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Created February 16, 2016 08:31
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Transaction auto-closeable helper for Spring Transactions
public interface Transaction extends AutoCloseable
public void close() throws TransactionException;
public void rollback();
public final class TransactionUtils
private TransactionUtils()
* Helper method to get a simple-to-use, Entity-Framework styled helper for transactions.
* Use in try-with-resources blocks
* @param txManager
* Spring transaction manager
* @param definition
* Type of transaction. You can use any static helper here
* @return An {@link AutoCloseable} instance that wraps the transaction
* @throws TransactionException
* Just any exception normally thrown by {@link PlatformTransactionManager}
public static Transaction openTransaction(final PlatformTransactionManager txManager, TransactionDefinition definition) throws TransactionException
final TransactionStatus status = txManager.getTransaction(definition);
return new Transaction()
private boolean isRollback = false;
public void rollback()
isRollback = true;
public void close() throws TransactionException
if (!isRollback)
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