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Created August 21, 2015 02:43
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Just some hax to figure out how to get definedTests from groovy into SBT
package org.softnetwork.sbt.plugins
import sbt._
import Keys._
import Path.relativeTo
import xsbti.api.Definition
object GroovyPlugin extends Plugin {
// to avoid namespace clashes, use a nested object
object groovy extends CompileKeys {
lazy val groovycFilter: ScopeFilter = ScopeFilter(inDependencies(ThisProject, transitive = true, includeRoot = false), inConfigurations(Config), inTasks(groovyc))
lazy val compileFilter: ScopeFilter = ScopeFilter(inDependencies(ThisProject, transitive = true, includeRoot = false), inConfigurations(Compile))
val settings = Seq(ivyConfigurations += Config) ++ defaultSettings ++ Seq(
groovySource in Compile := (sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "groovy",
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile += {
(groovySource in Compile).value
classDirectory in(Config, groovyc) := (crossTarget in Compile).value / "groovy-classes",
managedClasspath in groovyc <<= (classpathTypes in groovyc, update) map { (ct, report) =>
Classpaths.managedJars(Config, ct, report)
groovyc in Compile := {
val sourceDirectory: File = (groovySource in Compile).value
val nb = (sourceDirectory ** "*.groovy").get.size
if (nb > 0) {
val s: TaskStreams = streams.value"Start Compiling Groovy sources : ${sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath} ")
val classDirectories: Seq[File] = classDirectory.all(compileFilter).value ++
classDirectory.all(groovycFilter).value ++
Seq((classDirectory in Compile).value)
val classpath: Seq[File] = (managedClasspath in groovyc).value.files ++ classDirectories ++ (managedClasspath in Compile).value.files
val stubDirectory: File = (sourceManaged in Compile).value
val destinationDirectory: File = (classDirectory in(Config, groovyc)).value
new GroovyC(classpath, sourceDirectory, stubDirectory, destinationDirectory).compile()
((destinationDirectory ** "*.class").get pair relativeTo(destinationDirectory)).map { case (k, v) =>
IO.copyFile(k, (resourceManaged in Compile).value / v, preserveLastModified = true)
(resourceManaged in Compile).value / v
else {
resourceGenerators in Compile <+= groovyc in Compile,
groovyc in Compile <<= (groovyc in Compile) dependsOn (compile in Compile)
object testGroovy extends TestKeys {
lazy val groovycTestFilter: ScopeFilter = ScopeFilter(inDependencies(ThisProject, transitive = true, includeRoot = false), inConfigurations(Config), inTasks(groovyc))
lazy val compileTestFilter: ScopeFilter = ScopeFilter(inDependencies(ThisProject, transitive = true, includeRoot = false), inConfigurations(Test))
val settings = Seq(ivyConfigurations += Config) ++ inConfig(Config)(Defaults.testTasks ++ Seq(
definedTests <<= definedTests in Test, //This has got to be the secret!
definedTestNames <<= definedTestNames in Test,
fullClasspath <<= fullClasspath in Test)) ++ defaultSettings ++ Seq(
groovySource in Test := (sourceDirectory in Test).value / "groovy",
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test += {
(groovySource in Test).value
classDirectory in(Config, groovyc) := (crossTarget in Test).value / "groovy-test-classes",
managedClasspath in groovyc <<= (classpathTypes in groovyc, update) map { (ct, report) =>
Classpaths.managedJars(Config, ct, report)
definedTests := {
//Create a sequence of Test Definitions in here!"IN DEFINED TESTS IN GROOVY PLUGIN!")
def detectTests: Initialize[Task[Seq[TestDefinition]]] = (loadedTestFrameworks, compile, streams) map { (frameworkMap, analysis, s) =>"WHAAAT: ${frameworkMap} : ${analysis} : $s"), analysis, s.log)._1
def discover(fingerprints: Seq[Fingerprint], definitions: Seq[Definition], log: Logger): (Seq[TestDefinition], Set[String]) =
val testFrameworks = (loadedTestFrameworks in Test).value.values
val allFingerprints = testFrameworks.flatMap{ _.fingerprints }.toSeq
//What the hell needs to go in Definitions?!?
val discovered =, Seq.empty[Definition], streams.value.log)._1"discovered: ${discovered}")
groovyc in Test := {
val sourceDirectory: File = (groovySource in Test).value
val nb = (sourceDirectory ** "*.groovy").get.size
if (nb > 0) {
val s: TaskStreams = streams.value"Start Compiling Test Groovy sources : ${sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath} ")
val classDirectories: Seq[File] = classDirectory.all(groovy.compileFilter).value ++
classDirectory.all(groovy.groovycFilter).value ++ classDirectory.all(compileTestFilter).value ++
classDirectory.all(groovycTestFilter).value ++
Seq((classDirectory in Compile).value, (classDirectory in(groovy.Config, groovyc)).value)
val classpath: Seq[File] = (managedClasspath in groovyc).value.files ++ classDirectories ++ (managedClasspath in Test).value.files
val stubDirectory: File = (sourceManaged in Test).value
val destinationDirectory: File = (classDirectory in(Config, groovyc)).value
new GroovyC(classpath, sourceDirectory, stubDirectory, destinationDirectory).compile()
((destinationDirectory ** "*.class").get pair relativeTo(destinationDirectory)).map { case (k, v) =>
IO.copyFile(k, (resourceManaged in Test).value / v, preserveLastModified = true)
(resourceManaged in Test).value / v
else {
resourceGenerators in Test <+= groovyc in Test,
groovyc in Test <<= (groovyc in Test) dependsOn (compile in Test)
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