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Last active February 29, 2016 18:16
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def binary_search(L, s):
'''(list) -> bool
Return True iff s is an element of L, otherwise False
REQ: L must be a sorted list
# BASE CASE: If L is empty, it's not in the list
if L == []:
result = False
# RECURSIVE DECOMP: Pick the middle element, if we found
# what we're looking for, great. If not, then we've at
# least cut the list in half
# get the middle element of the list
midpoint = len(L) // 2
median = L[midpoint]
# if we found it, then we can stop
if s == median:
result = True
# if we didn't find it, then see whether we need to continue searching
# in the left side of the list, or the right
elif s < median:
result = binary_search(L[:midpoint], s)
result = binary_search(L[midpoint+1:], s)
return result
def binary_search2(L, s):
'''(list of float) -> int
Return the index of s in the list L, or -1 if s is not in L
REQ: L must be a sorted list
# BASE CASE: If L is empty, return -1
if L == []:
result = -1
# Get the middle value of L, if it's larger than s, then s must be in
# the first half of the list, so call binary_search on the first half,
# otherwise, call it on the second half of L, if it's equal to s, then
# we've found s and we can stop
midpoint = len(L) // 2
median = L[midpoint]
if s == median:
# found it. return its index
result = midpoint
elif s < median:
# if s is in L, it must be in the first half of the list
# so just perform a binary search on the first half of the list
# and return that search's result
result = binary_search2(L[:midpoint], s)
# if s is in L, it must be in the latter half of the list
# so perform a binary search on the latter half of the list,
# however, this time, if we do get a result, we have to return
# its offset from our current midpoint
result = binary_search2(L[midpoint+1:], s)
# if we didn't find it, just pass on the -1, but if we did
# we have to add the index in the right list to the index of
# our middle element to get its index in our list
if result != -1:
result += midpoint + 1
return result
def binary_search3(L, s):
'''(list of float) -> int
Return the index of s in the list L, or -1 if s is not in L
REQ: L must be a sorted list
if L == []:
return -1
return binary_search3_helper(L, s, 0, len(L)-1)
def binary_search3_helper(L, s, start, end):
# Base Case: One item list, start=0, end=0
# If that element is the one we're looking for return its index otherwise return -1
if start == end:
if s == L[start]:
result = start
result = -1
# recursive decomposition:
midpoint = (start + end) // 2
median = L[midpoint]
#3 cases, the element in the middle is the one we're looking for
if s == median:
result = midpoint
# the middle element is greater than the value for which we're
# searching, so look to the left
elif s < median:
result = binary_search3_helper(L, s, start, midpoint)
# the middle element is smaller than the value for which were
# searching, so look to the right
result = binary_search3_helper(L, s, midpoint+1, end)
return result
def binary_search4(L, s):
'''(list of float) -> int
Return the index of s in the list L, or -1 if s is not in L
REQ: L must be a sorted list
start = 0
end = len(L) - 1
found = False
result = -1
while not found and start <= end:
midpoint = (start + end) // 2
median = L[midpoint]
if s == median:
found = True
result = midpoint
if s < median:
end = midpoint - 1
start = midpoint + 1
return result
if(__name__ == "__main__"):
L = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 25]
print(binary_search([], 3))
print(binary_search(L, 3))
print(binary_search(L, 15))
print(binary_search2([], 3))
print(binary_search2(L, 3))
print(binary_search2(L, 15))
print(binary_search3([], 3))
print(binary_search3(L, 3))
print(binary_search3(L, 15))
print(binary_search4([], 3))
print(binary_search4(L, 3))
print(binary_search4(L, 15))
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