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Last active August 14, 2020 06:47
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// analyzer.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
// compile:
// g++ analyzer.cpp --std=c++17 -lstdc++fs -O3 -o analyzer -g -static -lrt -pthread -Wl,--whole-archive -lpthread -Wl,--no-whole-archive
#include "httplib.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <conio.h>
#include <deque>
#include <iomanip>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
#define TPT_COMMIT 0x00001000
#define TPT_RESERVE 0x00002000
#define TPT_DECOMMIT 0x00004000
#define TPT_RELEASE 0x00008000
#define LOGI (std::cerr << "I [" << __FUNCTION__ << "] ")
#define LOGE (std::cerr << "E [" << __FUNCTION__ << "] ")
#define LOGW (std::cerr << "W [" << __FUNCTION__ << "] ")
#define MYHEX(n) std::setfill('0') << std::setw(n) << std::hex
class StackDb;
class Report;
namespace Config {
static uint64_t threshold = 0;
static bool reverse = false;
static bool page = false;
static int multiplier = 1;
static int port = 9001;
static std::string host = "";
static std::string tracker = "mmap";
static std::string filename;
static std::string wwwdir = "www";
static bool smoke = false;
static std::string escape(std::string k) {
std::ostringstream oss;
int o = 0;
size_t found = std::string::npos;
while ((found = k.find('\\', o)) != std::string::npos) {
oss << k.substr(o, found - o);
oss << "\\\\";
o = found + 1;
oss << k.substr(o);
return oss.str();
static std::string escape(const std::string &s) {
std::ostringstream o;
for (auto c = s.cbegin(); c != s.cend(); c++) {
if (*c == '"' || *c == '\\' || ('\x00' <= *c && *c <= '\x1f')) {
o << "\\u"
<< std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << (int)*c;
else {
o << *c;
return o.str();
class TreeNode {
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<TreeNode>> _children; // (pc => node)
std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> _parent;
int _id;
uint64_t _pc;
friend StackDb;
friend Report;
class Events {
Events(int pid) {
std::string fn;
std::string line;
std::ostringstream oss;
std::experimental::filesystem::path p = Config::filename;
oss << "events." << pid << ".txt";
fn = p.string();
std::ifstream infile(fn);
if (!infile.bad()) {
while (std::getline(infile, line))
std::istringstream iss(line);
std::ostringstream detail;
uint64_t ts;
char _dummy; // space
if (iss >> ts >> std::noskipws >> _dummy >> detail.rdbuf()) {
_events.push_back(std::make_pair(ts, escape(detail.str())));
//std::cout << "pc[" << pc << "] = r'" << detail.str() << "'\n";
std::sort(_events.begin(), _events.end());
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, std::string>> _events;
friend Report;
class StackDb {
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::string> _pcs;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TreeNode>> _nodes;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<TreeNode>> _bt_nodes;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::vector<uint64_t>> _bt_pcs;
std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> _root;
StackDb(int pid) {
std::string fn;
std::string line;
std::ostringstream oss;
std::experimental::filesystem::path p = Config::filename;
oss << "stacks." << pid << ".txt";
fn = p.string();
std::ifstream infile(fn);
while (std::getline(infile, line))
std::istringstream iss(line);
char evt;
if (!(iss >> evt)) {
switch (evt) {
case '$':
case '>': // stack
uint64_t bt;
std::string detail;
if (iss >> std::hex >> bt >> detail) {
std::string pc;
auto& pcs = _bt_pcs[bt];
std::istringstream iss2(detail);
while (std::getline(iss2, pc, '|')) {
// std::cout << pc << "\n";
if (pc.size()) {
uint64_t _pc;
std::istringstream iss2(pc);
if (iss2 >> std::hex >> _pc) {
if (!Config::reverse)
std::reverse(pcs.begin(), pcs.end());
// std::cout << "bt[" << bt << "] = [" << pcs.size() << "]\n";
case '#': // pc
uint64_t pc;
char _dummy;
std::ostringstream detail;
if (iss >> std::hex >> pc >> std::noskipws >> _dummy >> detail.rdbuf()) {
_pcs.insert(std::make_pair(pc, escape(detail.str())));
//std::cout << "pc[" << pc << "] = r'" << detail.str() << "'\n";
LOGI << fn << " loaded, " << _pcs.size() << " pcs, " << _bt_pcs.size() << " bts." << std::endl;
_root.reset(new TreeNode());
_bt_nodes[0] = _root;
void _add_bt_to_tree(uint64_t bt) {
if (_bt_nodes.find(bt) == _bt_nodes.end()) {
auto& pcs = _bt_pcs[bt];
std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> cur = _root;
for (auto& pc : pcs) {
if (cur->_children.find(pc) == cur->_children.end()) {
std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> node;
node.reset(new TreeNode());
node->_pc = pc;
node->_parent = cur;
cur->_children.insert(std::make_pair(pc, node));
cur = cur->_children.find(pc)->second;
_bt_nodes[bt] = cur;
void _add_node(std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> node) {
auto idx = _nodes.size() - 1;
node->_id = idx;
friend Report;
class ReportManager;
class ITracker {
typedef std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, int64_t>> UpdateList;
virtual UpdateList map(uint64_t base, uint64_t len, uint64_t bt) = 0;
virtual UpdateList unmap(uint64_t base, uint64_t len) = 0;
virtual ~ITracker() {};
class MapTracker: public ITracker {
struct MapInfo {
uint64_t len;
uint64_t bt;
std::map<uint64_t, MapInfo> _m; // addr => mapinfo
std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, uint64_t> _owner; // (addr, len) => bt
std::deque<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> _q;
virtual UpdateList map(uint64_t base, uint64_t len, uint64_t bt) {
UpdateList ret;
MapInfo mi = { len, bt };
_decommit_range(ret, base, base + len);
_m[base] = mi;
ret.push_back(std::make_pair(bt, (int64_t)len));
return ret;
virtual UpdateList unmap(uint64_t base, uint64_t len) {
UpdateList ret;
_decommit_range(ret, base, base + len);
return ret;
void _decommit_range(UpdateList& ul, uint64_t left, uint64_t right) {
auto it1 = _m.lower_bound(left);
auto it2 = _m.upper_bound(right);
if (it1 == _m.end()) it1 = _m.begin();
while (it1 != it2) {
if (it1->first + it1->second.len > left && it1->first < right) {
ul.push_back(std::make_pair(it1->, -((int64_t)it1->second.len)));
else {
class MallocTracker: public ITracker {
struct MapInfo {
uint64_t len;
uint64_t bt;
int c;
int d;
std::map<uint64_t, MapInfo> _m; // addr => mapinfo
virtual UpdateList map(uint64_t base, uint64_t len, uint64_t bt) {
UpdateList ret;
MapInfo mi = { len, bt };
if (_m.find(base) != _m.end()) {
LOGE << "duplicated allocation: " << std::hex << base << std::dec << std::endl;
if (Config::smoke) {
unmap(base, 0);
_m[base] = mi;
ret.push_back(std::make_pair(bt, (int64_t)len));
return ret;
virtual UpdateList unmap(uint64_t base, uint64_t len) {
UpdateList ret;
auto it = _m.find(base);
if (it != _m.end()) {
int64_t len = it->second.len;
ret.push_back(std::make_pair(it->, -len));
return ret;
class Report {
struct Range {
uint64_t left; // included
uint64_t right; // included
int64_t bottom;
int64_t top;
// @param buckets: buckets 数量
// @param idx: bucket 序号
// @return: 当前 bucket 所在的最大标值
// bucket[0] 只有一个值 => left
// bucket[last] 只有一个值 => right
// bucket[last - 1] => right - 1
uint64_t hnext(int buckets, int idx) const {
// hi(0) = left, hi(buckets - 2) = right - 1;
if (idx == 0) return left;
if (idx == buckets - 2) return right - 1;
return (right - 1 - left) * idx / (buckets - 2) + left;
} // TODO: add unittest
bool bucket2(int buckets, int idx, uint64_t& b, uint64_t& e) const {
// hi(0) = left, hi(buckets - 2) = right - 1;
if (buckets < 3) return false;
if (idx < 0 || idx >= buckets) return false;
if (idx == 0) {
b = left;
e = left + 1;
return true;
if (idx == buckets - 1) {
b = right;
e = right + 1;
return true;
b = (right - (left + 1)) * (idx - 1) / (buckets - 2) + (left + 1);
e = (right - (left + 1)) * idx / (buckets - 2) + (left + 1);
return true;
} // TODO: add unittest
int bucket(uint64_t value, int buckets) {
if (value < left) return -1;
if (value > right) return -1;
if (value == left) return 0;
if (value == right) return buckets - 1;
return (value - left - 1) * (buckets - 2) / (right - 1 - left) + 1;
} // TODO: add unittest
struct Rect {
uint64_t left;
uint64_t right;
int layer;
StackDb _db;
Events _events;
ITracker* _tracker;
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, int64_t>>> _lines;
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, int64_t>> _dummy_line;
int64_t _sum;
int64_t _points;
int64_t _unknown;
Range _range;
std::vector<Rect> _rect;
std::mutex _rect_mutex;
Report(int pid) :_db(pid), _events(pid), _sum(0), _points(0), _unknown(0) {
if (Config::tracker == "malloc") {
_tracker = new MallocTracker;
else {
_tracker = new MapTracker;
#define UPDATE_RANGE(ts, n) do { \
uint64_t _ts = (ts); \
int64_t _n = (n); \
if (_range.left > _ts) _range.left = _ts; \
if (_range.right < _ts) _range.right = _ts; \
if ( < _n) = _n; \
if (_range.bottom > _n) _range.bottom = _n; \
void _push_point(int node, uint64_t ts, int64_t d) {
if (_points == 0) {
_range.left = _range.right = ts;
_range.bottom = = 0;
if (_lines[node].size() == 0) {
_lines[node].push_back(std::make_pair(ts, d));
else {
auto last = _lines[node].rbegin();
if (ts == last->first) {
last->second += d;
UPDATE_RANGE(ts, last->second);
else {
UPDATE_RANGE(ts, last->second + d);
_lines[node].push_back(std::make_pair(ts, last->second + d));
uint64_t _get_width(uint64_t ts, std::shared_ptr<TreeNode>& node) {
auto& line = _lines[node->_id];
//auto found = std::lower_bound(line.begin(), line.end(), std::make_pair(ts, (int64_t)-1000000000));
//if (found != line.end())
// return found->second;
auto v = std::make_pair(ts, (int64_t)-1000000000);
int l = 0, r = line.size(), m;
if (r == l) return 0;
if (line[l] >= v) return 0;
while (l + 1< r) {
m = (l + r) / 2;
if (line[m] < v)
l = m;
r = m;
return line[l].second;
uint64_t _make_rect(uint64_t ts, std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> node, uint64_t offset, int layer) {
auto width = _get_width(ts, node);
auto& rect = _rect[node->_id];
rect.left = offset;
rect.right = offset + width;
rect.layer = layer;
for (auto& p : node->_children) {
auto child = p.second;
offset += _make_rect(ts, child, offset, layer + 1);
if (offset > rect.right) {
LOGE << "out of bound graph found, " << std::dec << width << "," << offset - rect.left
<< " ts:" << MYHEX(16) <<ts << " pc:" << node->_pc
<< "\n";
int i = 0;
for (auto& p : _lines[node->_id]) {
LOGE << "\t" << MYHEX(16) << p.first << "," << p.second << std::endl;
if (i++ > 10) break;
// exit(1);
if (width < 0) {
LOGE << "negative width found\n";
return width;
void _test_bt_covers_all_nodes() {
std::vector<bool> flags(_lines.size());
for (auto& p : _db._bt_nodes) {
auto bt = p.first;
auto node = p.second;
while (node && flags[node->_id] == false) {
flags[node->_id] = true;
node = node->_parent;
for (auto f : flags) {
if (!f) {
LOGE << "test failed\n";
LOGI << "test pass\n";
void _test_no_line_should_be_empty() {
// make sure no line is empty
int i = 0;
for (auto& line : _lines) {
if (line.size() == 0) {
LOGE << "line " << i << " is empty!\n";
auto node = _db._nodes[i];
while (!node->_children.empty()) // find leaf node
node = node->_children.begin()->second;
for (auto& p : _db._bt_nodes) {
if (p.second == node) {
LOGE << "\t bt is " << MYHEX(16) << p.first << "\n";
LOGI << "test pass\n";
~Report() {
delete _tracker;
int64_t sum() const{
return _sum;
int64_t points() const{
return _points;
int64_t unknown() const{
return _unknown;
const Range& range() const{
return _range;
std::string& bt(int i){
return _db._pcs[_db._nodes[i]->_pc];
void process(uint32_t flag, uint64_t base, uint64_t len, uint64_t bt, uint64_t ts){
MapTracker::UpdateList tl;
if (flag & TPT_COMMIT) {
tl = _tracker->map(base, len, bt);
// LOGI << "commit: " << std::hex << base << "\n";
else if (flag & (TPT_RELEASE|TPT_DECOMMIT)) {
tl = _tracker->unmap(base, len);
// LOGI << "decomm: " << std::hex << base << "\n";
else {
LOGE << "ignore flag: " << std::hex << flag << "\n";
for (auto& i : tl) {
auto bt = i.first;
auto d = i.second;
_sum += d;
auto node = _db._bt_nodes[bt];
if (node == nullptr) {
LOGW << "unknown bt: " << MYHEX(16) << bt << std::endl;
_push_point(0, ts, d);
_unknown += d;
while (node) {
assert(_lines.size() > node->_id);
_push_point(node->_id, ts, d);
node = node->_parent;
const std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, int64_t>>& line(int id) {
if (id >= _lines.size()) {
return _dummy_line;
return _lines[id];
const std::vector<Rect>& rect(uint64_t ts) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(_rect_mutex);
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto _tmp = _make_rect(ts, _db._root, 0, 0);
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<float, std::micro> time_span = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<float, std::micro>>(t2 - t1);
LOGI << "[rect] width: " << ts << "," << _tmp << ", " << time_span.count() << " us" << std::endl;
return _rect;
const std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, std::string>>& events() {
return _events._events;
void check() {
friend ReportManager;
class ReportManager {
std::unordered_map<int, std::shared_ptr<Report>> _rpts;
static ReportManager* getInstance() {
static ReportManager* ret = nullptr;
if (ret == nullptr) {
ret = new ReportManager();
return ret;
std::shared_ptr<Report> load(int pid) {
auto it = _rpts.find(pid);
if (it == _rpts.end()) {
std::shared_ptr<Report> rpt;
rpt.reset(new Report(pid)); // std::make_shared not work here
auto ret = _rpts.insert(std::make_pair(pid, rpt));
return ret.first->second;
return it->second;
std::shared_ptr<Report> pick_one() {
auto it = _rpts.begin();
if (it != _rpts.end()) {
return it->second;
return nullptr;
void dump() {
for (auto& p : _rpts) {
auto rpt = p.second;
LOGI << "report_" << p.first << ":\n";
LOGI << std::dec
<< " size: " << rpt->sum() * Config::multiplier
<< ", nodes: " << rpt->_lines.size()
<< ", points: " << rpt->points()
<< ", unknown: " << rpt->unknown() * Config::multiplier
<< std::endl;
void test() {
for (auto& p : _rpts) {
auto rpt = p.second;
LOGI << "report_" << p.first << ":\n";
auto total = rpt->_lines[0].size();
int bucket = total / 50;
if (!bucket) bucket = 1;
int i = 0;
for (auto& pp : rpt->_lines[0]) {
if (i % bucket == 0) {
LOGI << "\t" << pp.first << ", " << pp.second * Config::multiplier << "\n";
LOGI << "\t" << rpt->_lines[0].rbegin()->first << ", " << rpt->_lines[0].rbegin()->second * Config::multiplier << "\n";
class Api {
std::shared_ptr<TreeNode> get_tree() {
std::vector<uint64_t> get_trend(int node) {
std::vector<uint64_t> ret;
return ret;
std::vector<uint64_t> get_values(uint64_t ts) {
std::vector<uint64_t> ret;
return ret;
std::vector<uint64_t> get_values(uint64_t ts1, uint64_t ts2) {
std::vector<uint64_t> ret;
return ret;
std::vector<void*> get_map(uint64_t ts) {
std::vector<void*> ret;
return ret;
std::vector<void*> get_map(uint64_t ts1, uint64_t ts2) {
std::vector<void*> ret;
return ret;
static void process(int pid, uint32_t flag, uint64_t base, uint64_t len, uint64_t bt, uint64_t ts) {
auto rpt = ReportManager::getInstance()->load(pid);
rpt->process(flag, base, len, bt, ts);
if (ts % 100000 == 1) {
LOGI << std::dec
<< "cur size: " << rpt->sum() * Config::multiplier
<< ", points: " << rpt->points()
<< ", unknown: " << rpt->unknown() * Config::multiplier
<< std::endl;
static std::string dump_headers(const httplib::Headers &headers) {
std::string s;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
for (auto it = headers.begin(); it != headers.end(); ++it) {
const auto &x = *it;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s\n", x.first.c_str(), x.second.c_str());
s += buf;
return s;
static void print_help(std::string msg) {
std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
std::cerr << "usage: analyzer.exe [-page] [-reverse] [-port port] filename" << std::endl;
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "arguments:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " filename: mmtrace.txt" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " -page: measure size in pages" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " -reverse: display callcstack upside down" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " -port <port>: listening port, default 9001 " << std::endl;
std::cerr << " -threshold <value>: only show callstacks whose value is above threshold" << std::endl;
static bool prepare_config(int argc, char** argv) {
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
std::string arg(argv[i]);
if (arg[0] != '-') {
Config::filename = arg;
if (arg == "-page") {
Config::page = true;
Config::multiplier = 4096;
if (arg == "-reverse") {
Config::reverse = true;
if (arg == "-port") {
if (i + 1 < argc) {
Config::port = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if (Config::port > 0 && Config::port < 65536) {
if (arg == "-host") {
if (i + 1 < argc) {
Config::host = argv[i + 1];
if (arg == "-tracker") {
if (i + 1 < argc) {
Config::tracker = argv[i + 1];
if (Config::tracker == "mmap" || Config::tracker == "malloc") {
if (arg == "-threshold") {
if (i + 1 < argc) {
Config::threshold = strtoull(argv[i + 1], NULL, 10);
if (arg == "-wwwdir") {
if (i + 1 < argc) {
Config::wwwdir = argv[i + 1];
if (arg == "-smoke") {
Config::smoke = true;
std::string msg = "unknown option " + arg;
return false;
if (Config::filename == "") {
print_help("filename is required");
return false;
return true;
static void _report_serving() {
std::thread t([] {
httplib::Client cli("", 80);
static uint64_t get_ts_group_by_max_buggy(int node, int idx, int count) {
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (one) {
const auto& range = one->range();
const auto& line = one->line(node);
auto total = line.size();
int i = 0;
auto pp = line.begin();
while (pp != line.end()) {
std::cerr << "(" << pp->first << "," << pp->second << ") ";
pp = line.begin();
std::cerr << "- " << idx << "/" << count << " " << range.left << "," << range.right << std::endl;
int64_t val = 0, last_val = 0;
uint64_t val_ts = 0;
for (; i < count && pp != line.end();) {
if (pp->first > range.hnext(count, i)) {
if (i == idx) return val_ts;
// oss << val * Config::multiplier;
val = last_val;
else {
// LOGI << pp->first << "," << pp->second << "\n";
if (abs(pp->second) > abs(val)) {
val = pp->second;
val_ts = pp->first;
last_val = pp->second;
return val_ts;
return 0;
static uint64_t get_ts_group_by_max(int node, int idx, int count) {
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (one) {
const auto& range = one->range();
const auto& line = one->line(node);
auto total = line.size();
auto pp = line.begin();
bool found = false;
uint64_t b, e, ts = 0, val = 0;
if (!range.bucket2(count, idx, b, e)) {
return 0;
while (pp != line.end() && pp->first < b) {
while (pp != line.end() && pp->first < e) {
if (!found) {
ts = pp->first;
val = pp->second;
found = true;
else {
if (pp->second >= val) {
val = pp->second;
ts = pp->first;
if (found) {
return ts;
return b;
return 0;
extern "C" void fullscreen_web_view(const char * title);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (FreeConsole()) {
ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_HIDE);
freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout);
freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr);
if (!prepare_config(argc, argv)) {
return 1;
std::ifstream infile(Config::filename);
std::string line;
int total_lines = 0;
uint64_t last_ts = 0;
while (std::getline(infile, line))
std::istringstream iss(line);
int pid;
uint32_t flag;
uint64_t base, len, bt, ts;
if (!(iss >> pid >> std::hex >> flag >> base >> len >> bt >> ts)) { // EOF || malformed data
if (!(ts >= last_ts)) {
last_ts = ts;
process(pid, flag, base, len, bt, ts);
LOGI << "mmtrace.txt consumed:\n";
LOGI << " " << std::dec << total_lines << " lines processed.\n";
LOGI << "report is ready at" << Config::port << " \n";
// _getch();
using namespace httplib;
Server svr;
svr.Get("/dump", [](const Request &req, Response &res) {
res.set_content(dump_headers(req.headers), "text/plain");
svr.Get(R"(/rect_demo/(\d+)/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto index = atoi(req.matches[1].str().c_str());
auto total = atoi(req.matches[2].str().c_str());
auto content1 = R"udsa8j(
{"thread_name":"thread_15200","start_time":3176184875,"max_level":255,"expanded":true,"end_time":3176185514,"data":[[7,"Class7C07<int, int>::MethodD549",3176184875,3176184876,"\\src\\path\\df2f\\8c3d.cpp::641","rgb(74, 228, 35)",false],[9,"Class8FA6<int, int>::Method7FD1",3176185490,3176185491,"\\src\\path\\7fce\\d390.cpp::1545","rgb(24, 161, 235)",false],[8,"ClassE80C<int, int>::MethodC53F",3176185490,3176185491,"\\src\\path\\91b0\\ce63.cpp::4765","rgb(185, 58, 131)",false],[7,"ClassC870<int, int>::MethodEA2A",3176185490,3176185491,"\\src\\path\\7b34\\c48d.cpp::5211","rgb(168, 217, 55)",false],[6,"ClassC41C<int, int>::MethodDAE1",3176185490,3176185491,"\\src\\path\\9282\\cd87.cpp::5808","rgb(218, 122, 201)",false],[8,"ClassC0CC<int, int>::Method9E27",3176185491,3176185492,"\\src\\path\\d335\\a7bb.cpp::5238","rgb(121, 100, 105)",false],[7,"ClassC490<int, int>::MethodA2C8",3176185491,3176185492,"\\src\\path\\7a15\\d75c.cpp::2979","rgb(12, 164, 193)",false],[6,"Class7B0E<int, int>::Method8B42",3176185491,3176185492,"\\src\\path\\9bb5\\b8b0.cpp::1035","rgb(189, 247, 61)",false],[5,"ClassB6BE<int, int>::MethodCE8D",3176185490,3176185492,"\\src\\path\\8470\\cbe1.cpp::1785","rgb(82, 159, 251)",false],[4,"ClassB8A1<int, int>::MethodA2A5",3176185490,3176185494,"\\src\\path\\bd9c\\cd50.cpp::1448","rgb(155, 175, 245)",false],[3,"ClassD15E<int, int>::MethodCE91",3176185490,3176185495,"\\src\\path\\99fc\\b1dd.cpp::2263","rgb(191, 185, 10)",false],[4,"Class8042<int, int>::Method7BC6",3176185495,3176185496,"\\src\\path\\9585\\c08f.cpp::4139","rgb(93, 252, 21)",false],[3,"Class9CF3<int, int>::Method7AB0",3176185495,3176185496,"\\src\\path\\a5f5\\9893.cpp::1376","rgb(237, 133, 186)",false],[2,"ClassE5BB<int, int>::MethodC338",3176185490,3176185499,"\\src\\path\\d170\\9c4d.cpp::4807","rgb(206, 109, 247)",false],[2,"ClassE1BE<int, int>::Method7E9E",3176185499,3176185500,"\\src\\path\\de05\\dfc0.cpp::5920","rgb(192, 152, 100)",false],[6,"ClassB3F3<int, int>::MethodBAAE",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\8d68\\ce47.cpp::5282","rgb(26, 149, 153)",false],[5,"ClassE306<int, int>::MethodDCEB",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\8609\\96c2.cpp::1137","rgb(86, 188, 21)",false],[4,"Class885B<int, int>::Method89D1",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\7778\\9578.cpp::3922","rgb(235, 133, 82)",false],[3,"ClassC00B<int, int>::MethodDD1B",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\d111\\77a4.cpp::5016","rgb(82, 110, 112)",false],[2,"Class96CD<int, int>::MethodE2B7",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\ad13\\d8c0.cpp::4433","rgb(88, 235, 145)",false],[6,"ClassBDD7<int, int>::MethodE9B9",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\da42\\7919.cpp::4955","rgb(33, 185, 2)",false],[5,"ClassDC13<int, int>::Method94CC",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\880a\\d912.cpp::1087","rgb(112, 117, 171)",false],[4,"ClassE2AC<int, int>::MethodA111",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\811b\\d2e3.cpp::2088","rgb(95, 209, 36)",false],[3,"ClassB033<int, int>::MethodBAEE",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\b936\\ca4e.cpp::5341","rgb(152, 122, 60)",false],[2,"ClassBB7F<int, int>::Method98B4",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\c69f\\dd9e.cpp::4283","rgb(245, 103, 124)",false],[2,"Class9278<int, int>::Method8987",3176185513,3176185514,"\\src\\path\\9995\\8277.cpp::2778","rgb(153, 206, 115)",false],[1,"Class8CE9<int, int>::MethodB510",3176185479,3176185514,"\\src\\path\\a720\\77b3.cpp::4203","rgb(234, 133, 116)",false],[0,"Class8971<int, int>::MethodD47D",3176184875,3176185514,"\\src\\path\\b58a\\b863.cpp::2490","rgb(108, 167, 89)",false]]}
auto content2 = R"asdada(
{"thread_name":"thread_15200","start_time":3176184875,"max_level":256,"expanded":true,"end_time":3176185514,"data":[[11,"ClassAD3D<int, int>::MethodE789",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\85f3\\8603.cpp::1067","rgb(109, 82, 174)",false],[10,"Class7FA9<int, int>::MethodC978",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\8aba\\ac88.cpp::447","rgb(179, 81, 3)",false],[9,"ClassDD39<int, int>::MethodC510",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\cb63\\c60d.cpp::3050","rgb(181, 146, 92)",false],[8,"Class9E50<int, int>::MethodC475",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\7a3c\\d0b6.cpp::1154","rgb(200, 136, 43)",false],[7,"ClassAA2B<int, int>::MethodBAAD",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\ae1f\\dbbd.cpp::336","rgb(205, 172, 118)",false],[6,"ClassA61E<int, int>::MethodA584",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\b642\\e40d.cpp::3163","rgb(184, 84, 212)",false],[5,"ClassDC13<int, int>::Method94CC",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\880a\\d912.cpp::1087","rgb(112, 117, 171)",false],[4,"ClassBB3C<int, int>::MethodBA15",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\c14f\\c282.cpp::2227","rgb(52, 236, 229)",false],[3,"ClassC9DA<int, int>::MethodAC2F",3176185471,3176185472,"\\src\\path\\7c2b\\c808.cpp::3835","rgb(165, 229, 163)",false],[2,"ClassE1BE<int, int>::Method7E9E",3176185471,3176185473,"\\src\\path\\de05\\dfc0.cpp::5920","rgb(192, 152, 100)",false],[9,"ClassD19D<int, int>::Method7FAB",3176185473,3176185474,"\\src\\path\\e166\\b656.cpp::5579","rgb(169, 245, 205)",false],[8,"ClassC770<int, int>::MethodB97F",3176185473,3176185475,"\\src\\path\\8213\\76a7.cpp::416","rgb(209, 207, 197)",false],[7,"Class7C07<int, int>::MethodD549",3176185473,3176185478,"\\src\\path\\df2f\\8c3d.cpp::641","rgb(74, 228, 35)",false],[6,"ClassC41C<int, int>::MethodDAE1",3176185473,3176185478,"\\src\\path\\9282\\cd87.cpp::5808","rgb(218, 122, 201)",false],[7,"ClassAE1A<int, int>::Method93D1",3176185478,3176185479,"\\src\\path\\7799\\b636.cpp::2687","rgb(168, 242, 109)",false],[6,"Class897E<int, int>::MethodCAA0",3176185478,3176185479,"\\src\\path\\da2b\\e6aa.cpp::1175","rgb(208, 162, 111)",false],[5,"Class7CC5<int, int>::MethodB00E",3176185473,3176185479,"\\src\\path\\b42f\\b88f.cpp::4352","rgb(5, 236, 88)",false],[4,"Class93DE<int, int>::Method9284",3176185473,3176185479,"\\src\\path\\8f99\\8dc0.cpp::1234","rgb(164, 133, 33)",false],[3,"Class86EF<int, int>::MethodE421",3176185473,3176185479,"\\src\\path\\a5a3\\8ce4.cpp::3386","rgb(0, 238, 61)",false],[2,"Class8F57<int, int>::Method838F",3176185473,3176185479,"\\src\\path\\807f\\7a21.cpp::447","rgb(153, 237, 247)",false],[1,"ClassA440<int, int>::MethodAE4E",3176185471,3176185479,"\\src\\path\\a29d\\e6f3.cpp::3967","rgb(252, 76, 197)",false],[6,"ClassBAB9<int, int>::MethodD835",3176185480,3176185481,"\\src\\path\\8f4f\\9c3e.cpp::4751","rgb(125, 252, 196)",false],[5,"ClassB2DB<int, int>::MethodD410",3176185480,3176185482,"\\src\\path\\9804\\a3b6.cpp::557","rgb(128, 251, 87)",false],[5,"ClassD10F<int, int>::Method82B2",3176185482,3176185483,"\\src\\path\\aa40\\cd7a.cpp::1605","rgb(146, 111, 162)",false],[4,"ClassB8A1<int, int>::MethodA2A5",3176185480,3176185483,"\\src\\path\\bd9c\\cd50.cpp::1448","rgb(155, 175, 245)",false],[3,"ClassC98D<int, int>::MethodAA0B",3176185479,3176185483,"\\src\\path\\da1a\\900a.cpp::3384","rgb(253, 215, 200)",false],[4,"ClassAD05<int, int>::MethodCEF3",3176185483,3176185484,"\\src\\path\\7654\\b466.cpp::1714","rgb(108, 139, 76)",false],[3,"ClassAE9C<int, int>::Method8C76",3176185483,3176185484,"\\src\\path\\e026\\bede.cpp::3838","rgb(173, 165, 153)",false],[8,"ClassA87E<int, int>::MethodDB2F",3176185485,3176185486,"\\src\\path\\bd71\\aa7f.cpp::3198","rgb(155, 126, 242)",false],[7,"Class99BE<int, int>::Method96A7",3176185485,3176185486,"\\src\\path\\d632\\c061.cpp::3324","rgb(228, 172, 111)",false],[6,"Class7EEE<int, int>::MethodC24B",3176185485,3176185486,"\\src\\path\\7853\\b7ca.cpp::353","rgb(159, 94, 216)",false],[5,"Class8A0D<int, int>::MethodE7FE",3176185485,3176185487,"\\src\\path\\e8e6\\b204.cpp::1234","rgb(236, 147, 36)",false],[6,"Class8A15<int, int>::Method87B9",3176185487,3176185488,"\\src\\path\\879d\\8bf5.cpp::1586","rgb(63, 202, 124)",false],[5,"ClassD10F<int, int>::Method82B2",3176185487,3176185488,"\\src\\path\\aa40\\cd7a.cpp::1605","rgb(146, 111, 162)",false],[7,"ClassAE1A<int, int>::Method93D1",3176185488,3176185490,"\\src\\path\\7799\\b636.cpp::2687","rgb(168, 242, 109)",false],[6,"ClassAE0E<int, int>::MethodB529",3176185488,3176185490,"\\src\\path\\db34\\db41.cpp::5987","rgb(138, 162, 205)",false],[5,"Class7CC5<int, int>::MethodB00E",3176185488,3176185490,"\\src\\path\\b42f\\b88f.cpp::4352","rgb(5, 236, 88)",false],[4,"ClassD051<int, int>::Method9975",3176185485,3176185490,"\\src\\path\\d595\\ded0.cpp::5262","rgb(106, 76, 240)",false],[3,"ClassAE9C<int, int>::Method8C76",3176185485,3176185490,"\\src\\path\\e026\\bede.cpp::3838","rgb(173, 165, 153)",false],[2,"Class96CD<int, int>::MethodE2B7",3176185479,3176185490,"\\src\\path\\ad13\\d8c0.cpp::4433","rgb(88, 235, 145)",false],[9,"Class8FA6<int, int>::Method7FD1",3176185490,3176185491,"\\src\\path\\7fce\\d390.cpp::1545","rgb(24, 161, 235)",false],[8,"ClassE80C<int, int>::MethodC53F",3176185490,3176185491,"\\src\\path\\91b0\\ce63.cpp::4765","rgb(185, 58, 131)",false],[7,"ClassC870<int, int>::MethodEA2A",3176185490,3176185491,"\\src\\path\\7b34\\c48d.cpp::5211","rgb(168, 217, 55)",false],[6,"ClassC41C<int, int>::MethodDAE1",3176185490,3176185491,"\\src\\path\\9282\\cd87.cpp::5808","rgb(218, 122, 201)",false],[8,"ClassC0CC<int, int>::Method9E27",3176185491,3176185492,"\\src\\path\\d335\\a7bb.cpp::5238","rgb(121, 100, 105)",false],[7,"ClassC490<int, int>::MethodA2C8",3176185491,3176185492,"\\src\\path\\7a15\\d75c.cpp::2979","rgb(12, 164, 193)",false],[6,"Class7B0E<int, int>::Method8B42",3176185491,3176185492,"\\src\\path\\9bb5\\b8b0.cpp::1035","rgb(189, 247, 61)",false],[5,"ClassB6BE<int, int>::MethodCE8D",3176185490,3176185492,"\\src\\path\\8470\\cbe1.cpp::1785","rgb(82, 159, 251)",false],[4,"ClassB8A1<int, int>::MethodA2A5",3176185490,3176185494,"\\src\\path\\bd9c\\cd50.cpp::1448","rgb(155, 175, 245)",false],[3,"ClassD15E<int, int>::MethodCE91",3176185490,3176185495,"\\src\\path\\99fc\\b1dd.cpp::2263","rgb(191, 185, 10)",false],[4,"Class8042<int, int>::Method7BC6",3176185495,3176185496,"\\src\\path\\9585\\c08f.cpp::4139","rgb(93, 252, 21)",false],[3,"Class9CF3<int, int>::Method7AB0",3176185495,3176185496,"\\src\\path\\a5f5\\9893.cpp::1376","rgb(237, 133, 186)",false],[2,"ClassE5BB<int, int>::MethodC338",3176185490,3176185499,"\\src\\path\\d170\\9c4d.cpp::4807","rgb(206, 109, 247)",false],[2,"ClassE1BE<int, int>::Method7E9E",3176185499,3176185500,"\\src\\path\\de05\\dfc0.cpp::5920","rgb(192, 152, 100)",false],[6,"ClassB3F3<int, int>::MethodBAAE",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\8d68\\ce47.cpp::5282","rgb(26, 149, 153)",false],[5,"ClassE306<int, int>::MethodDCEB",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\8609\\96c2.cpp::1137","rgb(86, 188, 21)",false],[4,"Class885B<int, int>::Method89D1",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\7778\\9578.cpp::3922","rgb(235, 133, 82)",false],[3,"ClassC00B<int, int>::MethodDD1B",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\d111\\77a4.cpp::5016","rgb(82, 110, 112)",false],[2,"Class96CD<int, int>::MethodE2B7",3176185500,3176185512,"\\src\\path\\ad13\\d8c0.cpp::4433","rgb(88, 235, 145)",false],[6,"ClassBDD7<int, int>::MethodE9B9",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\da42\\7919.cpp::4955","rgb(33, 185, 2)",false],[5,"ClassDC13<int, int>::Method94CC",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\880a\\d912.cpp::1087","rgb(112, 117, 171)",false],[4,"ClassE2AC<int, int>::MethodA111",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\811b\\d2e3.cpp::2088","rgb(95, 209, 36)",false],[3,"ClassB033<int, int>::MethodBAEE",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\b936\\ca4e.cpp::5341","rgb(152, 122, 60)",false],[2,"ClassBB7F<int, int>::Method98B4",3176185512,3176185513,"\\src\\path\\c69f\\dd9e.cpp::4283","rgb(245, 103, 124)",false],[2,"Class9278<int, int>::Method8987",3176185513,3176185514,"\\src\\path\\9995\\8277.cpp::2778","rgb(153, 206, 115)",false],[1,"Class8CE9<int, int>::MethodB510",3176185479,3176185514,"\\src\\path\\a720\\77b3.cpp::4203","rgb(234, 133, 116)",false],[0,"Class8971<int, int>::MethodD47D",3176184875,3176185514,"\\src\\path\\b58a\\b863.cpp::2490","rgb(108, 167, 89)",false]]}
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
if (index % 2) {
res.set_content(content1, "application/json");
else {
res.set_content(content2, "application/json");
svr.Get(R"(/rect/(\d+)/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto index = atoi(req.matches[1].str().c_str());
auto total = atoi(req.matches[2].str().c_str());
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (total < 1) total = 1;
if (index > total) index = total;
if (one) {
std::ostringstream oss;
const auto& range = one->range();
const auto& line = one->line(0);
uint64_t ts = (range.right - range.left) * index / total + range.left;
// R"-=-=-=-()-=-=-=-"
oss << R"-=-=-=-(
oss << "\"end_time\":" << - range.bottom
<< ",\"data\":[";
int i = 0;
for (const auto& rect : one->rect(ts)) {
if (rect.right - rect.left > Config::threshold) {
if (i) oss << ",\n";
oss << "[" << rect.layer << ",\""
<< one->bt(i) << "\"," // Todo: escape
<< rect.left << ","
<< rect.right << ","
<< i << "]";
oss << "]}";
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.set_content(oss.str(), "application/json");
res.set_content("Oops~", "text/plain");
svr.Get(R"(/rect2/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
// 保证 node 节点上的大小跟 line graph 的数值相等
auto node = atoi(req.matches[1].str().c_str());
auto index = atoi(req.matches[2].str().c_str());
auto total = atoi(req.matches[3].str().c_str());
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (total < 3) total = 3;
if (index >= total) index = total - 1;
if (one) {
std::ostringstream oss;
const auto& range = one->range();
const auto& line = one->line(0);
uint64_t ts = get_ts_group_by_max(node, index, total);
// uint64_t ts = (range.right - range.left) * index / total + range.left;
// R"-=-=-=-()-=-=-=-"
oss << R"-=-=-=-(
oss << "\"end_time\":" << - range.bottom
<< ",\"data\":[";
int i = 0;
for (const auto& rect : one->rect(ts)) {
if (rect.right - rect.left > Config::threshold) {
if (i) oss << ",\n";
oss << "[" << rect.layer << ",\""
<< one->bt(i) << "\"," // Todo: escape
<< rect.left << ","
<< rect.right << ","
<< i << "]";
oss << "]}";
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.set_content(oss.str(), "application/json");
res.set_content("Oops~", "text/plain");
svr.Get(R"(/timestamp/(\d+)/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto index = atoi(req.matches[1].str().c_str());
auto total = atoi(req.matches[2].str().c_str());
if (total < 1) total = 1;
if (index > total) index = total;
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (one) {
std::ostringstream oss;
const auto& range = one->range();
uint64_t ts = (range.right - range.left) * index / total + range.left;
oss << ts;
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.set_content(oss.str(), "application/json");
res.set_content("Oops~", "text/plain");
svr.Get(R"(/delta/(\d+)/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto node = atoi(req.matches[1].str().c_str());
auto count = atoi(req.matches[2].str().c_str());
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (count <= 3) count = 3;
auto sample_count = count + 1;
if (one) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "[";
const auto& range = one->range();
const auto& line = one->line(node);
auto total = line.size();
int i = 0;
auto pp = line.begin();
int64_t val = 0, last_val = 0, candidate = 0;
LOGI << "range:" << range.left << "," << range.right
<< "; line.size: " << line.size()
<< "\n";
for (; i < sample_count && pp != line.end();) {
if (pp->first > range.hnext(sample_count, i)) {
// outside the bucket, update idx
if (i > 0) { // skip first one
oss << (val - last_val) * Config::multiplier;
if (i != sample_count - 1) {
oss << ",";
last_val = val;
else {
// in bucket, update value
// LOGI << pp->first << "," << pp->second << "\n";
val = pp->second; // rightmost
pp++; // next sample
while (i < sample_count) {
if (i > 0) { // skip first one
oss << 0;
if (i != sample_count - 1) {
oss << ",";
oss << "]";
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.set_content(oss.str(), "application/json");
res.set_content("Oops~", "text/plain");
svr.Get(R"(/line/(\d+)/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto node = atoi(req.matches[1].str().c_str());
auto count = atoi(req.matches[2].str().c_str());
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (count <= 3) count = 3;
if (one) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "[";
const auto& range = one->range();
const auto& line = one->line(node);
auto total = line.size();
int i = 0;
auto pp = line.begin();
int64_t val = 0, last_val = 0;
LOGI << "range:" << range.left << "," << range.right
<< "; line.size: " << line.size()
<< "\n";
for (; i < count && pp != line.end();) {
if (pp->first > range.hnext(count, i)) {
oss << val * Config::multiplier;
if (i != count - 1) {
oss << ",";
val = last_val;
else {
// LOGI << pp->first << "," << pp->second << "\n";
if (abs(pp->second) > abs(val)) {
val = pp->second;
last_val = pp->second;
while (i < count) {
oss << last_val * Config::multiplier;
if (i != count - 1) {
oss << ",";
oss << "]";
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.set_content(oss.str(), "application/json");
res.set_content("Oops~", "text/plain");
svr.Get(R"(/marks/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto count = atoi(req.matches[1].str().c_str());
if (count < 3) count = 3;
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (one) {
auto range = one->range();
std::ostringstream oss;
int last_idx = -1;
int i = 0;
oss << "[";
for (auto &e : one->events()) {
int idx = range.bucket(e.first, count);
if (idx != -1 && idx > last_idx) {
last_idx = idx;
if (i ++ > 0) {
oss << ",";
oss << idx;
oss << "]";
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.set_content(oss.str(), "application/json");
svr.Get(R"(/label/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+))", [&](const Request& req, Response& res) {
auto index1 = atoi(req.matches[1].str().c_str());
auto index2 = atoi(req.matches[2].str().c_str());
auto total = atoi(req.matches[3].str().c_str());
auto one = ReportManager::getInstance()->pick_one();
if (total < 1) total = 1;
if (index1 > total) index1 = total;
if (index2 > total) index2 = total;
if (index1 > index2) std::swap(index1, index2);
if (one) {
auto range = one->range();
std::ostringstream oss;
int i = 0;
oss << "[";
for (auto &e : one->events()) {
int idx = range.bucket(e.first, total);
if (idx != -1 && idx >= index1 && idx <= index2) {
if (i++ > 0) {
oss << ",";
oss << "\"" << e.second << "\"";
oss << "]";
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.set_content(oss.str(), "application/json");
// fullscreen_web_view("hello");
svr.set_mount_point("/", Config::wwwdir.c_str());
svr.listen(Config::host.c_str(), Config::port);
return 0;
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