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Created November 20, 2012 19:38
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fib sums slightly improved (coding dojo)
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
import org.junit.Test
//object Sums {
// def main(args: Array[String]) {
// for(i <- 1 to 20) { println(i + " is " + new Sums().zeckendorfRepresentationOf(i).mkString(" or "))}
// }
class Sums extends ShouldMatchers {
@Test def givenANumber_shouldFindItFibonacciRepresentations() {
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(1) should equal(Seq("1"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(2) should equal(Seq("10"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(3) should equal(Seq("100", "11"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(4) should equal(Seq("101"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(5) should equal(Seq("1000", "110"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(6) should equal(Seq("1001", "111"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(7) should equal(Seq("1010"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(8) should equal(Seq("10000", "1100", "1011"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(9) should equal(Seq("10001", "1101"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(10) should equal(Seq("10010", "1110"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(11) should equal(Seq("10100", "10011", "1111"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(12) should equal(Seq("10101"))
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(13) should equal(Seq("100000", "11000", "10110"))
@Test def givenANumber_shouldFindItZeckendorfRepresentation() {
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(1) should equal("1")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(2) should equal("10")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(3) should equal("100")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(4) should equal("101")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(5) should equal("1000")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(6) should equal("1001")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(7) should equal("1010")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(8) should equal("10000")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(9) should equal("10001")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(10) should equal("10010")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(11) should equal("10100")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(12) should equal("10101")
zeckendorfRepresentationOf(13) should equal("100000")
@Test def givenANumber_shouldFindFibonacciNumbersWithSumEqualToIt() {
findFibonacciRepresentationsOf(0) should equal(Seq())
findFibonacciRepresentationsOf(1) should equal(Seq(Seq(1)))
findFibonacciRepresentationsOf(5) should equal(Seq(Seq(5), Seq(2,3)))
@Test def givenFibonacciRepresentationOfANumeber_shouldConvertItToString() {
asString(Seq()) should equal("")
asString(Seq(1)) should equal("1")
asString(Seq(5)) should equal("1000")
asString(Seq(2, 3)) should equal("110")
@Test def shouldCalculateSequenceOfFibonacciNumbers_SkippingFirstZero() {
calculateFibonacciSequence(0) should equal(Seq())
calculateFibonacciSequence(1) should equal(Seq(1))
calculateFibonacciSequence(2) should equal(Seq(1, 2))
calculateFibonacciSequence(6) should equal(Seq(1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13))
lazy val fibonacciSize = 6
lazy val fibonacci = calculateFibonacciSequence(fibonacciSize)
type NumberAsFibs = Seq[Int]
def zeckendorfRepresentationOf(n: Int): String = {
fibonacciRepresentationsOf(n).filterNot{ _.contains("11") }.head
def fibonacciRepresentationsOf(n: Int): Seq[String] = {
findFibonacciRepresentationsOf(n) map asString
private def findFibonacciRepresentationsOf(n: Int): Seq[NumberAsFibs] = {
for (
length <- 1 to fibonacciSize;
combination <- fibonacci.combinations(length) if (combination.sum == n)
) yield combination
private def asString(numberAsFibs: NumberAsFibs) = {
val chars = for (i <- fibonacci) yield if (numberAsFibs.contains(i)) '1' else '0'
chars.reverse.dropWhile(_ == '0').mkString
private def calculateFibonacciSequence(count: Int): Seq[Int] = {
def f(count: Int, current: Int, previous: Int): List[Int] = count match {
case 0 => List()
case _ => {
val newCurrent = current + previous
val newLast = current
current :: f(count - 1, newCurrent, newLast)
f(count, 1, 1)
private def calculateFibonacciStream: Stream[Int] = {
def f(current: Int, previous: Int): Stream[Int] =
current #:: f(current + previous, current)
f(1, 1)
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