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Created March 25, 2014 11:52
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;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrScheme.
;; They record information about the language level.
#reader(lib "" "plai")((modname proje) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()))
(define p2->p1
(lambda (f)
(lambda (p1)
(lambda (p2)
(f p2 p1)))))
(define my-fold-inner
(lambda (op x liste)
((null? (cdr liste))x)
(my-fold-inner op (op x (car(cdr liste))) (cdr liste))))))
(define my-fold
(lambda (op liste)
(my-fold-inner op (car liste) liste)))
;;OAİ definition
(define-type OAİ
[sayi (n number?)]
[id (name symbol?)]
[topla (operant OAİlist?)]
[çıkart (operant OAİlist?)]
[çarp (operant OAİlist?)]
[böl (operant OAİlist?)]
[üs (operant OAİlist?)]
[eğer (expr1 OAİ?)(expr2 OAİ?)(expr3 OAİ?)]
[olsun (name symbol?) (named-expr OAİ?) (body OAİ?)]
[app (fun-name symbol?) (arg OAİ?)])
(define-type FunDef
[fundef (fun-name symbol?)
(arg-name symbol?)
(body OAİ?)])
;list of OAİ --> boolean
(define (OAİlist? ae)
(and (<= 1 (length ae)) (OAİ? (car ae)) (OAİlistinner? (cdr ae))))
;inner function for OAİlist function
(define (OAİlistinner? ae)
(null? ae)
(and(OAİ? (car ae))(OAİlistinner? (cdr ae)))))
(define (lookup-fundef fun-name fundefs)
[(empty? fundefs) (error fun-name "function not found")]
[else (if (symbol=? fun-name (fundef-fun-name (first fundefs)))
(first fundefs)
(lookup-fundef fun-name (rest fundefs)))]))
;;parser for OAİ
;;>(parse '(topla 4 5))
;;(topla (list (sayi 4) (sayi 5)))
;> (parse '(olsun x 1 (eğer (çıkart x 5) (üs 5 x) (üs x x))))
;; (id 'x)
;; (sayi 1)
;; (eğer (çıkart (list (id 'x) (sayi 5))) (üs (list (sayi 5) (id 'x))) (üs (list (id 'x) (id 'x)))))
(define (parse OAİ)
[(and (list? OAİ) (eq? (first OAİ) 'üs) (not (= (length OAİ) 3))) (error "invalid input")]
[(and (list? OAİ) (eq? (first OAİ) 'eğer) (not (= (length OAİ) 4))) (error "invalid input")]
[(number? OAİ)(sayi OAİ)]
[(symbol? OAİ)(id OAİ)]
[(and (= (length OAİ) 2) (symbol? (first OAİ)))
(app (first OAİ) (parse (second OAİ)))]
[(list? OAİ)
(case (car OAİ)
[(topla) (topla (parseOperants (cdr OAİ)))]
[(çıkart) (çıkart (parseOperants (cdr OAİ)))]
[(çarp) (çarp (parseOperants (cdr OAİ)))]
[(böl) (böl (parseOperants (cdr OAİ)))]
[(üs) (üs (parseOperants (cdr OAİ)))]
[(eğer)(eğer (parse(cadr OAİ))(parse(caddr OAİ))(parse(cadddr OAİ)))]
[(olsun) (olsun (cadr OAİ) (parse(caddr OAİ)) (parse(cadddr OAİ)) )]
[else (error "unknown expression type")])]
[else (error "unknown expression type")]
;;inner function for parser function
;;it creates a list of operant in defined data-type
(define (parseOperants operant)
(if (null? operant) null
(cons (parse (car operant)) (parseOperants (cdr operant)))))
;;//bundan sonrası calculation için
;;OAİlistsubst listenin tüm elemanlarını subst fonksiyonuna teker teker sokup consla bağlıyor. liste geri döndürüyor.
;;calc fonksiyonu hesaplamaların yapıldığı yer
;;>(calc(parse '(topla 4 5)))
;;>(calc(parse '(olsun x 1 (eğer (çıkart x 5) (üs 5 x) (üs x x)))))
;;>> (calc(parse '(olsun y 4(topla 4 (olsun x 3 10) 8))))
;;> (calc(parse '(olsun x 5(topla x (olsun x 3 x)))))
(define (calc expr fun-defs)
(type-case OAİ expr
[sayi (n) n]
[topla (operant) (my-fold + (map ((p2->p1 calc)fun-defs) operant))]
[çıkart (operant) (my-fold - (map ((p2->p1 calc)fun-defs) operant))]
[çarp (operant) (my-fold * (map ((p2->p1 calc)fun-defs) operant ))]
[böl (operant) (my-fold / (map ((p2->p1 calc)fun-defs) operant ))]
[üs (operant) (my-fold expt (map ((p2->p1 calc)fun-defs) operant ))]
[eğer (expr1 expr2 expr3) (if (not(eqv? 0 (calc expr1 fun-defs))) (calc expr2 fun-defs) (calc expr3 fun-defs))]
[olsun (bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(calc (subst bound-body
(sayi (calc named-expr fun-defs)))fun-defs)]
[app (fun-name arg-expr)
(local ([define the-fun-def (lookup-fundef fun-name fun-defs)])
(calc (subst (fundef-body the-fun-def)
(fundef-arg-name the-fun-def)
(sayi (calc arg-expr fun-defs)))
[id (v) (error "calc free identifier")]
;;olsun kısmı kitaptaki subsititution fonksiyonun aynısı
(define (subst expr sub-id val)
(type-case OAİ expr
[sayi (n) expr]
[topla (operant) (topla (OAİlistsubst operant sub-id val))]
[çıkart (operant) (çıkart (OAİlistsubst operant sub-id val))]
[çarp (operant) (çarp (OAİlistsubst operant sub-id val))]
[böl (operant) (böl (OAİlistsubst operant sub-id val))]
[üs (operant) (üs (OAİlistsubst operant sub-id val))]
[eğer (expr1 expr2 expr3)
(eğer (subst expr1 sub-id val) (subst expr2 sub-id val) (subst expr3 sub-id val))]
[olsun (bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(if (symbol=? bound-id sub-id)
(olsun bound-id
(subst named-expr sub-id val)
(olsun bound-id
(subst named-expr sub-id val)
(subst bound-body sub-id val)))]
[app (name arg) (app name (subst arg sub-id val))]
[id (v) (if (symbol=? v sub-id) val expr)]))
;;inner function for subst function
(define (OAİlistsubst operant sub-id val)
(if (null? operant) null
(cons (subst (car operant) sub-id val) (OAİlistsubst (cdr operant) sub-id val))))
;;> (calc (parse '{fac 5}) (list (fundef 'fac 'n (parse '{eğer n {çarp n {fac {çıkart n 1}}} 1}))))
;;> (calc (parse '{fibonacci 6}) (list (fundef 'fibonacci 'n (parse '{eğer n (eğer (çıkart n 1) (topla (fibonacci(çıkart n 1))(fibonacci (çıkart n 2))) 1) 0}))))
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