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Created April 29, 2023 14:57
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fun Modifier.ticketBorder(
cornerTopStart: Dp? = null,
cornerTopEnd: Dp? = null,
cornerBottomEnd: Dp? = null,
cornerBottomStart: Dp? = null,
strokeWidth: Dp = 1.dp,
color: Color,
) = composed(
factory = {
with(LocalDensity.current) {
val cornerTopStartPx = cornerTopStart?.toPx()
val cornerTopEndPx = cornerTopEnd?.toPx()
val cornerBottomEndPx = cornerBottomEnd?.toPx()
val cornerBottomStartPx = cornerBottomStart?.toPx()
val strokeWidthPx = strokeWidth.toPx()
val halfStrokeWidthPx = strokeWidthPx / 2
val pathEffect = PathEffect.dashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(10f, 10f))
Modifier.drawBehind {
val width = size.width
val height = size.height
// top start
cornerTopStartPx?.let {
color = color,
startAngle = 0f,
sweepAngle = 90f,
size = Size(height = it, width = it),
topLeft = Offset(x = -it / 2, y = -it / 2),
useCenter = false,
style = Stroke(width = strokeWidthPx, pathEffect = pathEffect)
// top line
color = color,
strokeWidth = strokeWidthPx,
pathEffect = pathEffect,
start = Offset(
x = (cornerTopStartPx ?: 0f) / 2f,
y = halfStrokeWidthPx
end = Offset(
x = width - (cornerTopEndPx ?: 0f) / 2f,
y = halfStrokeWidthPx
// top end
cornerTopEndPx?.let {
color = color,
startAngle = 90f,
sweepAngle = 90f,
size = Size(height = it, width = it),
useCenter = false,
topLeft = Offset(x = width - it + it / 2, y = -it / 2),
style = Stroke(width = strokeWidthPx, pathEffect = pathEffect)
// end line
color = color,
strokeWidth = strokeWidthPx,
pathEffect = pathEffect,
start = Offset(
x = width - halfStrokeWidthPx,
y = (cornerTopEndPx ?: 0f) / 2
end = Offset(
x = width - halfStrokeWidthPx,
y = height - (cornerBottomEndPx ?: 0f) / 2
// bottom end
cornerBottomEndPx?.let {
color = color,
startAngle = 180f,
sweepAngle = 90f,
size = Size(height = it, width = it),
useCenter = false,
topLeft = Offset(x = width - it + it / 2, y = height - it / 2),
style = Stroke(width = strokeWidthPx, pathEffect = pathEffect)
// bottom line
color = color,
strokeWidth = strokeWidthPx,
pathEffect = pathEffect,
start = Offset(
x = (cornerBottomStartPx ?: 0f) / 2f,
y = height - halfStrokeWidthPx
end = Offset(
x = width - (cornerBottomEndPx ?: 0f) / 2f,
y = height - halfStrokeWidthPx
// bottom start
cornerBottomStartPx?.let {
color = color,
startAngle = 270f,
sweepAngle = 90f,
size = Size(height = it, width = it),
useCenter = false,
topLeft = Offset(x = -it / 2, y = height - it / 2),
style = Stroke(width = strokeWidthPx, pathEffect = pathEffect)
// start line
color = color,
strokeWidth = strokeWidthPx,
pathEffect = pathEffect,
start = Offset(
x = halfStrokeWidthPx,
y = (cornerTopStartPx ?: 0f) / 2
end = Offset(
x = halfStrokeWidthPx,
y = height - (cornerBottomStartPx ?: 0f) / 2
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