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Last active March 14, 2023 13:48
Flipper rant

{Originally posted in FZ Unleashed firmware Discord}

I hate the split of the two types of people this product attracted. There's the people who understand that pre-orders are not going to deliver on everything promised, and they understand what this product CAN do and what it CAN NOT. Then there's the others "haha funny dolphin thing hack literally everything brrrrrrrrr" and shit themselves when they realize it cant! I think it's beautiful the amount of progress made on the firmware since pre-orders started arriving, and I think it's healthy that these forks are growing as well. The Flipper team could have EASILY kept the firmware proprietary or locked down the device to completely prevent illegal use, but they didnt. With all the people asking the same questions about magically hacking stuff without understanding the actual capabilities of the device, I'm afraid the flipper team is being coaxed into moving towards a proprietary system. While anyone who has a device in their hands at the time of writing is guaranteed safe (since theres no hardware limiters and the software is under the GPL license) this might change in the future because some ignorants are pissy because this little device can't rolljam every garage in their neighborhood. PLEASE stop begging the flipper team to enable this stuff, instead learn C and go implement this stuff in your own fork of the firmware! This fork specifically (unleashed) is an amazing example of that. It's implementing illegal features while (mostly) not bugging the flipper team about it. There is nothing wrong with that in my opinion, since it lets others decide to switch if they so choose.

TL; DR: People need to stop asking/bugging the Flipper team about illegal features.

Edit 1: Another user had replied to me with the example of Numworks locking down their calculators. I believe that is a great example of what might happen should the unaware side of the community continue what they're doing.


Edit 2: A member of the Flipper Team reached out to me by email and assured me that they are not going proprietary and never intend to do so ever. I crossed out the corresponding section of my rant with regards to this reassurance.

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