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Last active April 3, 2021 12:40
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Why write a python project template in javascript?


Yeoman is a scaffolding tool written in JavaScript, supported by a who's-who of web dev legends and backed by hundreds (thousands?) of community-written generators, to bootstrap any kind of project from a simple front-end build to all kinds of framework projects.

Wagtail is a beatiful new CMS, written lovingly in Python/Django by the talented folks at Torchbox. Said folks have recently released an official Django template to get started with a Wagtail site with dependencies, Django settings and deployment ready to go - all packaged nicely into a Vagrant box.

What did I do?

I have recently ported this template to a Yeoman generator and feel that some may question why I would take a beautiful piece of python templating and turn it into JavaScript.

So what problem does it solve?

Quite simply, I wanted to avoid the cart-before-horse issue of running the correct version of Python & Django in a virtualenv before installing the same things again inside a Vagrant box.

The yeoman generator is going to be a lot less sensitive to node version bumps than the current state of hell that is version management in Python and Django (the template even mentions a specific issue on their brief readme).


Installing Node, Yeoman and Vagrant on your host dev machine is a clean way towards a nice scripting and project scaffolding environment to keep completely separate dependencies between all of your projects.

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