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Created July 7, 2013 15:08
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InsertNewLineAbove mini-plugin for
(ns plugin.clj
(:use clojure.contrib.import-static)
(:import [liveplugin PluginUtil])
(:import [groovy.lang Closure]))
(import-static liveplugin.PluginUtil show registerAction runDocumentWriteAction currentEditorIn)
; This action inserts new line above current line.
; It's a follow-up for these posts:
; Note that there is "Start New Line Before Current" action (ctrl + alt + enter) which does almost the same thing.
(defn as-groovy-closure [f]
(proxy [Closure] [""]
(call [arg] (f arg))))
(defn insert-new-line [project document]
(let [caret-model (. (currentEditorIn project) getCaretModel)
offset (.. caret-model getOffset)
current-line (.. caret-model getLogicalPosition line)
line-start-offset (. document getLineStartOffset current-line)]
(. document insertString line-start-offset "\n")
(. caret-model moveToOffset (+ offset 1))))
(defn insert-new-line-write-action [action-event]
(let [project (. action-event getProject)]
(runDocumentWriteAction project (as-groovy-closure #(insert-new-line project %)))))
(defn insert-new-line-action [] (as-groovy-closure insert-new-line-write-action))
(registerAction "InsertNewLineAbove" "alt shift ENTER" (insert-new-line-action))
(show "Loaded 'InsertNewLineAbove' action<br/>Use 'Alt+Shift+Enter' to run it")
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