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Created August 16, 2012 23:33
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The Countdown number round with clojure.core.logic
(ns countdown1
[clojure.string :as str]))
;; Attempt to solve the "Numbers Game" from the UK Channel 4 gameshow
;; countdown.
;; Basically, 6 random numbers are chosen; then a random target is
;; chosen. Contestents have to reach the target (or as close as
;; possible) within 30 seconds, by using the numbers and basic
;; arithmetic operators. Each number can only be used once.
;; See: for more details
;; setting up the game
(def small-cards [1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10])
(def big-cards [25 50 75 100])
(defn pick-cards
{:pre [(>= big 0)
(<= big (count big-cards))]}
(let [allowed 6
small (- allowed big)]
(take big (shuffle big-cards))
(take small (shuffle small-cards)))))))
(defn pick-target
(+ 100 (rand-int 900)))
;; logic stuff
(defmacro are-nums
[& vars]
`(infd ~@vars ~(interval 0 1000)))
(defn op
[x op y r]
;; TODO why are calls to are-nums required below? And why are they
;; required in those places?
[(== op '+)
(are-nums r)
(<=fd x y) ; optimisation
(+fd x y r)]
[(== op '-)
(are-nums r)
(<fd y x) ; optimisation
(+fd y r x)]
[(== op '*)
(are-nums r)
(<=fd x y) ; optimisation
(!=fd x 1) ; optimisation
(!=fd y 1) ; optimisation
(*fd x y r)]
[(== op '/)
(are-nums r)
(!=fd y 1) ; optimisation
(*fd y r x)]
(defn take2
"Pick two members (x and y), and the remaining members (others),
from inxs"
[inxs x y others]
(fresh [i1]
(rembero x inxs i1)
(rembero y i1 others)))
(defn solve-numbers
[inxs inoplist foutoplist foutxs target]
(fresh [x o y others r
outoplist outxs]
(take2 inxs x y others) ; take two inputs to operate on
(op x o y r) ; calculate the answer
(conso [x o y '= r] inoplist outoplist) ; record the operation
(conso r others outxs) ; discard the inputs, and remember the new output
[(=fd r target) ; if we've reached the target
(== outxs foutxs) ; then record the results
(== outoplist foutoplist)]
[(solve-numbers outxs outoplist foutoplist foutxs target)] ; else recur
(defn go
[target cards]
(println "Cards: " (str/join " " cards))
(println "Target: " target)
(let [solutions (run 1 [oplist]
(infd target (interval 100 999))
(everyg #(infd % (interval 1 100)) cards)
(fresh [outxs]
(solve-numbers cards [] oplist outxs target)))]
(doseq [solution solutions]
(doseq [step (reverse solution)]
(println (str/join " " step)))))))
(defn prob1
(go 265 [100 2 6 10 9 6]))
(defn prob-random
(go (pick-target) (pick-cards 1)))
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