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Created September 10, 2020 07:49
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My current state of Chocolatey package manager and and installed SW (backed up for possible recovery)

Install my packages with (use --force if neccesary):

choco install Chocolatey 7zip 7zip.install aida64-extreme anaconda3 android-sdk azure-cli bleachbit bleachbit.install bulk-crap-uninstaller ccleaner charles4 choco-cleaner chocolatey chocolatey-core.extension chocolatey-dotnetfx.extension chocolatey-uninstall.extension chocolatey-visualstudio.extension chocolatey-vscode.extension chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension chocolateygui chromium cmake cmake.install cpu-z cpu-z.install curl Cygwin DotNet3.5 DotNet4.5.2 DotNet4.6.1 dotnet4.6.2 dotnet4.7 dotnet4.7.1 dotnetcore-sdk dotnetfx exiftool fiddler Firefox firefox-dev git git-cola git.install gitextensions gpg4win gradle gramps graphicsmagick hackfont hwinfo hwinfo.install jdk8 jitsi josm jq k6 KB2533623 KB2919355 KB2919442 KB2999226 KB3033929 KB3035131 kotlinc libreoffice-fresh make microsoft-windows-terminal mkcert myfamilytree myfamilytree-languagepack netbeans netfx-4.6.2 nodejs-lts openjdk openssl OpenSSL.Light pgadmin4 php python python3 rainmeter ruby scrcpy sharex shutup10 slack smartgit sourcetree tortoisegit treesizefree vcredist140 vcredist2010 vcredist2013 vcredist2015 visualstudio-installer visualstudio2017-workload-vctools visualstudio2017buildtools vlc vscode vscode.install Wget WhatsApp -y

List current packages with:

choco list --local-only
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