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Last active June 8, 2016 03:53
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import krpc
import math
import time
class PIDController(object):
""" A robust PID """
def __init__(self, input, setpoint, kp, ki, kd, outmin = 0, outmax = 0):
self.last_time = time.time()
self.i_term = 0
self.last_input = input
self.setparams(setpoint, kp, ki, kd, outmin, outmax)
def setparams(self, setpoint, kp, ki, kd, outmin = -float('inf'), outmax = float('inf')):
self.setpoint = setpoint = kp = ki
self.kd = kd
self.outmin = outmin
self.outmax = outmax
self.i_term = sorted((self.outmin, self.i_term, self.outmax))[1]
def update(self, input):
now = time.time()
time_change = now - self.last_time
if time_change < 0.05:
return 0
error = self.error(input)
self.i_term += * error * time_change
self.i_term = sorted((self.outmin, self.i_term, self.outmax))[1]
d_input = (input - self.last_input) / time_change
output = * error + self.i_term - self.kd * d_input
output = sorted((self.outmin, output, self.outmax))[1]
self.last_input = input
self.last_time = now
return output
def error(self, input):
return self.setpoint - input
conn = krpc.connect()
vessel = conn.space_center.active_vessel
control = vessel.control
control.roll = 0
roll = conn.add_stream(getattr, vessel.flight(), 'roll')
t = vessel.reaction_wheel_torque[2] # torque vector is pitch,heading,roll
I = vessel.moment_of_inertia[1] # roll axis is in y-axis
print 'Torque = %.2f Nm' % t
print 'MoI = %.2f kg/m^2' % I
setpoint = 45 * (math.pi / 180.0)
O = 0.01
Tp = 3
print 'Overshoot = %.1f' % (O*100) + '%'
print 'Time to peak = %.2f s' % Tp
# tune Kp and Kd
logO = math.log(O)
z = math.sqrt((logO*logO) / (math.pi*math.pi + logO*logO))
w = math.pi / (Tp * math.sqrt(1.0 - z*z))
kp = (I * w * w) / t
kd = (2 * z * w * I) / t
print 'z = %.2f' % z
print 'w = %.2f' % w
print 'Kp = %.2f' % kp
print 'Kd = %.2f' % kd
# run control loop
pid = PIDController(roll(), setpoint, kp, 0, kd, -1, 1)
while True:
input = roll() * (math.pi / 180.0)
output = pid.update(input)
print 'input = %+.3f, setpoint = %.3f, error = %+.3f, output = %+.3f' % (input, setpoint, pid.error(input), output)
control.roll = output
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