = 1 | (t3 = 2)
ifTrue: [t2 skip: t2 uint32.
t4 := ObjStream new readObjFrom: t2 showProgress: true]].
t4 class = ScratchStageMorph
ifFalse: [t3 > 3
ifTrue: [self error: 'Project created by a later version of Scratch']
ifFalse: [self error: 'Problem reading project.'].
^ nil].
ScriptableScratchMorph buildBlockSpecDictionary.
allMorphsDo: [:t5 | (t5 isKindOf: ScriptableScratchMorph)
ifTrue: [t5 convertStacksToTuples.
t5 convertTuplesToStacks]].
^ t4! !
!ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write'!
| t1 |
self closeMediaEditorsAndDialogs
ifFalse: [^ self].
self stopAll.
t1 := ScratchFileChooserDialog
chooseExistingFileType: #project
extensions: #(#scratch #sb #sb2 )
title: 'Import Project'.
ifNil: [^ self].
self importSpriteOrProject: t1! !
!ScratchFrameMorph methodsFor: 'file read/write'!
nameFromFileName: t1
| t2 |
<pragma: #i18nIssue>
t2 := t1.
(t2 asLowercase endsWith: '.scratch')
ifTrue: [t2 := t2 copyFrom: 1 to: t2 size - 8].
(t2 asLowercase endsWith: '.sb')
ifTrue: [t2 := t2 copyFrom: 1 to: t2 size - 3].
(t2 asLowercase endsWith: '.sb2')
ifTrue: [t2 := t2 copyFrom: 1 to: t2 size - 4].
^ t2! !
!ScriptableScratchMorph methodsFor: 'blocks'!
blockFromTuple: t1 receiver: t2
| t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 |
t3 := t1 first asSymbol.
(#(#readVariable #changeVariable ) includes: t3)
ifTrue: [^ self variableBlockFromTuple: t1 receiver: t2].
#contentsOfList: = t3
ifTrue: [^ ListContentsBlockMorph new color: ScriptableScratchMorph listBlockColor;
receiver: t2;
commandSpec: t1 second;
selector: #contentsOfList:].
(#(#EventHatMorph #KeyEventHatMorph #MouseClickEventHatMorph #WhenHatBlockMorph ) includes: t3)
ifTrue: [t6 := self hatBlockFromTuple: t1 receiver: t2.
t6 isWhenHatMorph
ifTrue: [t6 color: Color red].
^ t6].
#scratchComment = t3
ifTrue: [t6 := ScratchCommentMorph new.
t1 size > 1
ifTrue: [t6 commentMorph
contents: (t1 at: 2)].
t1 size > 2
ifTrue: [(t1 at: 3)
ifFalse: [t6 toggleShowing]].
t1 size > 3
ifTrue: [t6
width: (t1 at: 4)].
t1 size > 4
ifTrue: [t6
anchor: (self
blockWithID: (t1 at: 5))].
^ t6].
#comment: = t3
ifTrue: [t6 := CommentBlockMorph new.
t1 size > 1
ifTrue: [t6
comment: (t1 at: 2)].
t1 size > 2
ifTrue: [(t1 at: 3)
ifFalse: [t6 toggleShowing]].
color: (Color
r: 0.8
g: 0
b: 0).
^ t6].
(#(#whenGreenFlag #whenIReceive #whenClicked #whenKeyPressed #setVar:to: #changeVar:by: #startScene #nextScene #% ) includes: t3)
ifTrue: [t6 := self scratch2BlockFromTuple: t1 receiver: t2.
t6 isArray
ifFalse: [^ t6].
t4 := t6 at: 1.
t6 := t6 at: 2]
ifFalse: [t4 := BlockSpecDict
at: t3
ifAbsent: [].
ifNil: [^ t2 blockFromSpec: #('undefined' #- #undefined ) color: Color red].
t5 := BlockColorDict
at: t3
ifAbsent: [Color red].
t6 := t2 blockFromSpec: t4 color: t5].
t6 isCommandBlockMorph
ifTrue: [t7 := t6 argumentCount min: t1 size - 1.
to: t7
do: [:t10 |
((#(#+ #- #/ #* #= ) includes: t6 selector)
and: [ScratchTranslator isRTLMath])
ifTrue: [t8 := t1 at: t7 + 1 - (t10 - 1)]
ifFalse: [t8 := t1 at: t10 + 1].
(t8 isKindOf: Array)
ifTrue: [(t8 size = 1
and: [t8 first isKindOf: Array])
ifTrue: [t8 := t8 first].
t9 := self blockFromTuple: t8 receiver: t2.
replaceArgMorph: (t6 argumentAt: t10)
by: t9]
ifFalse: [(t6 argumentAt: t10)
defaultValue: t8]].
t6 isCBlockMorph
ifTrue: [t1 last isArray
ifTrue: [t6
firstBlockList: (self stackFromTupleList: t1 last receiver: t2)]].
t6 isIfElseBlockMorph
ifTrue: [t8 := t1 at: t1 size - 1.
t8 isArray
ifTrue: [t6
trueBlock: (self stackFromTupleList: t8 receiver: t2)].
t8 := t1 at: t1 size.
t8 isArray
ifTrue: [t6
falseBlock: (self stackFromTupleList: t8 receiver: t2)]].
t6 isReporterBlockMorph
ifTrue: [((t4 at: 2)
includes: $b)
ifTrue: [t6 isBoolean: true]]].
^ t6! !
!ScriptableScratchMorph methodsFor: 'blocks'!
hatBlockFromTuple: t1 receiver: t2
| t3 t4 t5 t6 |
t3 := Smalltalk at: t1 first asSymbol.
t4 := t3 new scriptOwner: t2.
t3 = EventHatMorph
ifTrue: [t5 := t1 at: 2.
t5 = 'Scratch-StartClicked'
ifTrue: [t4 forStartEvent; scriptOwner: t2]
ifFalse: [t4 eventName: t5]].
t3 = KeyEventHatMorph
ifTrue: [t4
choice: (t1 at: 2)].
t3 = WhenHatBlockMorph
ifTrue: [(t1 at: 2)
~= false
ifTrue: [t6 := self
blockFromTuple: (t1 at: 2)
receiver: t2.
t4 replaceArgMorph: t4 argMorph by: t6]].
^ t4! !
!ScriptableScratchMorph methodsFor: 'blocks'!
scratch2BlockFromTuple: t1 receiver: t2
| t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 |
t3 := t1 first asSymbol.
#whenGreenFlag = t3
ifTrue: [^ EventHatMorph new forStartEvent; scriptOwner: t2].
#whenIReceive = t3
ifTrue: [^ EventHatMorph new scriptOwner: t2;
eventName: (t1 at: 2)].
#whenClicked = t3
ifTrue: [^ MouseClickEventHatMorph new scriptOwner: t2].
#whenKeyPressed = t3
ifTrue: [^ KeyEventHatMorph new scriptOwner: t2;
choice: (t1 at: 2)].
(#(#setVar:to: #changeVar:by: ) includes: t3)
ifTrue: [t8 := #(#changeVariable 'a' #changeVar:by: 1 ).
at: 2
put: (t1 at: 2).
t8 at: 3 put: t3.
at: 4
put: (t1 at: 3).
^ self variableBlockFromTuple: t8 receiver: t2].
#startScene = t3
ifTrue: [t4 := #showBackground:].
#nextScene = t3
ifTrue: [t4 := #nextBackground].
#% = t3
ifTrue: [t4 := #\\].
t5 := BlockSpecDict
at: t4
ifAbsent: [].
ifNil: [^ t5 := #('undefined' #- #undefined )].
t6 := BlockColorDict
at: t4
ifAbsent: [Color red].
t7 := self blockFromSpec: t5 color: t6.
t8 := Array new: 2.
t8 at: 1 put: t5.
t8 at: 2 put: t7.
^ t8! !
!ScriptableScratchMorph methodsFor: 'blocks'!
variableBlockFromTuple: t1 receiver: t2
| t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 |
t3 := t1 at: 2.
t4 := t2.
(t2 varNames includes: t3)
ifFalse: [t5 := t2 ownerOrYourselfThatIsA: ScratchStageMorph.
ifNil: [t2 addVariable: t3]
ifNotNil: [t5 addVariable: t3.
t4 := t5]].
t1 first asSymbol = #readVariable
ifTrue: [^ VariableBlockMorph new commandSpec: t3;
receiver: t4].
t1 first asSymbol = #changeVariable
ifTrue: [t6 := t1 at: 3.
t6 = #set:to:
ifTrue: [t6 := #setVar:to:].
t7 := SetterBlockMorph new receiver: t4.
t6 = #setVar:to:
ifTrue: [t7 initSetterForVar: t3]
ifFalse: [t7 initChangerForVar: t3].
t8 := t1 at: 4.
(t8 isKindOf: Array)
ifTrue: [(t8 size = 1
and: [t8 first isKindOf: Array])
ifTrue: [t8 := t8 first].
t9 := self blockFromTuple: t8 receiver: t2.
t7 replaceArgMorph: t7 expressionArg by: t9]
ifFalse: [t7 expressionArg defaultValue: t8].
^ t7].
self error: 'unknown variable spec'! !
!ScriptableScratchMorph methodsFor: 'other ops'!
^ self! !
!ScriptableScratchMorph methodsFor: 'accessing'!
readJSON: t1 images: t2 sounds: t3
| t4 t5 t7 t8 t9 |
objName: (t1 at: 'objName').
media := OrderedCollection new.
at: 'costumes'
ifAbsent: []) isArray
ifTrue: [(t1 at: 'costumes')
do: [:t10 |
t7 := 1.0
/ (t10 at: 'bitmapResolution').
t5 := (t2
at: (t10 at: 'baseLayerID')
ifAbsent: [self defaultImageMedia form])
magnifyBy: t7.
t8 := (t10 at: 'rotationCenterX')
* t7 @ ((t10 at: 'rotationCenterY')
* t7).
self addMediaItem: (ImageMedia new form: t5;
rotationCenter: t8;
mediaName: (t10 at: 'costumeName'))]].
self costumeIndex: (t1 at: 'currentCostumeIndex')
+ 1.
at: 'scripts'
ifAbsent: []) isArray
ifTrue: [t4 := OrderedCollection new.
(t1 at: 'scripts')
do: [:t10 |
t9 := Array new: 3.
t9 at: 1 put: (t10 at: 1)
@ (t10 at: 2).
at: 2
put: (t10 at: 3).
t4 addLast: t9].
blocksBin := t4 asArray].
at: 'variables'
ifAbsent: []) isArray
ifTrue: [(t1 at: 'variables')
do: [:t10 | self
addVariable: (t10 at: 'name')
value: (t10 at: 'value')]].
at: 'lists'
ifAbsent: []) isArray
ifTrue: [(t1 at: 'lists')
do: [:t10 | lists
at: (t10 at: 'listName')
put: (ScratchListMorph new
listName: (t10 at: 'listName')
target: self;
newContents: (t10 at: 'contents');
position: (t10 at: 'x')
@ (t10 at: 'y');
extent: (t10 at: 'width')
@ (t10 at: 'height'))]]! !
!ScratchSpriteMorph methodsFor: 'accessing'!
readJSON: t1 images: t2 sounds: t3
readJSON: t1
images: t2
sounds: t3.
self scalePoint: (t1 at: 'scale')
@ (t1 at: 'scale');
heading: (t1 at: 'direction');
rotationStyle: (t1 at: 'rotationStyle');
position: (t1 at: 'scratchX')
+ 240 @ (180
- (t1 at: 'scratchY')) - offsetWhenRotated - costume rotationCenter;
draggable: (t1 at: 'isDraggable');
visible: (t1 at: 'visible')! !
!ScratchStageMorph methodsFor: 'accessing'!
readJSON: t1 images: t2 sounds: t3
| t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 |
readJSON: t1
images: t2
sounds: t3.
t4 := Dictionary new.
t5 := Dictionary new.
t6 := OrderedCollection new.
t7 := OrderedCollection new.
(t1 at: 'lists') isArray
ifTrue: [(t1 at: 'lists')
do: [:t10 | (t10 at: 'visible')
ifTrue: [t7
addLast: (lists
at: (t10 at: 'listName'))]]].
at: 'children'
ifAbsent: []) isArray
ifTrue: [(t1 at: 'children')
do: [:t10 | (t10
at: 'objName'
ifAbsent: [])
ifNil: [(t10
at: 'sliderMin'
ifAbsent: [])
ifNotNil: [(t10 at: 'visible')
ifTrue: [t6 addLast: t10]]]
ifNotNil: [t8 := ScratchSpriteMorph new
readJSON: t10
images: t2
sounds: t3.
self addMorph: t8.
at: (t10 at: 'indexInLibrary')
put: t8.
at: (t10 at: 'objName')
put: t8.
at: 'lists'
ifAbsent: []) isArray
ifTrue: [(t10 at: 'lists')
do: [:t11 | (t11 at: 'visible')
ifTrue: [t7
addLast: (t8 lists
at: (t11 at: 'listName'))]]]]]].
do: [:t10 | sprites addLast: t10].
t5 at: 'Stage' put: self.
do: [:t10 | self
addMorph: (WatcherMorph new readJSON: t10 spritesByName: t5)].
do: [:t10 | self addMorph: t10]! !
!WatcherMorph methodsFor: 'accessing'!
readJSON: t1 spritesByName: t2
| t3 |
target: (t2
at: (t1 at: 'target'))
selector: (t1 at: 'cmd')
parameter: (t1 at: 'param');
setCategoryColor: (Color fromString: '#'
, ((t1 at: 'color')
printStringRadix: 16)).
(t1 at: 'mode')
= 2
ifTrue: [self layoutStyle: #large].
(t1 at: 'mode')
= 3
ifTrue: [self layoutStyle: #slider].
t3 := Array new: 2.
at: 1
put: (t1 at: 'sliderMin').
at: 2
put: (t1 at: 'sliderMax').
self sliderRange: t3;
position: (t1 at: 'x')
@ (t1 at: 'y')! !
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