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Last active October 16, 2017 18:36
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Trilateration of n gps regions
import itertools
import math
class PointCluster(object):
def __init__(self, pts=()):
self.pts = []
def centroid(self):
return (
sum([pt[0] for pt in self.pts]) / len(self.pts),
sum([pt[1] for pt in self.pts]) / len(self.pts)
def trilaterate_gps_regions(gps_regions, merge_dist=0):
Given a set of GpsRegions (lat,long,dist), perform trilateration and find all GpsPoints
representing the intersection points between the regions, where at least 3 regions must be contributing
toward each point. The merge_dist argument defines the distance between region boundaries and points
at which they will be considered part of the same location and clustered together.
Returns a map of {GpsPoint: [list of GpsRegions intersecting at this point]}
# first, map from unique x,y,r coords to GpsRegions
circle_to_region = {} # { (x,y,r): [list of GpsRegions]}
for gps_region in gps_regions:
# convert gps regions into x,y,r circles
circle_to_region.setdefault((x,y,r), []).append(gps_region)
# iterate over every possible combination of circles
# building a list of all intersection points or near-intersection points
isectpt_to_circle = {} # { intersect_pt: set([unique x,y,r values]) }
for circle1, circle2 in itertools.combinations(circle_to_region, 2):
(x1,y1,r1) = circle1
(x2,y2,r2) = circle2
# calculate distance between the circles
dx = x2-x1
dy = y2-y1
d = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
if math.abs(r2-r1) <= d <= r1+r2:
# the two circles intersect at one or two points
a = (r1**2 - r2**2 + d**2) / (2*d)
h = math.sqrt(r1**2 - a**2)
xm = x1 + a*dx/d
ym = y1 + a*dy/d
pt1 = (xm + h*dy/d, ym - h*dx/d)
pt2 = (xm - h*dy/d, ym + h*dx/d)
# add intersection points to the map
isectpt_to_circle.setdefault(pt1, set()).update([circle1, circle2])
isectpt_to_circle.setdefault(pt2, set()).update([circle1, circle2])
# the circles do not intersect
# they are either disjoint or one completely contains the other
# calculate the midpoint between the two circles
if d > r1+r2:
dist_along_line = 0.5*(d+r1-r2)
dist_along_line = 0.5*(d+r1+r2)
# compute the line connecting their centers
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
x = x1 + dist_along_line/math.sqrt(1 + m**2)
y = m*x + y1
# only accept if the midpoint is within merge distance of the circles
dist = math.sqrt((x-x1)**2 + (y-y1)**2)
if dist <= merge_dist:
isectpt_to_circle.setdefault((x,y), set()).update([circle1, circle2])
# now it's simply a clustering problem
# begin with a single cluster at each intersection point
clusters = set([PointCluster([pt]) for pt in isectpt_to_circle])
# repeatedly merge together the closest two intersection points within mergeable distance
while True:
min_dist = sys.maxint
min_clusters = ()
for cluster1, cluster2 in itertools.combinations(clusters, 2):
(x1,y1) = cluster1.centroid
(x2,y2) = cluster2.centroid
d = math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
if d < min_dist:
min_dist = d
min_clusters = (cluster1, cluster2)
if min_dist <= merge_dist:
# merge the two clusters together, and repeat
(cluster1, cluster2) = min_clusters
# there are no remaining clusters within merge distance, stop here
# return gps points for each of the clusters containing at least 3 unique circles (minimum required for trilateration)
# mapped to the corresponding gps regions intersecting at that point
gps_points = {}
for cluster in clusters:
circles = set([isectpt_to_circle[pt] for pt in cluster.pts])
if len(circles) >= 3:
# convert cluster centroid back into gps coordinates
gps_regions = itertools.chain(*[circle_to_region[c] for c in circles])
gps_points[gps_point] = gps_regions
return gps_points
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