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Last active April 27, 2019 20:17
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Applescript portion of app that uses rtweet to send automated tweets from Mac keynote
global extras
global lastTweet
property okflag : false
-- Keynote rTweet 1.0 Damon Kiesow @dkiesow
-- Entirely adapted for rtweet from Keynote-Tweet maintained by Alan Levin @cogdog
-- This version requires rtweet from @kearneymw
set dialogResult to display dialog ¬
"Version 1.0 by @dkiesow... Would you like to add any text (e.g. #hashtags or @usernames) to all of your tweets?" with title ¬
"Keynote-rTweet" with icon note ¬
default answer ¬
"" buttons {"None", "Add This Text"} ¬
default button "Add This Text"
if button returned of dialogResult is "None" then
set extras to ""
set extras to text returned of dialogResult
end if
set lastTweet to ""
display dialog ¬
"The app will tweet everything between the [twitter][/twitter] tags in your presenter notes when you advance pages in Keynote. For your first tweet - put [first] after the closing [/twitter] Use the menu to quit this script when you're finished." with title ¬
"Keynote TweetR" with icon caution ¬
buttons {"Begin"} ¬
default button "Begin"
on idle
tell application "System Events"
set okflag to (exists (some process whose name is "Keynote"))
end tell
if okflag then
tell application "Keynote"
if playing is true then
set slideNotes to get presenter notes of current slide of first document
if slideNotes is not equal to "" then
set leftCoord to offset of "[twitter]" in slideNotes
set rightCoord to offset of "[/twitter]" in slideNotes
set first_check to offset of "[first]" in slideNotes
log first_check
if first_check is greater than 0 then
set firstTweet to "yes"
log firstTweet
set firstTweet to "no"
log firstTweet
end if
if leftCoord is greater than 0 and rightCoord is greater than 0 then
set tweet to get characters (leftCoord + 9) thru (rightCoord - 1) of slideNotes as string
if tweet is not equal to "" then
if extras is not equal to "" then set tweet to tweet & " " & extras
if tweet is not equal to lastTweet then
set twitter_status to quoted form of (tweet)
-- Replace the below with the appropriate paths for your system (rscript path and then the path to your R script)
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/rscript /Users/kiesowd/keynote_tweet/keynote.R " & twitter_status & " " & firstTweet
log twitter_status
log firstTweet
set lastTweet to tweet
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
return 1
end tell
end if
end idle
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