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Last active March 22, 2023 21:43
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My journey to become a software developer!

Ruby-fide JP

Think it. Code it. Make a difference! Updated weekly!
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” —Walt Disney
Join me on my ongoing learning path in pursuit of my dream to become a software developer!

** March 18, 2023 - Trello, Scrimba, Podcast**

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

  • Trello has been an amazing learning tool for algorithms. The following has made it easier to problem solve. C V W D R: That is Clarify the problem and what is expected with both the input and output. Visualize the problem: This is where I spend the most time in, truly breaking down the problem and writing out steps to solve. In other words Pseudocode. Write the code! This should be the quickest part after I've determined the problem and a solution. Debugging, even before actually running the code. Debug the entire problem by manually walking through the code as if I was the compiler. Lastly, Refactoring to clean the code and deliver best runtime. I will say Merge Sort was veery interesting to complete, I wrote the code accurately and was returning an inaccurate result. I found that I should not have nested the while loops and instead implemented 2 other while loops that checked to see if there was any index remaining on either arrA or arrB. Once I separated and refactored the method, BOOM, I was golden!
  • In Scrimba I dove deeper into using the following in Javascript: setTimeout(),, forms, form Data, and .get, event.prevent Default, toggling classes, and css flexbox and grid. I created a small project the prompted an annoying spam modal to subscribe as you would find when login onto a news article. It allowed me to utilize these different aspects of JS to better understand.
  • I've also begun a new web app that will allow us to find an exercise from an exercise api and store it to our daily routines. So far, I've reiterated all of what I have learned and created the REST back-end. All the models and controllers are created and the API is returning the data I need. I will begin to implement the Front-End with React, JS, HTML, CSS soon after some tests I completed on the back-end. This is also the first time I am using Jbuilder for the views/template which I am happy its very easy to implement.

GIT my Drift!

  • I feel as I have been very productive with practicing the content via Trello and Scrimba. I am going to hit a couple things the next couple weeks First, I would like to completed my gym/exercise app and have it polished and deployed. I do want to move on to an Ecommerce application afterwards. Second, I am going to hit on Hackerrank to challenge myself every other day and maintain a healthy balance of practice.
  • Also check these out. My favorite podcasts at the moment: Scrimba and Code Newbie!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end


Jan 27, 2023 - Graduated from Actualize Bootcamp!!!

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

  • Well the holiday break was great! Hope you all had a great one!

  • We came back to class and literally spent each day working on the capstone. Looking back it was tough.

  • I started of by creating a "MVP" table describing the: minimal viable product. Let's back up a bit. So, One day my family and I took a trip to Arizona. I alway like to try a beer at a local brewery whenever I travel. Spending a good amount of time on google maps to figure out what is close, I needed something that will have the info readily available. So......... I decided on making a brewery tour application that allows me to search local breweries, add them to my tour that I save on my personal account. That is how my capstone project came into play. 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

  • I used rails for the backend and React for the front end. There was plenty of implementation of all the concepts we learned throughout the bootcamp.

  • BrewR allows users to login/signup, create a tour with user added breweries and breweries sourced through "the Beer Mapping API" by searching city and state. Backend RESTful API built with Ruby on Rails. Frontend built with npm, webpack, React.js, Swiper, HTML, and CSS. Secure authenticated user profiles using JSON web tokens.

  • I am super proud of the work I accomplished with this app. I will say the join table I ahd to implement breweries/tours was a bit difficult to grasp at first. In order to visualize the relationships I created a spreadsheet to show how each table correlates with each other. Once I implemented this into my backend it was easier to get thins working accordingly in the frontend.

  • This will be deployed soon.

  • Since the end of bootcamp:

  • I've dedicated each day to completing 10 exercises of 10 questions each in Ruby and then again in Javascript. That is conditionals, loops, arrays, hash, and other questions/problems.

  • I started 30 days of Vanilla Javascript and am currently on day 7. Have completed a cool clock with ticks, arrays through an api, and drumkit project.

  • I've also continued the Scrimba front end developer path to keep practice in JS, HTML/CSS, React, etc.

  • Once I get through a couple of these I will continue with building some more cool projects and am interested in learning Swift and the IOS world.

  • The goal is to practice, practice, practice!!!!!

GIT my Drift!

  • The bootcamp was an amazing experience. I learned so much and implemented the fundamentals within my capstone, which I am super proud of. This is the beginning and there is so much more to learn. And I am ready. It's so satisfying once I complete whatever project I am on. That is the motivation, that is the thrill, and yes although it may be tough, there is a community of developers and engineers that will always be available to collabroate and learn from each other. The Scrimba community, clever programmer on Discord are awesome as well as the Actualize channel on slack. I get to see some cool projects from fellow engineers. It's great to see how everyones thought process works.
  • Here are some podcasts I have gotten into lately. I have kiddos so whatever time I get to learn I use. Even if it is listening in on some code podcasts: Scrimba Podcast and Code Newbie.

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end


Dec 19, 2022 - Day 57 Actualize Coding Bootcamp

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

  • 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Well these last couple weeks have been insanely busy and incrediby interesting. We have been learning React! React is a framework for building user interfaces. It allows for a very interactive UI. But the craziest thing to me is the fact that React uses JSX (JS within React) and their version of HTML like language. Check JSX vs. HTML <-- this gives a pretty cool breakdown.
  • I definately have been using these to learn through creating a new React app front end: React Crud Guide and React Authentication Guide. Make sure to start the process with: npm create vite@latest. Make sure to cd into your app once created, run npm install, npm run dev to get server going, npm install axios --save: so that you can connect to the backend and finally code . (to get started in the coding process)!! Then start creating the components accordingly
  • Along the way we have learned to utilize npm: which is a package manager for Node JS platform. I've read that npm contains over 800k code packages and yes it is free to use!!!!!!
  • In class we have practiced this process over and over again so definately getting easier. Things to remember:
    • A CSS file should be made for each JSX component.
    • Axios points to local host post, in routes calls index and action.
    • Browser Routes: Great resource for React Router v6. Install with: npm install react-router-dom@6
  • We have also learned Node
    • It's like Ruby
    • was invented to run JS on local computers instead of browser
    • without Node we could not do anything locally or should I say the browser and JS could not touch our computers.
  • Lastly, Over the last few days I have been working on a personal project: a Disney plus clone. I've been implemeneting what I have learned alongside content I've researhced and am in the current process of completing by the end of the week. Through this process I have so far learned styled componenets, utiling react-router-dom, and implement and installed firebase to hold a database and storing in redux. I will get a bit more in depth here once I complete it as I would definelty love to share some of my struggles, findings, accomplishments and so forth! So to work I go.

GIT my Drift!

  • One thing is for sure. Coffee, Coffee, Coffee! I've spent my last two weeks coding away and working on projects, resume, portfolio, and learning. But man, I don't even feel the time since I can genuinly say that I am enjoying every moment of it. I feel so accomplished everytime my code compiles and I see the result of what I ws just working on. Granted I have come across several bugs or things I just didn't understand at the moment. You know that saying: "You just don't know what you don't know!". I'm happy to have my cohort and my instrcutor that I can collobarate with and ask for help when needed. --- I have gotten pretty good at figuring out things on my own and learning things while doing so!
  • AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! 😳😳😳😳😳 I am coming up on the last few weeks of Actualize!! Which means my capstone project will be the next focus. Crazy how fast time goes by. Let's do this!!!!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end


Dec 4, 2022 - Day 42 Actualize Coding Bootcamp

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

  • We began Javascript this week and started off by comparing it to Ruby wih an exercise problem. Its importnat to first note that declaring a variable in Javascript can utilize var, let, and const. Now this I understood from my past work with JS. I'm pointing out that var and let are interchangebale but var is more a thing of the past. let was introduced in Javascript ES6. Const is declared so no changes are made EVER!!! camelCase is the traditional way for naming a variable in JS and this_way is the traditional way for naming in Ruby. We also completed a Lord of the rings JS exercise that tied in HTML/CSS. We created functions that allowed changes to the front end in story form to destroy the ring.

  • There were a few setup step we accomplished in order to get our vs code set for our upcoming week.

    • Installed linter for JS to help us identify errors.
    • VScode was setup accordingly today but the cool part was setting up the prettier tool in the terminal and the extension to go along with it so that we auto format our code. Just a neat touch to add.
    • We also setup node ot run JS through our terminal.
  • We covered the 4 formats of a technical interview today. Whiteboarding was the first we thoroughly reviewed. Its frightning but a part of the journey! Sticking to a plan is a must. But above all, the number 1 rule to follow is: always be chatting (no silence). With that we continue our Whiteboarding with: Clarify, Visualize, Code, Debug, Refractor. Visualize should be where we spend most time.

  • After class I spent time working on two HackerRank problems.

    • The first problem I had to create a method that will take in an array of numbers and then return the sum of its elements. I had to think about it at first but I broke it down to what I need to do. Create a method with an array as parameter. So I created a while loop where I looped through each index of array. I then added the value to sum and stored it to sum (which I set the variable sum to 0 before the loop as a starting point since I need it to increase in the loop). I then added 1 to the indec before I ended the loop. Finally printing out sum.

    • ex: input is [1, 2, 3]. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. The output is 6.

    • The second problem was called Compare the Triplets. This one required 2 arrays of nums to be entered. One array belonged to Alice and the other to Bob which was there ratings. I named two variables called alice and bob to store the points I am gonna need to add to it. We Basically compare each index respectively in order. The person with the higher number gets a point and a tie gets none. Return the total points for both people in an array as the output. This required a while loop within a while loop. I stored the arrays in a and b parameters. I had to create an emptyarray called new_array to store the points once compared. The first while loop looks at each index of a and the second while loop iterated b. The I completed a check. if a[index] > b[index] give alice a point, elsif b[index] > a[index] -- we give bob a point. If a tie there is no points. we increase the index by one so we continue the check through each respective index. After loop ends I push the total points stored in alice and bob into the new array. Finally print the array to recieve the output.

      • ex input a = [1,2,3] and b = [3,2,1] the output would be [1,1]

GIT my Drift!

  • Whiteboarding is definately scary. I'm going to have to make peace with it because it will come! But for real though, i can't add a print statement real quick to check the code? Ha. Okay Okay.
  • During Global Tech Experience, I really loved Javascript ,but man, I feel like Ruby is so much easier and readable. Almost like reading english.
  • I really enjoy getting through these hackerrank exercises. I compared to my past exepreince with Leetcode and they both have great flow to them. I haven't tried out Algoxperts yet, even though I signed up 3-4 months ago, but I will give it ago and see which works best for me. So far: HackerRank in my number 1.

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end


Nov 13, 2022 - Day 21 Actualize Coding Bootcamp

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

  • Todays exercise was a bit tough trying to gauge the steps without missing something crucial. Followed along and was able to complete and display the front end test page as instructed. Practicing this piece will have to be a focus to get a good feel for what steps to take and where to go if an error prompts. Basically need to get better at reviewing the terminal. To help me with this I started to create a step by step process for creating a ruby app, validation, authenticantion, routing, controllers, etc. once finished I will recreate a new app with similar tables to practice.
  • Snake Game: UPDATE: Finally got work around to the server issue and CORS policy. Ran Live server via an extension on VS code and provide a server for me that is responsive in realtime. Added grid and snake food randomization to the the game. the only thing left is to add a restart a new game function.

GIT my Drift!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end


Nov 7, 2022 - Day 15 Actualize Coding Bootcamp

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

  • Class today, we reflected on our skills and things we were good at from previos experiences that could be transitioned over to the world of coding. I've realized there are several transferable skille that I am proud to bring on:
    • Leadership Skill
    • Communication
    • Collabarating
    • Customer Service
    • Problem Solving
    • Teaching

GIT my Drift!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end

Nov 5, 2022 - Day 13 Actualize Coding Bootcamp

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

  • Today I practice creating an app via terminal and VS code. We create a table and respective columns. The newest part was the ability to change, add, remove columns.
  • I learn to change the data types within an already existing column using ruby migration.
  • I also continued my snake game practice and got a bit further. Although the viewing the index.html doc with the js scrpit did not work because of a policy within the browsers calles CORS. I ended up finding a solution where I installed http server in my terminal. Then I created a local host 8000 but although it worked it lagged and was not very productive. I had to wait about 10 min any time I updated code in VS.
  • There are several resources I have found useful. The one I used to today was Active Record which helped me practice migrations and updating.

GIT my Drift!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end


Oct 30, 2022 - Day 7 Actualize Coding Bootcamp

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

  • The Snake Game. Today I worked on creating a snake game. I am now seeing how to create a moving snake by implementing postiions such as x and y. It was great to see the implemention of eash JS file and direct code for that specific task within each file.
    Then how I was able to have them all intereact as a whole.

  • Syntax Similarity. Using Ruby and now Javascript now, I love that I was able to understand the fundamentals first so that I can easily correct syntax as it is used in the respective language.

GIT my Drift!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return end


Oct 24, 2022 - Day 2 Actualize Coding Bootcamp

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

GIT my Drift!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end

Summer May 2022 - Aug 2022 - Global Tech Expeirence!

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

GIT my Drift!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end

Jan 1, 2022 - May 30, 22 - ASU Full-Stack Web Development!

Learn, Recurse, Reflect, Keep Learning Some More!

GIT my Drift!

def funny_things(make_my_day)return make_my_day end

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