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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Slack Conversation about Ruby5 comments
dkubb [12:34 PM]
I feel solnic’s pain in trying to swim against the current
dkubb [12:44 PM]
Dan Kubb@dkubb
.@rubyfive @_solnic_ has done great things for ruby, and your dismissive tone to his valid criticism only hurts the community.
Today at 12:44 PM
mbj [12:47 PM]
Yeah. As I use a dismissive tone against ruby I could not complain for that. But solnic is more nice than me he does not deserve this.
dkubb [12:48 PM]
dkubb [12:48 PM]
I just listened to it and it bugged me how they responded to it
mbj [12:49 PM]
I'd just ignore them.
dkubb [12:49 PM]
dkubb [12:49 PM]
still, solnic pretty much only does OSS that benefits others
dkubb [12:49 PM]
he’s not running a code school and trying to make tons of money off the ruby community
dkubb [12:49 PM]
I think that’s the root of many people’s fears, in criticizing ruby they feel you are attacking their livelihood (edited)
mbj [12:50 PM]
Its not showing technical counter arguments. So fuck them. Also its very likely their target audience is disjunct from the people solnic actually can successfully address.
dkubb [12:50 PM]
I don’t self-identify as a ruby developer anymore
mbj [12:51 PM]
In no way I do this.
mbj [12:51 PM]
I'm past that point for 6month. The turn point was visiting that Idris guys.
mbj [12:51 PM]
I'm just a developer with special skills maintaining legacy (ruby) code bases.
dkubb [12:52 PM]
It’s ironic that the very people who are riding on the back of @_solnic_’s work are criticizing him
mbj [12:53 PM]
Yeah, virtus is sorta a missing data transform layer in rails.
mbj [12:53 PM]
Not that I like virtus, I consider it inappropriate for input valdiation mapping and even domain modelling (that should NOT do coercions). But its a great piece of work that helped lots of people to deliver stuff.
mbj [12:53 PM]
And solnic knows (actually shares) my concerns.
dkubb [12:56 PM]
one other common argument people use is “why are you complaining without offering a solution?” .. this bugs me because while it is sometimes possible for one person to identify a problem, it’s often outside of their ability to form an acceptable solution in their own
mbj [12:56 PM]
Yeah, that argument is dump.
dkubb [12:56 PM]
it makes me think the people who respond like that are only used to dealing with trivial problems
dkubb [12:56 PM]
hard problems require discussion
mbj [12:57 PM]
If a solution "rails" is dump its not the solution to write another rails (why it should not be dump, if its just a rails). It needs to be fundementally different, and for that reason it will not be comparable.
mbj [12:57 PM]
Its like comparing Atomic with Coal powerplants.
dkubb [12:57 PM]
the old approach isn’t working so you need a new approach
dkubb [12:57 PM]
not the old approach retried
mbj [12:57 PM]
Yeah, and even if you *did* a new approach people will say: Still you did not do your own rails.
dkubb [12:58 PM]
heh, yeah, especially when that’s kind of the point
mbj [12:58 PM]
exactly. You can never make those people happy.
mbj [12:58 PM]
The argument "Do better for your own" is basically saying: I'm out of arguments :wink:
mbj [12:59 PM]
Not that piotr did not wrote what could be used to assemble a framework (virtus, rom) ...
mbj [12:59 PM]
he Is *de-facto* working on a stack.
dkubb [12:59 PM]
he’s doing more than most others
mbj [1:00 PM]
We should share him the last 100 lines of discussion, so he does not feel alone out there :wink:
dkubb [1:00 PM]
The comments from ruby5 is yet more positive reinforcement that the ruby community is actually dying.
mbj [1:01 PM]
This is expected.
mbj [1:01 PM]
Ruby does not scale for complex apps.
mbj [1:01 PM]
People grow up with ruby, and the more they grow up the more complex are their apps.
dkubb [1:01 PM]
you can put it in a public gist and link to it in a public tweet if you want. I have nothing to hide with my comments
mbj [1:01 PM]
And soon they must move to another platform to fullfill the demands of a more complex app.
dkubb [1:01 PM]
or I can
mbj [1:01 PM]
Just do, make sure my swearing is preserved.
dkubb [1:01 PM]
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ernie commented Jun 10, 2015

This seems like a channel I would enjoy.

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