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Created March 6, 2013 00:54
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I would like to test numerical recipe's version 3 (nm3) implementation of runge kutta 4 (rk4).
The example ODE that I would like to test is: dy/dx = 3yx^(2)y; initial conditions: x_0=1, y_0=2
This is a separable ODE and therefore the solution is y = (2/e)*e^(x^3) or 2*e^[(x^3)-1]
I would like to pick h = 0.1
Therefore, via rk4:
y_1 = y_0 + h* Fourth-Order-Taylor(x_0, y_0, h)
y_1 = 2 + (0.1/6)(k_1 + 2k_2 + 2k_3 + k_4)
Calculating k_n:
k_1 = f[ x_0 , y_0 ] = 3(1^2)(2) = 6
k_2 = f[ (x_0 + h/2) , (y_0 + h/2)*k_1 ] = f[1.05 , 2] = 7.607
k_3 = ....... = 2.872
k_4 = ....... = 10.117
Calculating y_1:
y_1 = 2 + (0.1/6) * ( 6 + 2(7.607) + 2(2.872) + 10.117 )
y_1 = 2.787 and x_1 = x_0 + h = 1+ 0.1 = 1.1
#include <iostream>
#include <nr3.h>
#include <rk4.h>
using namespace std;
void derivs(const Doub x, VecDoub_I & y, VecDoub_O & dydx)
int main ()
VecDoub y(1),dydx(1);
Doub x, xmin, xmax, kmax = 300000, h = 0.0001;
VecDoub yout(1);
int k;
xmin=0; xmax=10000;
for(k=0; k < kmax; k++)
x = xmin + k*h;
rk4(y, dydx, x, h, yout, derivs);
cout << x << " " << yout[0] << " " << yout[1] << endl;
return 0;
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