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Created October 14, 2022 08:36
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Example of ReferencerContributor added via LivePlugin (
import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.DefaultPluginDescriptor
import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.PluginId
import com.intellij.openapi.paths.WebReference
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.patterns.PlatformPatterns
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.reference.PsiReferenceContributorEP
import com.intellij.util.ProcessingContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtStringTemplateExpression
// depends-on-plugin org.jetbrains.kotlin
val s = "github" // <- this string literal navigates to
// Based on org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.references.KotlinWebReferenceContributor
class ExampleContributor : PsiReferenceContributor() {
override fun registerReferenceProviders(registrar: PsiReferenceRegistrar) {
val pattern = PlatformPatterns.psiElement(
val provider = object : PsiReferenceProvider() {
override fun getReferencesByElement(element: PsiElement, context: ProcessingContext): Array<PsiReference> {
val expression = element as? KtStringTemplateExpression
return if (expression != null && expression.text.contains("github")) {
arrayOf(WebReference(expression, TextRange(0, expression.text.length), ""))
} else {
override fun acceptsTarget(target: PsiElement) = false
registrar.registerReferenceProvider(pattern, provider)
val contributorEP = PsiReferenceContributorEP().also {
it.language = "kotlin"
it.implementationClass =
it.pluginDescriptor = DefaultPluginDescriptor(PluginId.getId("LivePlugin"),
PsiReferenceContributor.EP_NAME.point.registerExtension(contributorEP, pluginDisposable)
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ramon18 commented Apr 7, 2024


This is giving me issues (in Rider):

error: type mismatch: inferred type is Class<KtStringTemplateExpression> but IElementType! was expected
        val pattern = PlatformPatterns.psiElement(

Sorry but I'm not involved in kotlin/java development, so this is all new to me...
Any help?

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