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Created January 9, 2018 20:59
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Reagent-Apollo Sample Syntax
(:require [reagent-apollo.core :as a])
(a/component "{
feed(type: TOP, limit: 10) {
repository {
owner { login }
postedBy { login }
(fn [props]
(let [items (get-in props [:data :feed])]
(for [item items]
[:ListItem {:title (str (get-in item [:repository :owner :login])
(get-in item [:repository :name]))
:subtitle (str "Posted by"
(get-in item [:posted-by :login]))}])))]))
(defn- handle-click [props _]
(->> {:variables {:repo-full-name "apollographql/apollo-client"}}
(a/mutate props)))
"mutation submitRepository($repoFullName: String!) {
submitRepository(repoFullName: $repoFullName) {
(fn [props]
[:button {:on-click (partial handle-click props)}
"Click me"]))
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