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Created June 23, 2016 12:47
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  • Save djibba22/fde182b7d8953346365bea69170e273e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save djibba22/fde182b7d8953346365bea69170e273e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Put all of this code where you normally code in, inside a folder
named week1
-day2 -html -css
* Make a folder called `css` using terminal/Git Bash
* Inside the `css` folder make a file called `style.css` using
terminal/Git Bash
* Reference the `style.css` in your `student
-bio.html` file. You do
this by placing `<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="css/style.css">` inside the `<head>`
* Style the example on the projector
+ Add a class called "container" on the `div` tag
+ Add an id called "main-
bio" for the first `section` tag
+ Add an id called "contact-
info" for the second `section` tag
+ Add an id called "bio
-image" for the bio image
* Style specs
+ body
+ The background color is `#efeee7`
+ The font used `"Georgia",Times New Roman,Times,serif;`
UCF Coding Bootcamp
Week One, Lesson Two
, Day of No
+ The font color is `#333333`
+ Be sure
to zero out the body margins and padding so the page
is flush to the top of the page, like this:
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
+ header
+ The back
ground color is `#d21034`
+ h1
+ The background color is `#333333`, try to figure out the
font color
+ The font size is `28px`
+ Look at the example on the screen and eyeball the padding
and/or margins and positi
oning of the text.
+ h2
+ The font size is `24px`
+ Make the container have a width of 1024 pixels and center it.
You do this using `margin: 0 auto;`
+ Make "#main-
bio", #contact
-info, #bio
-image all `float: left`
+ Make the "#bio
-image" have a width of 200 pixels
+ Be sure to include alt text in all images
+ "#main
-bio" should have a width of `70%`
+ Add margins to the image so there is distance between it and
the bio text
+ "#content-
info" should have a width of `30%`
+ Adjust the line height so it is 1.5 times the size of the font
+ Make the link color `#d21034`
* If your forgot how to write the css properties, you can reference
all css properties he
* Bonus:
* Stage, commit, and push this new file to Github
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