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A custom step for Jenkins pipelines that allows scaling a task n times in parallel, specifying parameters for each thread

// vars/customStep.groovy - see
This step allows executing a custom step with trace header and footer.
def call(String name, Closure step) {
echo "[Pipeline] $name" + "\n" + '[Pipeline] {'
try {
} finally {
echo "[Pipeline] // $name\n" + '[Pipeline] }'
// vars/dynamicParallel.groovy - see
This step allows calling a stage multiple times in parallel with different
parameters for each invocation.
dynamicParallel(name: "Echo Stuff", paramsForStages: [
[number: 5, direction: 'north'],
[number: 6, direction: 'south'],
[number: 2, direction: 'west']
]) { stageParams ->
echo "number: ${stageParams.number} | direction: ${stageParams.direction}"
def call(Map params, Closure stage) {
customStep('dynamicParallel') {
def stages = [:]
for (def _stageId = 0; _stageId < params.paramsForStages.size(); _stageId++) {
def stageId = _stageId + 1
def stageName = "${}-$stageId"
def stageParams = params.paramsForStages[_stageId]
stages[stageName] = {
script {
stage(stageParams, stageId, stageName)
parallel stages
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