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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Save djtecha/63565ceb398334ea19af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Facter (Puppet) plugin for racktables 0.20.1 (and probably newer)
* This file is both a web GUI and REST webservice for auto create and update machines based on facter (puppet) files.
* REST example:
* curl -F "userfile=@/root/facter.txt" -u username:password "http://racktables/index.php?module=redirect&page=depot&tab=facter&op=Update"
* Usage instructions:
* Add to plugins folder along with manifest file
* To get VMs to auto add you have to create a facter function to return a list like:
* export FACTER_VMs=$(virsh list | awk '$3 == "running" {printf $2","}' | sed -e 's/,$//');
* Whatever you use for VMs it should return a list like: vms => vm1,vm2
* Author: Torstein Hansen <>, sponsored by
* This script is based on yaml_import for racktables by Tommy Botten Jensen
* 2011-08-25 modified by Neil Scholten <>
* - adjusted path for racktables > 0.19.1
* - modified .yaml parsing to match to 'facter -py' format
* - modified interface-type detection to use virtual port on VMs
* - modified OS detection to match more better default sets (Testcase: CentOS).
* 2012-12-13 modified by Daniel Kasen <>
* - added generic looping to easially add fields
* - Corrected issues with VM's breaking script
* - reverted .yaml parsing due to strings in facter not parsing right for mem. options
* - added error checking to ignore unusable lines in manifest file
* - fixed ip additions for 20.1
* - added VM auto adding to Parent
* 2015-02-10 modified by Gjermund Jensvoll <>
* - RackTables >= 0.20.8 compatability (Fixing error "Argument 'port_type_id' of value NULL is invalid (format error)")
// Depot Tab for objects.
$tab['depot']['facter'] = 'Facter';
$tabhandler['depot']['facter'] = 'ViewHTML';
$ophandler['depot']['facter']['Update'] = 'Update';
// The ophandler to insert objects (if any)
function Update()
// Read uploaded file
$lines = file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
// add file contents to facter array
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line)
$facter[trim($tmpfacter[0])]=str_replace('"', '',trim($tmpfacter[1]));
// Fix fqdn since all fields have \n inn them
$facter['fqdn']=str_replace("\n","", $facter['fqdn']);
// Check if it's an existing machine
// 2011-08-31 <>
// * expanded query to try to match via facter Serialnumber to be able to
// match unnamed HW assets. Serial is more precise and less likely to be changed.
if (
array_key_exists('serialnumber', $facter) &&
strlen($facter['serialnumber']) > 0 &&
$facter['serialnumber'] != 'Not Specified' ) {
$FQDN = $facter[fqdn];
$SERIAL = $facter[serialnumber];
$query = "select id from RackObject where name REGEXP '^ *$FQDN' OR asset_no REGEXP '^ *$SERIAL' LIMIT 1";
} else {
$FQDN = $facter[fqdn];
$query = "select id from RackObject where name REGEXP '^ *$FQDN' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
// If it's a new machine
if (! isset($id))
// Check to see if it's a physical machine and get the correct id for Server
if ($facter['is_virtual']=="false")
// Find server id
$query = "select dict_key from Dictionary where dict_value='Server' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll ();
// Check to see if it's a virtual machine and get the correct id for VM
// Find virtual id
$query = "select dict_key from Dictionary where dict_value='VM' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Add the new machine
$newmachine=commitAddObject($facter['fqdn'],"",$virtual,$value = "");
$type_id = getObjectTypeID($newmachine);
// If it's an existing machine
// Just set some fields I use later down for updating
$type_id = getObjectTypeID($newmachine);
if (
array_key_exists('serialnumber', $facter) &&
strlen($facter['serialnumber']) > 0 &&
$facter['serialnumber'] != 'Not Specified' ) {
$SERIAL = $facter[serialnumber];
$query = "select * from RackObject where asset_no REGEXP '^ *$SERIAL' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
$id = $resultarray[0]['id'];
$label = $resultarray[0]['label'];
commitUpdateObject($id, $facter['fqdn'], $label, 'no', $facter['serialnumber'], 'Facter Import::Update Common Name');
if ($facter['is_virtual']=="false")
$iHWTemp = preg_match('([a-zA-Z]{1,})', $facter['manufacturer'], $matches);
$sManufacturer = $matches[0];
$sHW = preg_replace('(\ )', '\1%GPASS%', $facter['productname']);
$sHWType = $sManufacturer.' '.$sHW;
$query = "select id from Attribute where name REGEXP '^ *HW type$' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
$hw_dict_key = getdict($sHWType, $chapter=11 );
commitUpdateAttrValue ($object_id = $newmachine, $attr_id = $id, $value = $hw_dict_key);
//Also Check if HYPERVISOR
if (isset($facter['hypervisor_type']))
$query = "select id from Attribute where name REGEXP '^ *Hypervisor Type$' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
$hypervisor_type = $facter['hypervisor_type'];
$hypervisor_type_dict_key = getdict($hw=$hypervisor_type, $chapter=10005);
commitUpdateAttrValue ($object_id = $newmachine, $attr_id = $id, $value = $hypervisor_type_dict_key);
//Set Value to Yes
$query = "select id from Attribute where name REGEXP '^ *Hypervisor' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
$hypervisor = "Yes";
$hypervisor_dict_key = getdict($hypervisor, $chapter=29);
commitUpdateAttrValue ($object_id = $newmachine, $attr_id = $id, $value = $hypervisor_dict_key);
//Find Running VMs
$vms = explode(',',$facter['vms']);
$vm_count = count($vms);
for ($i = 0; $i < $vm_count; $i++) {
addVmToParent ($vms[$i], $newmachine);
} else {
$query = "select id from Attribute where name REGEXP '^ *Hypervisor' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
// Update Hypervisor type
$hypervisor = "No";
$hypervisor_dict_key = getdict($hypervisor, $chapter=29);
commitUpdateAttrValue ($object_id = $newmachine, $attr_id = $id, $value = "");
// Find SW type id (OS)
$query = "select id from Attribute where name REGEXP '^ *SW type$' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
// Update SW type (OS)
$osrelease = $facter['operatingsystem'] . '%GSKIP%' . $facter['operatingsystem'] . ' V' . $facter['operatingsystemrelease'];
$os_dict_key = getdict($hw=$osrelease, $chapter=13);
commitUpdateAttrValue ($object_id = $newmachine, $attr_id = $id, $value = $os_dict_key);
//Generic to read in from file
$manifest_file = fopen("../plugins/manifest", "r") or die("Could not open manifest, make sure it is in the websrv root and called manifest \n");
while ( ! feof ($manifest_file)) {
$tmp_line = fgets($manifest_file);
if (!empty($tmp_line) && !preg_match("/\/\//",$tmp_line)) {
@list($Fact, $Attr, $Chapter) = array_map('trim', (explode(',', $tmp_line, 3)));
//check for multi-facter names
if(strstr($Fact, '.')) {
@list($Fact1, $Fact2) = array_map('trim', (explode('.', $Fact)));
$value = $facter[$Fact1] .' '. $facter[$Fact2];
if(!isset($facter[$Fact1]) || !isset($facter[$Fact2])) {
echo "WARNING: $Fact1 or $Fact2 does not exist in Facter for this object \n";
} else {
if(!isset($facter[$Fact])) {
echo "WARNING: $Fact does not exist in Facter for this object \n";
} else {
$value = $facter[$Fact];
$query = "select id from Attribute where name REGEXP '^ *$Attr' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!valid($type_id, $id)) {
echo "WARNING: Not a valid Mapping for $Fact to $Attr for objectType $type_id \n";
else if($resultarray) {
if (preg_match("/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{1,2}\/[0-9]{4}/",$value) || preg_match("/[0-9]{1,2}\-[0-9]{1,2}\-[0-9]{4}/",$value) || preg_match("/[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{1,2}\-[0-9]{1,2}/",$value)) {
commitUpdateAttrValue ($newmachine, $id, strtotime($value) );
} else {
$chapter_id = getdictid($Attr);
if (!empty($chapter_id))
$value = getdict($value, $chapter_id);
commitUpdateAttrValue ($newmachine, $id, $value);
// Add network interfaces
// Create an array with interfaces
$nics = explode(',',$facter['interfaces']);
//Check for iDrac or Ec2 External
if (isset($facter['idrac']))
$nics[] = "idrac";
if (isset($facter['ipaddress_external']))
$nics[] = "external";
// Go through all interfaces and add IP and MAC
$count = count($nics);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
// Remove newline from the field
$nics[$i]=str_replace("\n","", $nics[$i]);
// We generally don't monitor sit interfaces.
// We don't do this for lo interfaces, too
// 2011-08-31 <>
// * Only Document real interfaces, dont do bridges, bonds, vlan-interfaces
// when they have no IP defined.
if ( preg_match('(_|^(bond|lo|sit|vnet|virbr|veth|peth))',$nics[$i]) != 0 ) {
// do nothing
} else {
// Get IP
if (isset($facter['ipaddress_' . $nics[$i]]))
$ip = $facter['ipaddress_' . $nics[$i]];
// Get MAC
if (isset($facter['macaddress_' . $nics[$i]]))
$mac = $facter['macaddress_' . $nics[$i]];
//check if VM or not
if ($facter['is_virtual']=="false")
// Find 1000Base-T id
$query = "select id from PortOuterInterface where oif_name REGEXP '^ *1000Base-T$' LIMIT 1";
// Find virtual port id
$query = "select id from PortOuterInterface where oif_name REGEXP '^ *virtual port$' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
// Remove newline from ip
$ip=str_replace("\n","", $ip);
// Check to se if the interface has an ip assigned
$query = "SELECT object_id FROM IPv4Allocation where object_id=$newmachine and name=\"$nics[$i]\"";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
// Check if it's been configured a port already
$query = "SELECT id,iif_id FROM Port where object_id=$newmachine and name=\"$nics[$i]\"";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($resultarray) {
$portid = $resultarray[0]['id'];
// Add/update port
// 2011-08-31 <>
// * Don't touch already existing complex ports
if ( $resultarray[0]['type'] != 9 ) {
if ( count($portcheck) == 1 ) {
commitUpdatePort($newmachine,$portid, $nics[$i], $nictypeid, "Ethernet port", "$mac", NULL);
commitAddPort($object_id = $newmachine, $nics[$i], $nictypeid,'Ethernet port',"$mac");
} else {
//We've got a complex port, don't touch it, it raises an error with 'Database error: foreign key violation'
if (count($ipcheck) == 1 ) {
if( $ip ) {
updateAddress(ip_parse($ip) , $newmachine, $nics[$i],'regular');
if( $ip ) {
bindIpToObject(ip_parse($ip), $newmachine, $nics[$i],'regular');
addTagToObject($facter, $newmachine);
return buildRedirectURL ();
// Display the import page.
function ViewHTML()
echo "<table with=90% align=center border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center class=cooltable><tr valign=top>";
echo "<form method=post enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action='index.php?module=redirect&page=depot&tab=facter&op=Update'>";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"30000\" />";
echo "Upload a facter file: <input name=\"userfile\" type=\"file\" /><br />";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Upload File\" />";
echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>";
function getdict ($hw,$chapter) {
try {
global $dbxlink;
$query = "select dict_key from Dictionary where chapter_id='$chapter' AND dict_value ='$hw' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$array = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($array) {
return $array[0]['dict_key'];
else {
$dbxlink->exec("INSERT INTO Dictionary (chapter_id,dict_value) VALUES ('$chapter','$hw')");
$squery = "select dict_key from Dictionary where dict_value ='$hw' AND chapter_ID ='$chapter' LIMIT 1";
$sresult = usePreparedSelectBlade ($squery);
$sarray = $sresult->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($sarray) {
return $sarray[0]['dict_key'];
else {
return 0;
$dbxlink = null;
catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
function getdictid ($attribute) {
$query = "select id from Attribute WHERE name REGEXP '^ *$attribute$' AND type = 'dict'";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$array = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($array) {
$attr_id = $array[0]['id'];
$query = "select chapter_id from AttributeMap WHERE attr_id = '$attr_id' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($query);
$array = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $array[0]['chapter_id'];
return 0;
//new check to make sure the object type allows the string
function valid ($type_id, $id) {
//Check to see if this combination exists in the AttributeMap
$valid = "SELECT * from AttributeMap WHERE objtype_id = '$type_id' AND attr_id = '$id' LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($valid);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$exists = $resultarray[0]['objtype_id'];
if (!empty($exists))
return 1;
return 0;
function getObjectTypeID ($newmachine) {
$objtype = "SELECT objtype_id from RackObject WHERE id = $newmachine LIMIT 1";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($objtype);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $resultarray[0]['objtype_id'];
//Find Parent of VM Object
function addVmToParent ($vms, $newmachine) {
$search_for_child = "select id from RackObject WHERE name REGEXP '^ *$vms\\\.'";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($search_for_child);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$child = $resultarray[0]['id'];
if (!empty($child)){
//make sure the association doesn't exist already or deal with it
$current_container = "SELECT parent_entity_id from EntityLink WHERE child_entity_id = $child";
$result = usePreparedSelectBlade ($current_container);
$resultarray = $result->fetchAll (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$current_parent = $resultarray[0]['parent_entity_id'];
if ( ($current_parent != $newmachine ) && !empty($current_parent)){
} else if (empty($current_parent)) {
commitLinkEntities('object', $newmachine,'object',$child);
} else {
echo "WARNING: The $vms VM has not been added, but live on this Parent \n";
//Auto Tagging
function addTagToObject ($facter, $newmachine) {
$tags = array($facter['machinetype'], $facter['environment']);
$count_tags = count($tags);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count_tags; $i++) {
rebuildTagChainForEntity ('object', $newmachine, array (getTagByName($tags[$i])));
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