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Last active December 17, 2015 01:39
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Save djleeds/5529833 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Demonstrates inheritance, composition, mixins, and patches in ColdFusion. The article that corresponds to these code snippets can be found here:
<!--- EggLayer.cfc --->
<cffunction name="layEggs">
<cfargument name="count" />
<cfreturn "I just laid #count# eggs." />
<!--- Duck.cfc and Platypus.cfc --->
<cfcomponent extends="EggLayer">
<!--- ...elided... --->
<!--- Duck.cfc and Platypus.cfc --->
<cfset variables.eggLayer = new EggLayer() />
<cffunction name="layEggs">
<cfargument name="count" />
<cfreturn variables.eggLayer.layEggs(arguments.count) />
<!--- eggLayer.cfm --->
<cffunction name="layEggs">
<cfargument name="count" />
<cfreturn "I just laid #count# eggs." />
<!--- Duck.cfc and Platypus.cfc --->
<cfinclude template="eggLayer.cfm" />
<!--- the rest of the class is elided --->
<!--- Duck.cfc and Platypus.cfc --->
<!--- No change to these files is required --->
<!--- index.cfm, or maybe some factory class --->
<cffunction name="layEggs">
<cfargument name="count" />
<cfreturn "I just laid #count# eggs." />
<cfset duck = new Duck() />
<cfset platypus = new Platypus() />
<cfset duck.layEggs = this.layEggs />
<cfset platypus.layEggs = this.layEggs />
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