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Last active July 21, 2020 09:07
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// 'use strict'
let callback = null;
function observe(data) {
const subscribers = {};
return new Proxy(data, {
set(obj, key, value) {
obj[key] = value;
if (subscribers[key]) {
subscribers[key].forEach(callback => callback());
get(obj, key) {
if (callback) {
if (!subscribers[key]) subscribers[key] = [];
if (!subscribers[key].includes(callback)) {
return obj[key];
function watcher(watchFunc) {
callback = watchFunc;
callback = null;
// ----- App
const data = observe({
dinnerPrice: 100,
tip: 10,
total: 0,
watcher(() => { = data.dinnerPrice + data.tip;
watcher(() => {
document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = `
<td>Dinner</td><td>${data.dinnerPrice} €</td>
<button value="incrementDinnerPrice">+</button>
<button value="decrementDinnerPrice">-</button>
<td>Tip</td><td>${data.tip} €</td>
<button value="incrementTip">+</button>
<button value="decrementTip">-</button>
<td>Total</td><td>${} €</td>
const methods = {
'incrementDinnerPrice': () => data.dinnerPrice++,
'decrementDinnerPrice': () => data.dinnerPrice--,
'incrementTip': () => data.tip++,
'decrementTip': () => data.tip--,
document.getElementById('app').onclick = function (event) {
const method = methods[];
if (method) method();
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