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Created November 29, 2010 08:09
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sorted vector fingertree
(ns net.djpowell.fingertree.sortedlist
(defrecord SortedListMeter [^long lcount lmax])
(def ^:private not-an-object (gensym "not-an-object"))
(defn- make-object
(SortedListMeter. 1 x))
(def ^:private zero-object (SortedListMeter. 0 not-an-object))
(defn- combine-objects
[cmpr ^SortedListMeter x ^SortedListMeter y]
(identical? zero-object x) y
(identical? zero-object y) x
:else (SortedListMeter.
(+ (:lcount x) (:lcount y))
(if (neg? (cmpr (:lmax x) (:lmax y))) (:lmax y) (:lmax x)))))
(defn- make-empty-sorted-list-tree
(make-empty-sorted-list-tree compare))
(finger-tree (meter make-object zero-object (partial combine-objects cmpr)))))
(defn- find-at
[tree i not-found-fn]
(if (and (> i 0) (< i (count tree)))
(split-tree tree
(fn [{:keys [lcount lmax]}] (> lcount i))))
(defn- insert-val
[tree cmpr x]
(let [lmax (:lmax (measured tree))]
(identical? lmax not-an-object) (conjr tree x)
(<= (cmpr lmax x) 0) (conjr tree x)
:else (let [[f n r] (split-tree tree
(fn [{:keys [lcount lmax]}] (> 0 (cmpr x lmax))))]
(ft-concat (conjr (conjr f x) n) r)
(deftype SortedList [cmpr tree]
(seq [this] (seq tree))
(count [this] (:lcount (measured tree)))
(cons [this x] (SortedList. cmpr (insert-val tree cmpr x)))
(empty [this] (SortedList. cmpr (make-empty-sorted-list-tree cmpr)))
(equiv [this x] false) ; TODO ??
(first [_] (first tree))
(more [_] (SortedList. cmpr (rest tree)))
(next [_] (when-let [t (next tree)] (SortedList. cmpr t)))
(rseq [this] (rseq tree))
(valAt [this i] (find-at tree i #(constantly nil)))
(valAt [this i default] (find-at tree i #(constantly default)))
(containsKey [this i] (if (and (> i 0) (< i (count this))) true false))
(assoc [this i x] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Positional assoc not supported")))
(entryAt [this i] (when-let [v (.valAt this i)] [i v]))
(nth [this i] (find-at tree i #(throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException. (str "Index " i " out of bounds; max length: " (count this))))))
(nth [this i default] (find-at tree i #(constantly default)))
(pop [this] (pop tree))
(peek [this] (peek tree)))
(defn sorted-list
(sorted-list compare))
(SortedList. cmpr (make-empty-sorted-list-tree cmpr))))
(defn bad-into
[base xs]
(reduce (fn [ret x] (conj ret x)) base xs))
(defn -main
(Thread/sleep 10000)
(bad-into (sorted-list) (repeatedly 1000000 #(rand-int 10000000))))
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