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djdv/main.go Secret

Created August 13, 2023 19:09
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Walk qids thing
package main
import (
type (
root struct {
compliant bool
dir struct {
compliant bool
func main() {
root, client := setup()
fmt.Println("spec compliance `false`:")
run(root, client)
fmt.Println("\nspec compliance `true`:")
root.compliant = true
run(root, client)
func setup() (*root, *p9.Client) {
var r root
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
go func() {
srv := p9.NewServer(&r)
addr := l.Addr()
conn, err := net.Dial(addr.Network(), addr.String())
client, err := p9.NewClient(conn)
return &r, client
func run(r *root, client *p9.Client) {
var (
directDir, _ = r.Attach()
clientDir, _ = client.Attach("")
if callerQids, _, err := directDir.Walk(nil); err != nil {
fmt.Println("direct error:", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("direct call return: ", callerQids)
if clientQids, _, err := clientDir.Walk(nil); err != nil {
fmt.Println("client error:", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("client response: ", clientQids)
func (r *root) Attach() (p9.File, error) {
return &dir{compliant: r.compliant}, nil
func (d *dir) Walk([]string) ([]p9.QID, p9.File, error) {
if d.compliant {
return nil, d, nil
qid := p9.QID{
Type: p9.TypeDir,
Path: 1,
return []p9.QID{qid}, d, nil
func (d *dir) GetAttr(req p9.AttrMask) (p9.QID, p9.AttrMask, p9.Attr, error) {
qid := p9.QID{
Type: p9.TypeDir,
Path: 1,
return qid, req, p9.Attr{
Mode: p9.ModeDirectory,
}, nil
func mustNot(err error) {
if err != nil {
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