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Last active June 10, 2017 18:43
Execute heroku-cli without local install
set -e
set -u
readonly image='wingrunr21/alpine-heroku-cli'
readonly bashrc="${HOME}/.bashrc"
readonly netrc="${HOME}/.netrc"
readonly heroku_alias="alias heroku='docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume ${HOME}/.netrc:/root/.netrc --volume '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:ro' ${image}'"
readonly regexp='^alias heroku.+$'
docker pull ${image}
readonly alias_from_file=$(grep -E "${regexp}" ${bashrc})
if [[ ${alias_from_file} == '' ]]; then
echo ${heroku_alias} >> ${bashrc}
source ${bashrc}
if [[ ${alias_from_file} != ${heroku_alias} ]]; then
readonly replace_slash_pattern="s#/#\\\/#g"
readonly safe_alias_from_file=$(echo ${alias_from_file} | sed -e ${replace_slash_pattern})
readonly safe_alias=$(echo ${heroku_alias} | sed -e ${replace_slash_pattern})
sed -i "s/${safe_alias_from_file}/${safe_alias}/g" ${bashrc}
source ${bashrc}
eval ${heroku_alias}
shopt -s expand_aliases
touch ${netrc}
heroku login
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