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Created November 12, 2012 05:09
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Save dkua/4057618 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"source": "This tutorial is available as an IPython notebook.\n\nGet the notebook from:\n\n*\n\nFollow along at:\n\n*"
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"source": "Fundamentally important attributes:\n\n* `ndim` -- the number of dimensions\n* `shape` -- a tuple of integers; the length along each dimension (`len(x.shape) == x.ndim`)\n* `dtype` -- a descriptor of the individual elements of the array"
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"source": "Built-in NumPy numeric dtype\n\n* `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint*` variants\n* `float32`, `float64` (a.k.a. single and double precision, or `float` and `double` in C)\n* `bool`\n* string/Unicode (with bounded character length) and object arrays are also supported\n\nIn all multi-byte cases, NumPy supports both big- and little-endian modes."
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"source": "Can be quite powerful for tabular data; integrates with [PyTables]( HDF5 tables. [Pandas]( pushes this idea even further with a (NumPy-based) object called the DataFrame.\n\nWe will mostly focus on numeric arrays."
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"source": "<h2>Broadcasting</h2>\n\nWhen two arrays **don't** have the same shape, NumPy will attempt to **broadcast** them to the same shape. This first and foremost means that any dimensions with length 1 in one array are **repeated along that axis** for the purposes of the operation taking place. This is best illustrated with an example."
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"input": "col = np.array([[3],\n [6],\n [9]])\ncol.shape",
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"source": "<h2>More Broadcasting Fun</h2>\n\nIf two arrays in an operation do not have the same number of dimensions, NumPy follows a simple rule to try and broadcast them:\n\n<h2><center><em>Right pad the shape of the array with less dimensions with 1s,<br/>then proceed as above.</em></center></h2>\n\n(*) You can think of a scalar as a 0-dimensional array with shape `()`, and this unifies broadcasting and array-scalar operations."
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"source": "<h2>What if I want the other way?</h2>\n\nOften you want to add singleton axes to an existing array of lower dimension. The easiest method is to index with `np.newaxis` (which is actually defined as `None`):"
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"source": "<h2>Reductions</h2>\n\nIn many, many settings, we care about some property of a group of elements. We call these generally *reductions*."
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"source": "NumPy arrays support a number of commonly required reductions as methods:\n\n* `min`, `max` -- Minimum and maximum element\n* `argmin`, `argmax` -- *index* of the minimum/maximum element\n* `sum` -- sum of elements\n* `prod` -- product of elements\n* `mean` -- mean element\n* `var`, `std` -- variance, standard deviation\n* `all` -- do all elements evaluate boolean `True`?\n* `any` -- do any elements evaluate boolean `True`?\n\nThey are also available as top-level functions in the `numpy` module.\n\nDefaults to *all elements*, but an `axis` argument allows reduction over a given axis."
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"source": "<h2>Exercise 3</h2>\n\nWrite a function `normalize_vectors` that takes a 2D array and divides each row by the norm of that row, where the norm is defined as $\\sqrt{x_1^2 + x_2^2 + \\ldots + x_n^2}$."
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"source": "<h2>Elementwise comparisons</h2>\n\nComparing NumPy arrays with each other, or with a scalar, operates elementwise on the arrays. All of the same broadcasting rules apply."
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"input": "def binomial(size, n, p):\n \"\"\"\n `size` is a shape tuple indicating the desired shape\n of the output array.\n\n `n` is the number of coin flips.\n `p` is the probability of a coin landing heads.\n \"\"\"\n \n \n \n \n pass",
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"source": "<h2>That's the basics!</h2>\n\nWith these tools you should be able to tackle a wide variety of numerical tasks;\n\n* `` is the matrix multiply operator. the `dot` method also exists, allowing one to write the (slightly) more natural ``\n* `numpy.linalg` includes several basic utility functions for solving linear systems, matrix decompositions and least squares fits.\n* `numpy.fft` contains implementations of the fast Fourier transform (not the fastest, but suitably licensed)."
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"source": "A common operation in working with probabilities is to divide several positive values by their sum, so that the divided values sum to 1. For a variety of reasons (chief among them avoiding *underflow* in intermediate computations), we typically work with the logarithms of the actual values. In order to compute the normalizer of $x_1, x_2, \\ldots, x_N$, we require to compute $\\log\\sum_{i=1}^N \\exp(x_i)$. This poses a problem because $\\exp(a)$ might get very big for large values of $a$ and overflow. However we can side step the problem by noting the following:\n\n$$\\log \\sum_{i=1}^N \\exp(x_i) = \\log \\left(m\\sum_{i=1}^N \\frac{1}{m}\\exp(x_i)\\right) = \\log m + \\log \\sum_{i=1}^N \\exp(x_i - \\log m)$$\n\nSo we can choose $\\log m$, the thing that gets subtracted, to be large enough that $\\exp$ on the result won't overflow. A good choice is the maximum element.\n\nWrite a function `logsumexp` that implements this trick to calculate these quantities without overflow. Make `axis` an argument that chooses the axis over which to sum."
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"source": "<h2>Performance tips</h2>\n\nBecause of the way that the interpreter evaluation works, intermediate expressions allocate lots of temporaries. Also costs you speed."
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"source": "`(a + b) / (c + d + e)` allocates 5 arrays, including the final result\n\n* With broadcasting in the mix, this can be bad news memory-wise -- gigantic temporaries!"
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"source": "One NumPy-only way to get around this: extended assignment operators allow you to do *in-place operations*"
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"input": "a = np.array([[3, 9, 6], [2, 5, 7]])\na += np.array([2, 1, 0])\na **= 2\na",
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"source": "Consider the following:"
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"input": "def fooz(a, b, c):\n return sqrt(a) + b ** 2 + 5 * c\n\nfooz(np.arange(50), np.arange(0, 100, 2), np.arange(0, 200, 4))",
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"source": "<h2>Enter Cython</h2>\n\n[Cython]( is a Python-like language that compiles to C extension modules. It allows for *explicit C type annotations*; with loop index variables, it translates loops down to C."
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"source": "A Google Summer of Code project in 2008 by Dag Sverre Seljebotn (now a core Cython developer) added NumPy array support."
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"input": "%%cython\ncimport numpy as np\nimport numpy as np\ncdef extern from \"math.h\":\n double sqrt(double x)\n\ndef fooz_cy(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] a,\n np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] b,\n np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] c):\n cdef np.npy_intp i\n cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] out = np.empty_like(a)\n for i in range(a.shape[0]):\n out[i] = sqrt(a[i]) + b[i] * b[i] + 5. * c[i]\n return out",
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