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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Insert normalized dates from an OpenRefine exported CSV into EADs
# import what we need
import csv
from lxml import etree
from os.path import join
path = 'path/to/eads' # Enter the path to your EAD directory here
normalized_file = 'path/to/exported_csv.csv' # Enter the path to the exported CSV here
with open(normalized_file, 'rb') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
next(reader, None) # Skip the header row
for row in reader: # Loop through the rows in the csv
filename = row[0]
date_path = row[1]
# uncomment the line below if you also cleaned up the date expression
#expression = row[3]
normalized = row[4]
ead = open(join(path, filename)) # Open the EAD
tree = etree.parse(ead)
date = tree.xpath(date_path)
# uncomment the line below if you also cleaned up the date expression
#date[0].text = expression
date[0].attrib['normal'] = normalized # Add a normal attribute with the normalized date
outfile = open(join(path, filename), 'w')
outfile.write(etree.tostring(tree, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)) # Rewrite the EAD to save the normalization
print "Normalization complete" # Woo!
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