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Created May 4, 2024 14:49
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#BEGIN { $ENV{IO_LAMBDA_DEBUG} = 'http=2' }
use strict;
use warnings;
package main;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Lambda v1.33 ':all';
use IO::Lambda::HTTP::Client qw(http_request);
use IO::Lambda::HTTP::Server;
use IO::Lambda::HTTP::UserAgent;
use URI;
use URI::QueryParam;
use URI::Escape;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use HTTP::Response;
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64url);
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256);
use JSON::XS qw(decode_json encode_json);
my $win32_install = (( $ARGV[0] // '' ) eq '--win32-install');
my $port = 9999;
my ($server, $error, $e);
my ($state, $code_challenge, $code_verifier, $nonce);
my $ua = IO::Lambda::HTTP::UserAgent->new;
my $deviceid = 'DEADBEEF-1337-1337-1337-900000000002';
sub socket_check
return IO::Socket::INET-> new(
PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => shift,
Proto => 'tcp',
sub randstr($) { encode_base64url(join('', map { chr rand(255) } 1..$_[0])) }
sub init_oauth
$state = randstr(23);
$nonce = randstr(93);
$code_verifier = randstr(93);
$code_challenge = encode_base64url(sha256($code_verifier));
sub mailcheck { '<p><a href="/testmail">Test MitDK login</a>' }
sub quit { '<p><a href="/abort">Quit the wizard</a><p>' }
sub main { '<p><a href="/">Go back to the start</a><p>' }
sub html($)
my $html = $_[0];
$html = "<html><body>$html</body></html>";
HTTP::Response->new( 200, "OK", [
'Content-Type' => 'text/html',
'Content-Length' => length($html),
], $html)
sub h2($) { html "<h2>$_[0]</h2>" . main . quit }
sub h2x($$) { html "<h2>$_[0]</h2><p>$_[1]" . main . quit }
sub error($) { h2x( 'Error', $_[0] ) }
sub handle_saml
my $resp = shift;
return error "Cannot get MitID ticket's SAMLResponse" unless $resp->content =~ /name="(SAMLResponse)" value="(.*?)"/;
my $saml = "$1=" . uri_escape($2);
return error "Cannot get MitID ticket's RelayState" unless $resp->content =~ /name="(RelayState)" value="(.*?)"/;
my $rest = "$1=" . uri_escape($2);
$resp = $ua->request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST(
Content => "$rest&$saml",
return error("MitID ticket is received but cannot login. Did you register at <a href=''>Digital Post</a>?")
unless ($resp->header('Location') // '') =~ m[(eboksdk://ngdpoidc/callback)\?.*code=([^\&]+)];
my ( $uri, $code ) = ($1, $2);
$resp = $ua->request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST(
Authorization => 'Basic ZS1ib2tzLW1vYmlsZTp5MHZLUktvVnZxTyVOM0hCREswVDViYnpxb19lWnNJMA==',
return error("MitID ticket is received but cannot authorize to Eboks") unless
$resp->is_success && $resp->header('Content-Type') =~ m[application/json];
my $json;
eval { $json = decode_json( $resp->content ); };
return error("Got bad response from Digitalpost") unless $json && $json->{access_token};
my $bearer = $json->{access_token};
$resp = $ua->request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST(
'X-Operation-ID' => 'LoginService_UserToken',
Authorization => "Bearer $bearer",
'Content-Type' => 'application/json-patch+json',
return error("MitID ticket is received but cannot get login token") unless
$resp->is_success && $resp->header('Content-Type') =~ m[application/json];
undef $json;
eval { $json = decode_json( $resp->content ); };
return error("Got bad response from login service") unless $json && $json->{userToken};
$resp = $ua->request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST(
'', [
usertoken => $json->{userToken},
grant_type => 'usertoken',
scope => 'mobileapi offline_access',
client_id => 'MobileApp-Short-Custom-id',
client_secret => 'QmaENW6MeYwwjzF5',
deviceid => $deviceid,
return error("MitID ticket is received but cannot get user token") unless
$resp->is_success && $resp->header('Content-Type') =~ m[application/json];
undef $json;
eval { $json = decode_json( $resp->content ); };
return error("Got bad response from Eboks/oauth") unless $json && $json->{access_token};
$bearer = $json->{access_token};
$resp = $ua->request( HTTP::Request::Common::POST(
[ password => 'MYPASSWORD--CHANGE THIS' ],
Authorization => "Bearer $bearer",
unless ($resp->is_success) {
my $msg = "Password verification failed";
if ( $resp->header('Content-Type') =~ m[application/json] ) {
undef $json;
eval { $json = decode_json( $resp->content ); };
$msg .= ": " . $json->{description}->{text} if $json && ref($json->{description});
return error($msg);
# openssl rsa -in id_rsa -outform PEM -pubout -out
my $pubkey = join '', grep {!/^--/} split /\n/, <<'PUB';
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
$json = encode_json({
id => $deviceid,
key => $pubkey,
name => 'net-eboks2',
os => $^O,
$resp = $ua->request( HTTP::Request::Common::PUT(
Authorization => "Bearer $bearer",
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Content-Length' => length($json),
Content => $json,
return error("Cannot upload public key to Eboks") unless $resp->code eq '204';
warn "Everything works fine!";
sub params
map {
my ($k,$v) = ($1,$2);
$v =~ s/%(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge;
($k, $v);
} split '&', $_[0];
my %routes;
%routes = (
'/auth' => sub {
html <<INIT . ($win32_install ? main : '' ) . mailcheck . quit;
<h2>Welcome to the E-boks/MitID authenticator setup</h2>
<form action="/step2" method="POST">
<p> On the next page you will be presented
the standard MitID dialog, that you need to login as you usually do.<br>
If you are going to authorize the login with your MitID app, make sure that
the requestor is "Mit-DK login".
<input type="submit" value="MitID Login">
'/step2' => sub {
return lambda {
context $ua->request( HTTP::Request->new(
GET => ''.
max_redirect => 20,
tail {
my $resp = shift;
if ( ref $resp ) {
$resp->header( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*');
$resp->header( 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy' => 'cross-origin');
return $resp;
# case with private only
'/mitid' => sub {
my $req = shift;
$req->header( Referer => '');
$req->header( Host => '');
$req->header( Origin => '');
$req->header( 'Accept-Encoding' => 'identity');
my $resp = $ua->request($req)->wait;
return $resp unless $resp->is_success;
return $resp if $resp->request->uri->path =~ /loginoption$/;
return handle_saml($resp);
# case with sub-select (private and firma(s))
'/loginoption' => sub {
my $req = shift;
$req->header( Host => '');
$req->header( Origin => '');
$req->header( Referer => '');
$req->header( 'Accept-Encoding' => 'identity');
my $resp = $ua->request($req)->wait;
return $resp unless $resp->is_success;
return handle_saml($resp);
'/abort' => sub {
return html '<h2>Setup finished.</h2>';
$routes{'/'} = $win32_install ? $routes{'/win32_install'} : $routes{'/auth'};
($server, $error) = http_server {
my $req = shift;
if ( my $cb = $routes{$req->uri}) {
return $cb->($req);
} else {
$req->uri("" . $req->uri->path);
$req->header( Host => '');
if ( my $origin = $req->header('Origin')) {
$origin =~ s[http://localhost:9999][];
$req->header( Origin => $origin);
if ( my $referer = $req->header('Referer')) {
$referer =~ s[http://localhost:9999/step2][];
$referer =~ s[http://localhost:9999/][];
$req->header( Referer => $referer);
$req->header( 'Accept-Encoding' => 'identity');
return $ua->request($req);
} "localhost:$port", timeout => 10;
die $error unless $server;
if ( $win32_install ) {
require Win32API::File;
import Win32API::File qw(GetOsFHandle SetHandleInformation HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT);
warn $^E unless SetHandleInformation(GetOsFHandle($server->{socket}), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT(), 0);
print "Open a browser and go to this address:\n";
print "\n http://localhost:$port/\n\n";
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