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Last active October 16, 2017 18:23
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Sticky rows in DT table
ui <- fluidPage(
checkboxInput('yellow.only', 'Yellow Only'),
server <- function(input, output) {
fruit.options <- reactive({
all.fruits <- c(grape='Grape', banana='Banana', papaya='Papaya', raspberry='Raspberry')
yellow.fruits <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
all.fruits[yellow.fruits | !input$yellow.only]
fruit.options.df <- reactive({
data.frame(fruits=fruit.options(), some.other.col=nchar(fruit.options()))
output$fruit.selection <- renderUI({ selectInput('fruit', 'Fruit', choices=fruit.options(), selected=input$fruit, multiple=TRUE, selectize=FALSE, size=length(fruit.options())) })
output$dt.fruit.selection <- DT::renderDataTable({
if (!exists('fruit.options.cache') || identical(fruit.options.cache, fruit.options.df())) {
rows.selected <- isolate(input$dt.fruit.selection_rows_selected)
} else {
rows.selected <- which(fruit.options.df()$fruit %in% fruit.options.cache$fruits[isolate(input$dt.fruit.selection_rows_selected)])
fruit.options.cache <<- fruit.options.df()
DT::datatable(fruit.options.cache, rownames=FALSE, selection=list(mode="multiple", selected=rows.selected))
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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