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Forked from lukencode/StringExtensions.cs
Created April 13, 2011 04:36
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String Extensions
public static class StringExtensions
/// Like linq take - takes the first x characters
public static string Take(this string theString, int count, bool ellipsis = false)
int lengthToTake = Math.Min(count, theString.Length);
var cutDownString = theString.Substring(0, lengthToTake);
if (ellipsis && lengthToTake < theString.Length)
cutDownString += "...";
return cutDownString;
//like linq skip - skips the first x characters and returns the remaining string
public static string Skip(this string theString, int count)
int startIndex = Math.Min(count, theString.Length);
var cutDownString = theString.Substring(startIndex - 1);
return cutDownString;
//reverses the string... pretty obvious really
public static string Reverse(this string input)
char[] chars = input.ToCharArray();
return new String(chars);
// "a string".IsNullOrEmpty() beats string.IsNullOrEmpty("a string")
public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this string theString)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(theString);
//not so sure about this one -
//"a string {0}".Format("blah") vs string.Format("a string {0}", "blah")
public static string With(this string format, params object[] args)
return string.Format(format, args);
//ditches html tags - note it doesnt get rid of things like &nbsp;
public static string StripHtml(this string html)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
return string.Empty;
return Regex.Replace(html, @"<[^>]*>", string.Empty);
public static bool Match(this string value, string pattern)
return Regex.IsMatch(value, pattern);
//splits string into array with chunks of given size. not really that useful..
public static string[] SplitIntoChunks(this string toSplit, int chunkSize)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toSplit))
return new string[] { "" };
int stringLength = toSplit.Length;
int chunksRequired = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)stringLength / (decimal)chunkSize);
var stringArray = new string[chunksRequired];
int lengthRemaining = stringLength;
for (int i = 0; i < chunksRequired; i++)
int lengthToUse = Math.Min(lengthRemaining, chunkSize);
int startIndex = chunkSize * i;
stringArray[i] = toSplit.Substring(startIndex, lengthToUse);
lengthRemaining = lengthRemaining - lengthToUse;
return stringArray;
public static string Join(this IEnumerable<object> array, string seperator)
if (array == null)
return "";
return string.Join(seperator, array.ToArray());
public static string Join(this object[] array, string seperator)
if (array == null)
return "";
return string.Join(seperator, array);
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