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Last active July 30, 2021 12:38
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### Quickly setup your Mac for Development
# 1. Open the AppStore and download and install XCode.
# 2. Run the following at the command line.
xcode-select --install
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap caskroom/cask
#Make sure potential sub dirs from brew installs exist
mkdir -p /usr/local/sbin
# Programming Languages
brew install node go python php
brew install pyenv jenv
# tool to generate requirements.txt
# pipreqs /path/to/your/project
pip install --user pipreqs
# SCM stuff
brew install git
brew install hub
# AWS and Dev Ops
brew install awscli aws-mon aws-shell
brew cask install docker virtualbox kitematic
brew install docker-compose rancher-cli rancher-compose kubernetes-cli
# Other sugar
brew install sonarqube dos2unix watch openssl wget htop
brew install --cask postman
# IDEs
brew cask install visual-studio-code
# Browsers
brew cask install google-chrome firefox
# Productivity
brew install watchman gist
brew cask install slack keybase filezilla iterm2
brew install --cask microsoft-teams
brew cask install skitch
# Digital/Multi Media
brew install ffmpeg $(brew options ffmpeg | grep -vE '\s' | grep -- '--with-' | tr '\n' ' ')
brew install ffmpegthumbnailer handbrake vlc media-info
brew install libav
brew install imagemagick $(brew options imagemagick | grep -vE '\s' | grep -- '--with-' | tr '\n' ' ')
brew install youtube-dl
# Streaming/Tutorial recording
brew cask install obs
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