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Last active February 12, 2022 11:41
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How to use Firecracker with Weaveworks Ignite


You find a good tutorial with all the basics at the Weaveworks

it introduces

Ignite works like a One-to-One replacement for "docker", and it does work on my Raspberry PI 4, with Debian11 too.

Create and start a VM

$ sudo ignite run weaveworks/ignite-ubuntu \
            --cpus 1 \
            --memory 1GB \
            --ssh \
            --name my-vm1

Show your VM Processes

$ ignite ps

Login into your running VM

$ sudo ignite ssh my-vm1

It takes a couple of sec to start (manualy) a new VM on my Raspberry PI 4 (8Gb, 64bit Debian11):

Seven (7) running VM on a Raspberry Pi4, Debian 11, qemu kvm


Login into any of these

$ sudo ignite ssh my-vm3

and your can make use of your vm (manualy or via ansible, terraform or what you prefer.



If you add footloose you can start up a cluster of MicroVMs, which allows additional scenarios. It works more less like docker-swarm with VMs. Footloose reads a description of the Cluster of Machines to create from a file, by default named footloose.yaml. Please check

Note: be aware of a Apache ignite, which is a solution for something else, and don't get confused by it.

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