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Created March 11, 2013 17:08
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This is a simple file which will show sample output from Amazon Web Services PHP SDK 2. Sample focuses on EC2 "Describe" commands.
// Sample "Hello AWS PHP SDK 2" script
// March, 2013
require '/your-path/vendor/autoload.php';
require '/your-path/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/Ec2/Ec2Client.php';
use Aws\Common\Aws;
use Aws\Common\Enum\Region;
use Aws\EC2\Ec2Client;
$client = Ec2Client::factory(array(
'key' => 'YOUR-KEY',
'secret' => 'your-secret',
'region' => Region::US_EAST_2,
$descCmdsAry = getCommandsAry(); // defined below
// Now print output from all EC2 Describe commands -- except for a few long ones
foreach ($descCmdsAry as $cmd => $result) {
print "<h2>$cmd ==> $result</h2> \n";
print "<pre> \n";
try {
$obj = $client->$cmd();
} catch (Exception $e) {
print $e;
print "</pre>\n";
function getCommandsAry () {
return array(
'DescribeAddresses' => 'Addresses',
'DescribeAvailabilityZones' => 'AvailabilityZones',
'DescribeBundleTasks' => 'BundleTasks',
'DescribeConversionTasks' => 'ConversionTasks',
'DescribeCustomerGateways' => 'CustomerGateways',
'DescribeDhcpOptions' => 'DhcpOptions',
'DescribeExportTasks' => 'ExportTasks',
'DescribeImageAttribute' => 'ImageAttribute', // Need input attribute or error
//'DescribeImages' => 'Images', // Too many without filter
'DescribeInstanceAttribute' => 'InstanceAttribute', // Need input attribute or error
'DescribeInstanceStatus' => 'InstanceStatus',
'DescribeInstances' => 'Instances',
'DescribeInternetGateways' => 'InternetGateways',
'DescribeKeyPairs' => 'KeyPairs',
'DescribeLicenses' => 'Licenses', // UnsupportedOperation
'DescribeNetworkAcls' => 'NetworkAcls',
'DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute' => 'NetworkInterfaceAttribute', // Need input attribute or error
'DescribeNetworkInterfaces' => 'NetworkInterfaces',
'DescribePlacementGroups' => 'PlacementGroups',
'DescribeRegions' => 'Regions',
'DescribeReservedInstances' => 'ReservedInstances',
'DescribeReservedInstancesListings' => 'ReservedInstancesListings',
//'DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings' => 'ReservedInstancesOfferings', // Too many with out filter
'DescribeRouteTables' => 'RouteTables',
//'DescribeSecurityGroups' => 'SecurityGroups', // Several (18) many from AWS
'DescribeSnapshotAttribute' => 'SnapshotAttribute', // Need input attribute or error
//'DescribeSnapshots' => 'Snapshots', // Very long (2500) need filter
'DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription' => 'SpotDatafeedSubscription', // InvalidSpotDatafeed.NotFound
'DescribeSpotInstanceRequests' => 'SpotInstanceRequests',
//'DescribeSpotPriceHistory' => 'SpotPriceHistory', // Long - 800
'DescribeSubnets' => 'Subnets',
'DescribeTags' => 'Tags',
'DescribeVolumeAttribute' => 'VolumeAttribute', // Need input attribute or error
'DescribeVolumeStatus' => 'VolumeStatus',
'DescribeVolumes' => 'Volumes',
'DescribeVpcs' => 'Vpcs',
'DescribeVpnConnections' => 'VpnConnections',
'DescribeVpnGateways' => 'VpnGateways',
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